Postcards from Ho and from Ruthie

Ruthie, Hosea
June 2, 2003

12/80DO 952-10


Dear Dad & family,

GBY! GIJN! The flight back to H.K. was good after some delays in Luxembourg because of snow. On arrival Ruthie & I spent the first night in a hotel. We went over the RDs & phone call, etc., & had prayer & fasting on Sunday Fellowship Day.

THEN WE MET WITH ESTHER & TOLD HER THE MESSAGES FOR HER. She said she wants to stay‚ change, repent & obey. It was a first step with many more to go. GHH! We want to follow & obey. Now Ruthie & I are writing detailed reports on our reactions etc. to all the RDs & messages. With love & thanks & prayer, Ho OXOX



Dearest Dad & Maria,

GBY! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Thank you for your messages & phone call with Ho & all the truth, every word, & the very serious warnings. Ho returned on schedule on the 6th at 8:30 PM. He & I stayed at the YMCA & shared & read most of the night.

THE NEXT DAY, SUNDAY THE 7TH‚ WE FASTED & PRAYED, read & talked & I listened to your phone call. Oh Dad‚ it was so so true, & I thank you & love you & Maria for every word! There are many points I still need to cover with Ho & we all need to write.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE & ENCOURAGING WORDS TO ME TOO—I want you to know I'm still on your hook & line & am standing with you. I love Ho & want him & Esther to come back all the way—& stay in the fold. If not, you reel me back in, my job here would be finished. If Ho obeys I'll "shtick"! Amen!

MY FULL REACTION & CONFESSIONS TO THE LETTERS & CALL & ABOUT HO'S RETURN I'll write out from my notes of the past two days, & also I'll be typing up the notes from our first session dealing with Esther which we had last night. She was very shook up by the full truth & relieved to finally hear it would be tolerated no more! We had prayer, verses & communion after. She'll be reading more & hearing more tonight—& we'll only need to see how she receives it, changes & lives it!—Or else! PTL! Pray for us all, especially Ho! Thank you! ILYSM! Yours always‚—Ruthie XOXOXOX

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