
March 17, 2004

Keys to Victory series

And Other Jewels

By MariaMaria #649 CM/FM 3457 4/03

What It Means to Fight … and Win!

1. The Enemy fights hard! He fights dirty! There are many reasons why the Enemy fights us so relentlessly. To begin with, we're children of David, so anything he can do to derail or distract any one of us will hinder or delay the Lord's work of winning souls, getting out the Endtime message, and building our expanded Family church. The Enemy also knows that when battles are long and ongoing without much progress, it can have a negative effect on those around us who are watching our battles and lack of overcoming or progress‚ because they become weary with the constant news of attacks, which in some ways glorifies the Enemy and undermines faith.

2. In addition, whenever we give place to the Enemy through our wrong attitudes—pride‚ unyieldedness, comparing, etc.—we give him entrance to continue attacking again and again.

3. The Lord has so much work for us to do! The Family's work and influence reaches out to many spheres of society. The Lord wants to use the Family to reach souls, to win the lost, to help counsel, guide, and comfort those in need, to effect change in the world.

4. When the Enemy is able to distract even one of us enough that we're listening to him instead of to our Husband and Director, there is sometimes a significant delay in some message the Lord wants to get through to us via His voice of prophecy‚ or in some action He wants us to take. Such delays don't always cause significant damage in the Kingdom overall, but sometimes they do.

5. The Lord has told us repeatedly that there is a lot of spiritual activity at this time—and we know it's only going to increase as we approach the End. It's a time of change and movement, and there are answers, direction, insight, and counsel the Lord needs to give each of us. These play key roles in the forward progress of each Home, work, ministry, and outreach, and each of our personal lives and spiritual strength. In order to stay in step with our Husband, on the cutting edge of the spiritual and even practical advancement that He intends, each of us needs to receive up-to–date instruction and battle plans from Him.

6. The point is, when any Family member is distracted, delayed, or derailed by the Enemy's attacks, there can be loss.—Loss of understanding or lack of direction due to missing a message from the Lord, or not receiving a complete message, or some battles lost due to not being in the right place at the right time, or not being prepared for the battle. That's why the Enemy continues to attack each of us—not only to cause personal discomfort, discouragement‚ pain and harm, but also to hinder the Kingdom.

7. Each of your jobs for the Lord is important. At times the need is urgent and your part to play is crucial, and if you don't follow through with what the Lord has in mind, something is missing, and it's not okay. It's not like, "Oh well, it can be done tomorrow." There is a lack.

8. The lack is sometimes small and can be made up for in the hours or days that follow. But at other times there is a definite loss to the work in the spirit because the timing which the Lord had planned and arranged wasn't met, and the Enemy has gained the initiative, or even just gotten a stronger foothold in your mind and attitudes due to the delay of not hearing from the Lord and getting back on His channel. That's a victory for the Enemy. He's not necessarily expecting to stop the Family or the work altogether—although that would be his desire—but he's happy enough when there is a significant delay, because then he has the advantage, he takes the initiative, and he can make some "extra" progress, because the defenses that could or should be raised through our receiving the truth and our obedience to the Lord are late in coming. That is why the Enemy tries to distract us. If he can't stop us, he tries to delay us.

9. Another main reason the Enemy attacks and distracts, besides hindering the Lord's work and the Kingdom, is to discourage or wear down others. When someone is under continual attack and repeatedly communicates their battles to those around them, the effect it can have on others is to cause a sense of hopelessness or lack of faith to creep in. Such constant battles without victories can make it seem like the Lord doesn't have the power to rebuke the Enemy's forces and defeat him, or the ability to at least give us the power to rise above sufficiently. The problem is not that the Lord isn't willing to deliver the person who is under attack, but the problem is that there is something missing in the spirit that doesn't allow the person to be delivered—somewhere the person is not making the right choices, or their heart is not right with the Lord, or there is something else the Lord is waiting for in order for the victory to be gained. When you find yourself in a situation where a battle seems to be continuing, it's very important to not just keep going along business as usual, but to take the time to find out from the Lord what's happening in the spirit. What's missing? What do you need to do in order for things to be in line for the victory?

10. While rising above is a spiritual effort, and it's something that largely takes place in our minds and is mostly unseen‚ it's not a vain exercise that doesn't ever show itself. If someone is truly rising above, there is evidence; there is good fruit. Either the person is healed or delivered, or they at least receive power to be cheerful and positive in the face of affliction or difficulty‚ and remain fruitful and effective in their work and service to the Lord. They are given the strength to continue to endure and overcome victoriously, even if the battles continue.

11. It's not the Lord's will that we are so afflicted or distracted or burdened with spiritual battles and attacks that we can't do our jobs for Him. If that's happening‚ that is not rising above; that is being crushed under the attacks of the Enemy, and it's needless.

12. The Lord gives the solution in the following message, which was given for a dear girl who seemed to be nearly continually suffering from some attack of the Enemy. She suffered his attacks in various ways—she had battles with her health on many different fronts, she had a hard time focusing and being productive and efficient in her work, she struggled with a lot of loneliness and negative feelings and emotions. She wanted the victory, she was trying to make progress and obey the Lord's counsel to her, but things weren't changing. When praying for her‚ the Lord gave invaluable insight as to what she needed in order to gain the victories she wanted, and be happier. I think it will be helpful to each of you too in exposing another of the Enemy's traps that keeps us from being as effective, happy, and victorious as we can be.

13. (Jesus speaking: ) The thing My children need to realize is that talking about fighting the Enemy, recognizing the Enemy's attacks and saying you're going to fight is not the same as actually fighting. There is a moment in time when someone's attitude moves from the defensive to the offensive. Until that moment, the person isn't really fighting—he's just talking about fighting, analyzing fighting‚ thinking about fighting, or planning on fighting. To fight means a change from that defensive mentality, and it's action!

14. This dear woman, who I'm using as an example, understands the rules of war, she recognizes her enemy, she knows the heat and sting of battle, and she's proven herself willing to endure the pain of injury. But all that doesn't necessarily make her a good fighter. Someone who fights effectively is one who fights to win, one who expects the Enemy to be defeated‚ and for that defeat to be manifested in a change of circumstances, an improvement, a victory.

15. Her biggest weakness against the Enemy's attacks is her acceptance of his attacks, her expectation that he will attack her, and her familiarity with his attacks—to the point that she has grown accustomed to being under siege and she feels that's the norm, that's to be expected, that's life. She has lost sight of the fact that fighting means winning. Fighting means surcease from the battle, it means relief and deliverance—not necessarily instantaneously, or on a permanent basis, but long enough to make progress and succeed in My will.

16. She doesn't realize it, but she fights a nearly constant defensive warfare. That will not work. She must move from the defensive to the offensive!

17. She has given the Enemy entrance because her attitudes are not aggressive‚ and she has lost the faith needed to actually look for the victory with eager anticipation. According to her lack of faith it has been done unto her. She has grown to expect and accept that "the Enemy will attack." She feels that's par for the course, part of the burden she must carry, and that it's inevitable. Therefore, what she expects, she receives. And those expectations take away her faith for the victory that I want to give her.

18. That's why she gives place to the Enemy—either the discouragement, the pain, the long-term battles, the distractions, or whatever. Subconsciously, she not only expects the Enemy to attack, but she expects the battle to be long and drawn-out‚ and therefore she goes from one to another. The Enemy has seen that she's fertile soil for his dirty work, as she no longer recognizes that he has no part in her life—that she has the right and power to be rid of him. She doesn't see her negativity and wrong thought processes as being negative. She doesn't see it as a lack of faith. She sees it as being vigilant, as recognizing the Enemy's attacks.

19. Anything that glorifies the power of the Enemy is the opposite of heavenly thought power‚ and will not bring power into your life, but destruction. To partake of heavenly thought power, you must realize how weak the Enemy's power is in comparison. You must be fully persuaded that he is subject unto you and the power of the keys. You must refuse to glorify his attacks by refusing to accept them. You must go on the offensive to defeat the Enemy, knowing that victory is sure. You might not see full deliverance immediately, and you might still feel some of the "symptoms" of your battle—whether it be weariness, illness, discouragement, or whatever—but you will not be incapacitated, you will be able to move forward.

20. When one of My brides takes on heavenly thought power and focuses on the power, using the new weapons‚ there are signs following. There is progress of some kind—either physically or emotionally in such things as healing, a feeling of greater inspiration, a renewed desire to obey, or spiritually in such things as a clearer channel, more understanding of My expectations and spiritual principles, more awareness of Me in your life, greater faith, more assurance of My love and leading, etc. There is not always immediate, full deliverance when someone avails himself of heavenly thought power and focuses on the power‚ but there is some definite forward positive movement. Things do not just remain the same. If they do, then there's something missing, something wrong. There should be good fruit of some kind.

21. If My brides can understand this, there will be much more progress in their Homes, personal lives, witness‚ supply, children, ministries, and fruitfulness. They will be released from much of the Enemy's power‚ for they will come to understand how much power they have over him through their simple acts of faith, obedience, and going on the offensive! You must learn the difference between accepting the Enemy's attacks and aggressively fighting them.

22. You must learn to fight—not talk about fighting or prepare to fight, but actually go on the offensive to attack and win! The "and win" are the key words, for that's what's missing. Many of My brides expect to be attacked, expect to fight, but don't expect to win.

23. You must know that you are to be winners; that's your destiny and that's what you deserve. It's not enough to just get in the ring with the Enemy; you have to win. That's the goal. Facing the Enemy‚ recognizing the Enemy, and even being willing to fight are not enough. You must know that you can and will win! Without that last step‚ you'll be stuck in an ongoing battle, round after round, until you're beaten down and defeated.

24. So much depends on your vigilance, your personal desire and passion to change. So much depends on your understanding of the problem and receiving fully My answers. So much depends on allowing Me, through the keys, to increase your faith. (End of message from Jesus.)

25. (Mama:) Following is further instruction our Husband gave on how to know if you're actually fighting an offensive warfare:

26. (Jesus speaking:) There are ways you can check to see if you're actually fighting—not just talking about fighting, not just preparing to fight. Here is how you know you're on the attack, in aggressive warfare against the Enemy:

27.You have faith, which is knowledge without a doubt‚ that you have the power to win, through Me and the keys of the Kingdom. The key words here are to win.

28.You glorify Me in your speech, talking about My power, My promises, and the hope of victory in Me. In practical terms, that means you spend less time dwelling on the Enemy's attacks or talking about them or describing them than you spend on positive‚ faith-building affirmations of the victory. Even if you're attacking one of the Enemy's imps by name, rebuking their evil devices specifically because I've given you such insight into the spirit world, it's all for the purpose of a greater victory in overcoming the evil.

29.You claim specific key promises and say the words, "I call on the power of the keys!"

30.You put feet to your faith with forward movement, action. Much of the time, this simply means you go about your work or ministry. You have the faith that I will help you rise above to do what you need to do once you get started.

31.You hate giving the Devil the satisfaction of knowing he's stopped you or even distracted you from the priority work at hand.

32.You ask for prayer, but you also testify of the victory, even if by faith. And remember, praise is the voice of faith. I inhabit your praises and fight for you through your praises.

33.Your speech is centered around Me—My promises and power, hope, improvements (even if slight), good things that fill you and others with a feeling of well-being. Your speech is not centered around the Enemy's attacks and what they're like and how bad they are.

34.While you recognize the Devil's attacks and you know when he's fighting, you immediately do what I show you to do to move forward to the victory. I will often lead you to specific action in prayer‚ positive speech and your work.

35.You focus on the power by taking on heavenly thought power and not dwelling on the attacks. To dwell on the Enemy's power is not heavenly thought power. In fact, fearing the Enemy's power or worrying about his attacks gives place to him and displaces heavenly thought power.

36.You realize you are subject to one of two powers: the Enemy's power or My heavenly thought power. You choose Mine.

37.You know the Enemy has already been defeated by My sacrifice on the cross. You know that you will be victorious, that you will win.

38.You expect good things, improvements, and signs following. (End of message from Jesus.)

Spiritual Dependability

39. (Mama: ) One of our WS members received the following little jewel in their personal time with the Lord. It's a good reminder of how important it is to be faithful with the things the Lord asks of us—we never know how much is hinging on it or how much it will decide our future.

40. (Jesus speaking:) These moments spent with Me are essential to the miracles I want to do through you in the future. You must have a very close connection with Me‚ a good clear channel that can hear the slightest whisper. I'm tweaking your upgrades and I'm testing your equipment to make sure it's all just right. I've got to use you, it's a big part of My plan, but I have to know for certain that your equipment will be reliable and dependable and will not fail Me in the middle of an important test.

41. That's why it's so important that you take these times with Me, because they're tuning you, training you, testing you, and showing Me you're dependable—that I can depend on you to come to Me, to listen to Me, and then to follow through, whether you think it's important or a big deal or not. Whether or not you're dependable determines how much I can use you.

42. If you're very dependable, I can take you with Me everywhere and use you for any task. If you're somewhat dependable, then I can use you most of the time. But if you're a little flaky and can't be counted on to do the job right when I need it done, then I can't call on you very often and I can only use you in low-risk situations where it wouldn't be too bad if the equipment failed. But the high-risk situations and intense missions are out of the question because I don't know for sure that I can depend on you.

43. That's what I'm teaching you now: dependability in the spirit. You learn that by faithfulness in spending time with Me, and then following through on the things I show you during our time together. I'm teaching you to be responsible and reliable in the spirit so that I can depend on you and know that you will be suited to whatever task I call you for, because you will do as I ask of you. That is spiritual dependability. (End of message from Jesus)

Quietness of Spirit

44. (Jesus speaking:) In quietness and confidence shall be your strength. As you wait upon Me in the spirit‚ I am able to fill you with My strength. What does it mean to wait upon Me? It means to give Me your will and to accept Mine. Sometimes—often, in fact—you do not receive My will all at once; it's a step-by-step process. You give Me your will, but even after the initial yielding—whether it is of your plans for the day, your desires on a certain matter, your own opinions on a subject—whatever it may be, it's still a step-by–step process as you learn more and more about My will, and it requires you to give Me more and more of yours.

45. And as that process takes place, you are filled with My strength and My grace for each step. It is only when you begin to buck against My will, or insist on keeping some of yours, that you begin to feel the real pains of the battle‚ or find your strength not enough to keep up. As long as you're yielding and accepting, you'll receive the perfect grace and peace and strength and all that you need. You never lack. This is the simple principle of operating in My strength. But to do this correctly, you must be acknowledging Me at every step, listening to My instructions, so that you might know what My will is.

46. It's a three-step process. First, you humbly give Me your will; second, you ask Me what is My will; and third‚ you then ask Me for strength to do it and again take the step of acceptance and yielding. As you do these three things, My Spirit flows into you, upholding you, supporting you, giving you grace, wisdom, understanding, pure answers, and the peace in your heart that you are in My perfect will. It is a beautiful state—the state of peace with Me, peace with My Spirit. (End of message from Jesus)

The Meadow of Meditation

And Reflection

47. (Mama:) Here are some very sweet things the Lord said about resting in His arms in the "meadow of reflection." The Lord gave this message for someone who was struggling with a bad headache, but trying to press on with their work in spite of it. We probably all need this reminder from our loving Husband.

48. It's so easy to feel burdened by the work that is always with us, but when we have an affliction, often the Lord wants us to take time resting in Him and being strengthened spiritually. Of course‚ there are exceptions and times when we can't just stop, and during those times the Lord will pour out His grace abundantly.

49. But in the times when He means for us to stop—and ask for the help of others, if necessary, so that we can spend some time with Him—He won't be able to bless us with the extra strength or grace that we need if we try to press on in our own strength‚ not heeding His nudges to come into His arms for some rest and refilling.

50. (Jesus speaking:) Come‚ My darling. Come, My precious one. Take My hand. Let Me love you. Let Me give you rest. Let Me comfort you. Let Me take you away from all of this—from your work, from the burdens that weigh heavily upon you as you look about you and see work, and more work‚ and more work. You know that the business and the affairs of the Kingdom are timely and important, so you struggle and you push and you strive with so much work. But I say to you, My precious one, it is enough. Come, take My hand. Let Me lead you to a quiet place where you will find rest and comfort and peace to your weary soul.

51. You've poured forth without end‚ without measure, and still you say, "It is not enough! I must pour forth more and more, for people are hungry and thirsty." You hear their cries and you're moved with compassion and you give of yourself even to your own hurt. But now I will take you on a journey of rest, relaxation, and renewal.

52. Let Me take you away‚ My darling. I sweep you up in My arms and you feel My strength. You're able to let go of all that you're holding onto and holding up, and all the weight that you feel. You simply let it go as you rest and relax in My arms. You find reassurance that I am in control, that I do all things well, that I will cause all things to work together for good. You're again reminded that it isn't you who protects the children, it isn't you who feeds the sheep or wins the victories that are needed, but it's Me. And in this reminder you find relaxation and rest and peace of mind.

53. As I pick you up, I carry you away from your work and all that presses on you from every side. I take you to a quiet place‚ a beautiful meadow, and I lay you down on the soft grass, My arm as your pillow. You feel the warm sun upon your face. You feel the soft breeze blow through your hair. You smell the scent of lilacs, jasmine, roses, sweet peas and many heavenly flowers that you've never smelled before! And there you rest.

54. All about you is calm. There's only the sound of birds, the sound of the wind rustling the trees‚ the sound of the water in the brook, and the sound of My sweet words of love in your ear. You know that all is well, that I'm in complete control. You know that as you rest in Me and give your burdens to Me, I carry them. You cast all your cares upon Me and I carry them, for I care for you. I love you.

55. I know your deepest needs. I know your most intimate secrets. I know your every thought and desire. I know that your greatest wish is to please Me. But I also know that you must take time away from the battle, away from the pouring forth, away from the work which presses heavily upon you.

56. You must take time to rest in My meadow of reflection where you can smell the scent of My sweetness, you can feel the warmth of My love, you can feel the strength of My protection. You can hear the sounds of My Kingdom, of events that move slowly, peacefully, and rhythmically along—never too fast, never too slow, but always marching along in perfect order, perfect calm, perfect rest.

57. As you rest and relax in My arms, I touch you and caress you ever so softly. I kiss your eyes‚ I touch your cheeks, I kiss your gentle lips. My hands roam freely and gently over your entire body, and with My soft touches flow out all the tension, all the worries, all the stress, all the pressure‚ and you find complete relaxation, for you are able to trust Me. You're sensing My presence, My power, My strength.

58. As you commit all your cares, your thoughts, your plans and your programs to Me, I am able to take them and sort them out and bring out of all of this My plan, My understanding, My order, My priorities. As you seek Me and call on the keys during this time of rest and reflection and quiet prayer and total relaxation, I clarify your priorities and help you to more clearly sort those things which need your attention from those that you don't have to worry about.

59. Oh, My darling‚ take your rest. Let go of all of your burdens, all of your concerns, the nagging questions and worries that sap your strength and distract you and drain you. Let go of all of this and rest completely in My arms. Concentrate on the sunshine on your face, the elixir of Heaven that I'm pouring across your mind, your eyes, your heart, your spirit, your entire body, bringing rest and strength and renewal. Breathe deeply of My heavenly power, through which you find rest and peace and quietness.

60. You find strength, you find the answers to your questions, and you let go of your burdens, as you look deeply and intently into My eyes and you hear Me say, "Take your rest, My darling; you have done what you could, and I will do the rest. Now take your rest, My precious one. Rest from your labors‚ from your ardent lovemaking, from your much pouring forth, from your giving. Take your rest. Lie in My arms, feel My strength and warmth about you. Rest your head upon My shoulder and feel My caresses, My touches and My gentle kisses, as I kiss you to sleep ever so gently so as not to wake you or disturb your dreams."

61. You have nothing to worry about. You have no need to be in a hurry. You have no need to set any alarms or worry about the time that passes as you rest in My arms, for in this resting, you find the strength and peace and renewal that you desperately need. This, My darling, is time well spent. Whether it be an hour or two or ten, it is time well spent in My arms.

62. After you have drunk deeply of the rest and refreshing at My hand, I will wake you ever so gently with a morning kiss—a kiss of sunshine, a kiss of beauty, a kiss of refreshing, a kiss of anointing, a kiss of power, a kiss of My presence. These kisses will go with you as you return to the battle and to your much pouring forth. It is in these kisses that you will find the key to the many treasures of My Kingdom.

63. So fear not, My dear one, My precious bride and lover. Fear not to steal away with Me into the meadow of meditation and reflection where you can rest in My arms, free from worry, free from burdens‚ free from pressures, and you can feel My warmth and strength and gentle kisses. I will sing you a lullaby and beckon you ever so gently into sweet sleep, and you will find such relaxation and peace as you sense the perfect order of the universe. You will sense My power. You will know that I am in control, and you will be able to cast all your burdens upon Me, knowing that I love you, I care for you‚ and I care for My children.

64. So take your rest, My precious lover, My ardent bride. Rest from your labors and from your loving. Rest from your giving and from your pouring forth. Rest, My darling. Rest in My arms and find sweet sleep. Know that while you are resting, I am a faithful watchman and I care for everything. (End of message from Jesus)

The Sweetness of

Loving Our Husband

Will Rub Off on Others

65. (Mama:) Living communally is a test. It can be easy to let little things get on your nerves, and when that happens, life can become a real bummer, because living so closely together, there are always bound to be those "little things" that don't go as they should. Here's a beautiful message that a shepherd of a Home on the field received when they were praying about their Home and what could help solve some of the "rubs" and difficult times that some of their Home members were experiencing. It has good tips for any Home, or anyone wanting more happiness, joy and love in their life.

66. (Jesus speaking:) The first and most important key is for each member of the Home to love Me more and spend more intimate time with Me. For it is in those times with Me that I will pour out My blessings and I will speak words of love and comfort and encouragement that will lift their spirits. They will be as a rose that carries the sweet fragrance of My Spirit throughout the day, and those around them will know that they have been with Me.

67. This must be the first step, for unless each of My brides yields to Me in the bed of love and lets Me love them and fill them with My life–changing seeds, all the programs and pushes and sermons in the world won't make a difference. There must first be this yieldedness on each one's part, and then I will do the rest, and it will flow with effortless ease.

68. There are different things you can do to encourage more of this atmosphere of loving Me in the Home. I'll give you a list.

*Read Word together about the advantages of loving Me intimately and having a relationship with Me.

*Schedule some inspirations where you love Me together with songs and words of praise.

*Ask everyone to ask Me what they can do to be more intimate with Me.

*Once everyone has heard from Me about this question, schedule a time together to share what I gave to each one.

*Take time with different people to love Me together, whether it be by having a prayer vigil together, reading My Word together, or even just going for a walk together. Ask Me how you can best do this with those you live and work with, and I will give you specific instruction.

*Have regular activities together as a Home where you can just have fun together‚ and get to know each other. (See "Have Fun with Jesus" for some ideas—ML #3437, GN 1020.)

*Ask Me together as a Home what you can do to have a higher level of inspiration in the Home, and I will speak to you and give you many more ideas and ways of helping each other to rise above.

69. It won't be easy to put some of these things into action, but as you take steps in this direction, I will work in all of your hearts and cause their outer shells to fall off, and bring more loving interaction into the Home. As you turn up the light in this area of the Home, the darkness and the ways of the flesh will disappear, and more of My Spirit will rule and reign in the hearts of My children. (End of message from Jesus)

Enhance Your Efforts!

70. (Mama: ) One of our women received the following message when she asked the Lord for a confirmation on a new exercise routine she was trying for her get-out time. The Lord answered her not just about her exercise question, but with a concise version of a very important lesson—something He's trying to impress on us just about every time we ask Him about something.

71. (Jesus speaking:) Thank you for coming to Me, My love, and asking My advice, not just leaning to the wisdom and opinions of man. Even if you're getting the right counsel, that's not the whole point. In order to have the full blessing and get the right results‚ you need to come to Me, to get My confirmation and additional insight and promises. That's very important, because even if you get the right counsel and essentially are going in the right direction by following the counsel of man, without acknowledging Me and getting My promises and My nod on your program‚ I cannot give you My full blessing and the full benefits of whatever new change or obedience you bring into your life.

72. For example, if you start a new exercise program and it's good for your body type and you've decided on the right time of day, the right length of workout, the right weight of hand or leg weights, etc., but you don't seek My approval and confirmation and help, then you won't receive the full benefit.

73. But when you come to Me, I can enhance your efforts. I can bless them beyond human capacity, and then you really reap fast and full results. If you do it just because it's what seems right to you, even if it is the right thing, you will lose a little of what you could have gained if you had stopped to ask for My counsel, because you're operating more in the realm of man, of human limitations. But when you have My approval, confirmation, additional insight and "tweaking" of your plans, then you can really go to town!

74. Even if I don't lead you to make any significant changes to your plans, program, diet, or whatever the new initiative is in your life when you ask Me about it, you will still benefit by My blessing your efforts and causing them to be more productive, or to bring forth results more quickly, or to even be easier, faster, and more consistent.

75. This principle can apply to everything in life—your personal endeavors, interpersonal relations, spiritual goals and progress‚ and your work and ministry. It always pays to ask Me and seek My counsel, even if you're very sure you're going in the right direction, because there are benefits in the spirit that you don't see and aren't always aware of; but without those benefits, you'd certainly notice that things would progress and improve much more slowly. (End of message from Jesus.)

Don't Be Ashamed of

Needing to Be Cleansed!

76. (Mama: ) The Enemy is trying hard to stop each of us in our service for the Lord. One tactic that he often uses these days is that when former member friends or loved ones share their doubts or bitterness, he goes to work to try to use those things to make you lose faith or doubt your beliefs, or cast doubt on leadership or the Word. It's an attack of the Enemy, pure and simple. At the same time, the Enemy will try to make you feel guilty for being affected by the things you've heard. He'll condemn you and tell you that it's because you're weak or sinful or that in some way it's your fault.

77. Of course, if you disobeyed the Lord or willfully took in the negative input when you didn't have to, then that's something you need to ask the Lord's forgiveness for, and the road back to being strengthened might not be as easy. But whatever the case, the Lord loves you and wants to cleanse and strengthen you—so don't listen to the Enemy when he tries to keep you from sharing your heart, asking for prayer, and taking the extra time with the Lord that you need.

78. If you listen to his lies and hold it all in or try to pretend it doesn't exist, you'll be weakened for sure‚ and there's nothing anyone can do to help you. But if you resist the Enemy and ask for prayer, share your heart with your shepherds, and take the time in the Word that you need, the Lord will cleanse you and strengthen you, and you'll become stronger than ever. Don't fall for the Enemy's tricks!

79. The following message was received for someone who found themselves in that situation. They needed cleansing after being around loved ones who had doubts, after hearing all that they had to say, but the Enemy was making them feel guilty and embarrassed about it. I pray it's an encouragement to those of you who find yourself in similar situations—which will probably be each of us at some time or another.

80. None of us, not even the strongest, are immune to the Enemy's attacks! But the test of true strength is being willing to humble yourself and ask for help, knowing that while the Enemy's attacks can be stronger than you are, they're not stronger than your wonderful Husband and the support and prayers of your mates and loved ones.

81. (Jesus speaking:) Don't fret for your feelings, for the tempest that rages in your heart, for your emotions and fears and worries. This is a natural byproduct of your situation. If you travel into a muddy land, it stands to reason that you will come back a bit dirtied up. This isn't a reason to be ashamed. It's not a sign of weakness; it's just a fact of life. Knowing this, you'll want to take extra time with Me now. You'll need lots of time bathing and refilling and strengthening yourself with My pure and cleansing Words. This will bring you right back into full swing, in tiptop shape again.

82. People are very mistaken when they feel it's wrong to have gotten dirtied with the Enemy's lies or temptations, whatever they might be. They feel guilty and as though it is through some fault of their own that they feel weak, or doubting‚ or worried, or fearful, or whatever the case may be. And then because they feel ashamed, they hide these doubts and weaknesses‚ and because they hide them they try to pretend—even to themselves—that they don't exist. And because they're pretending they're not there, they don't take the proper time to tend to and take care of them, to get them rooted out and cleansed with the scrub brush of My Word and pure voice of prophecy. And because these little things are not tended to‚ they then fester and infect and pollute in a greater way than was ever necessary had they been gotten rid of when they were just a clump of dirt on the skin.

83. So, knowing this common device of the Evil One, let My Spirit wash you. Let your own spirit rest from the fight and let Me minister to you. Spend time loving Me. Let Me show you how much I love you. Let Me whisper in your ears of the sweet glories to come, of all that I want to do for and with and through you. There is so much more ahead, far beyond your wildest dreams! So take My hand and let Me lead you there, hand in hand together, you and I. I love you‚ and I will never leave you. You are Mine forever. (End of message from Jesus.)

Text box:

84. (Jesus speaking: ) My loves, let Me also remind you of one other very important thing you can and should do to be cleansed, and that is to ask for prayer from your shepherds, and be open to counseling. Often when you've been muddied spiritually, your perspective isn't as clear, and it really helps to not only let Me speak to you, but also to talk about it with those who are strong and can help remind you of things which are true, and help bring things back into perspective.

85. So don't be too proud to take advantage of this support system I've provided for you. Ask for prayer from those who are strong in Me. Don't simply default to your friends. Go to those who are strong in My Word, and who can help you be strengthened too. Don't be afraid to show them that you've gotten dirty‚ because they can help you to get washed up and cleansed. Maybe they'll have some ideas of things you can read from My Word, or at least they can pray with you and for you, and that spiritual reinforcement will make your cleansing and strengthening process quicker and easier. (End of message from Jesus)

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As You Give,

You Receive from Me…

86. (Mama:) As we give to the Lord, He gives us so much more in return.

87. (Jesus speaking:) As you spend time in My temple, I refresh your spirit. As you kiss Me, I fill your mouth with good things. As you lie in My arms like a little child, I comfort you and refill your love cup. As you take time to hear My voice, I renew you and give you clarity of vision.

88. As you take time in My Word, I strengthen you for the battle. As you take time to love others, I pour into you and renew your happiness and satisfaction. As you obey My checks to do the humble thing, I fill you with peace and sweet contentment. As you work to get out My Words to the hungry‚ I reward you and give you all that you need. As you pray for others, I pour down My blessings upon them and upon you. As you praise Me, I help you to see things more as I see them.

89. You see? You give to Me, and I give back to you much more in return—those things which money cannot buy, which works cannot gain‚ which striving cannot bring. These are gifts of My love and My Spirit which are only received through giving—giving of yourself to Me, obedience to My Spirit‚ and doing that which I ask of you. (End of message from Jesus)

Copyright © 2003 by The Family

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