Helpers and Hinderers--Part 2

May 30, 2006

Table of Contents

GN 1176 FD/MM/FM

By Maria 3597 2/06

Note: Due to the nature of the picture in this GN, we ask that you parents and shepherds please keep it out of reach of the younger children. Thanks!

Dearest Family‚

1. I love you very much. I'm thrilled to be able to share with you more information from our Husband about the spirit world. The more we get into the spirit world and study the information the Lord gives us, the more I realize how vast and mysterious it really is. I think that is one of the very most important things to keep in mind as you study and absorb the information about the various spiritual entities—that we know so little compared to what's out there!

2. When scientists discover a new planet or comet, or even something as small as a new strain of bacteria‚ they start with its discovery—which is like when the Lord reveals something to us. Then they start to study it, which is like us asking questions or starting to use it more. They little by little learn more and more‚ and sometimes they reach a point where they feel they know enough to draw a conclusion. Sometimes those conclusions "stick," and are proven true even years later. Other times, with time and further experience and study, they realize that they were seeing only a very small part of the picture or just some of the facts‚ and so their conclusion changes.

3. Sometimes when we receive some information about the spirit world or a helper or hinderer, we might assume that that's a big piece of the picture, but in reality that may be only one of many things that this certain spirit helper or hinderer does or is. Other times we might later come to realize that that is their primary ministry or goal. Even so, there's more to learn about how they interact with others in the same field of expertise, how they work, who they target or help‚ and so on.

4. So in studying our helpers and hinderers and applying that knowledge to your life‚ stay flexible! It's one of those topics that we're going to be learning more about forever—literally! And once we get to Heaven we'll have a much, much better understanding of how it all works than we do now. That's not to keep you from learning it now; to the contrary, we should try to learn it the best we can, and use the information we have all we can, because even if we don't know it all, what we do know will help us. But we shouldn't get stuck on a point or box ourselves in, because that will only serve to get us confused or bothered when things turn out to be different than we thought, because we were only seeing one small part of the picture.

5. One very interesting topic having to do with our helpers and hinderers is the question of how one spirit helper could be helping all of us. We know that only God is omniscient and omnipresent. So how does this work?

6. (Jesus:) This is an excellent example of how vast and intricate the world of the spirit is. To this one question there are many answers. I'll give you a few, just to show you that there are many different ways that it could and does work, in different instances.

7. —Sometimes I reveal to you one spirit helper or demon, and they have many who work under them. Sometimes I tell you this from the start. Other times I don't mention this, but it's still true and a part of their power and influence. For example, consider Shadow and his band. Shadow is the one you call on‚ and he has many who work with him and for him who have his same power. So when you call on Shadow, you are calling on his band. Thus he is able to stick to the former member you are asking for his help with. If he were only one entity, he wouldn't be able to do that or he'd have to be omnipresent. This is also the case with certain hinderers. I reveal the name of the "major," the leader of the band, and in rebuking them, you rebuke their imps who are under their command.

8. —Another point to consider is that spirit beings, angels and demons are not bound by time and space like you are. So while they can't generally be in more than one place, they can move very quickly from one to the other. And because they are in a different dimension than you are, one in which time works differently, it seems to you like they're in more than one place at once.

9. —There's the example I gave you about your Father David and how he can help more than one person at once, simply through his heavenly communication center, where he is tuned in to many of you and your needs at once, and can pick up "the heavenly telephone" and speak to you as if he were right there by your side.

10. —There's also the example I gave of the Custodians (ML #3476:7-18, GN 1063), who have special powers and can be aware of the needs of many—all who call on them or might need them—and then can directly send aid or alert Me to those who need help. In this way it's almost like they're everywhere at once, but they're not.

11. Those are just a few examples of how things work in the spirit world—often very differently than they do in your physical world. One day you'll understand better, but for now, the realm of the spirit is so vast that it could never fit into your carnal mind. It's one of those things you just have to take by faith and know that "it works," and trust that in time you'll see and understand more. In the meantime, I'll tell you what you need to know in order to be safe, protected, and have the help you need. I love you! (End of message.)

The Spirits of Death

12. (Mama:) The first exposé of this GN is a rather intense one. This is a band of evil spirits that aren't pleasant to read about, but you're going to be so thankful that you know about them and can rebuke them by name and fight for your loved ones in this way.

13. This is information from the Lord about a band of demons called the Spirits of Death. And thank the Lord, He has also revealed two bands of heavenly warrior angels who we can call on to do battle for us against these evil spirits—called the Wings of Heaven, and the Spirit of Youth and his band.

14. As you know, God loves life! He loves creating babies, doing miracles of healing, and saving souls. Everything to do with preserving and protecting life pleases Him. He abhors war, abortion, murder‚ violence, and the evils of man that bring premature death. Jesus came to Earth and suffered tremendously so that we could receive eternal life in Heaven—and not only that, but so we could claim healing for our physical minds and bodies through His stripes (Isa.53:5). I can only imagine how grieved the Lord, our Husband and the Creator of the Universe, must be when He looks at how wicked this world has become, and how much unnecessary death and destruction man has brought upon himself.

15. Satan, on the other hand, loves to cause suffering, pain, and death. I think we sometimes forget that he not only wants to keep souls captive, without ever knowing our Savior's love, but he also wants to hurt their physical bodies, and ours too. He works to cause pain and death and destruction in both realms.

16. These Spirits of Death are an active band of demons that we need to be aware of and be praying against. Their desire is to cause and perpetrate death—through suicide, eating disorders, unhealthy living, abortion‚ murder, despair and giving up on life. The Lord has revealed their workings because He wants us to be aware of them and fight them in the spirit. He has revealed the spiritual warriors we can call on to defend ourselves, and I pray that it will be a great encouragement to you to be able to see more clearly what is behind these things in the spiritual realm, and how you can fight effectively.

17. The Lord wants us to pray not only for our Family young people and fellow disciples and co-workers, but also for those who are no longer with us but were raised in the Family, as well as all the Lord's children in the world—including those who don't know Him personally yet. The Enemy targets our former members intensely, and in some ways they are easier prey because they are not in the supportive atmosphere of our loving Homes‚ and in many cases have let their spiritual guards down completely, or have made wrong decisions which have let the Enemy in.

18. (Jesus: ) As I am the great Spirit of Life‚ so is the Enemy the spirit of death. He is the opposite of all that I am. Within his realm, there are many spirits who work under him in the realm of death. The Spirits of Death have been around since the beginning of the dark world, and they are active and aggressive in their attempts to destroy life throughout the world. But in recent times they have begun to intensely target the youth of the children of David.

19. If you stop to think about the last few years, you will realize that these demons have indeed been attacking like never before. Never before have you seen the kind of accidents, eating disorders, intense battles for life, and the like, as you have in recent years—both in the world‚ as well as within the Family, as well as among your ex-member youth. And never before have you, or those in the world, seen young people so intensely attacked with thoughts of wanting, desiring, and hoping for death—those battling hopelessness, negativity, depression, bulimia‚ anorexia, suicide‚ and others of the Enemy's attacks.

In England, for example, news articles point out that "Up to 20% of children and young adults suffer from some form of mental distress, from depression to eating disorders," says [a] British Medical Association report. "Some will harm themselves. This is more common among adolescent girls, but is increasing in boys, too."

A report in Britain's Guardian newspaper says: "At any time 120 million people experience the lethargy, constant sadness and recurrent thoughts of death that are symptoms of depression, according to the World Health Organization.

"Depression is now the world's fourth leading cause of 'disease burden'—the time spent by humans living with a given disability or sickness.

"If current trends continue, by 2020 depression will be the first cause of disease burden worldwide, and in the developed world will be second only to heart disease," said Professor Terrie Moffitt.

According to a report in a U.S. paper, "Teen suicides have tripled in the past 40 years and are now the third leading cause of teen deaths. Suicides are a problem with increasingly younger children. Just in the past 20 years, rates have doubled among 10- to 14-year olds, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Suicide claims the lives of more than 5,000 teenagers every year, according to the American Psychiatric Association. For every teen who commits suicide, another 400 attempt it and 100 require medical care."

Editor: For that matter‚ millions of young people in the western world take Prozac or some sort of anti-depressant drug every day just to be able to function—and even then they don't function very well. Most of the bloodiest school shootings in the past several years, like Columbine high school in the U.S., have been committed by young people who were already on anti-depressant drugs.

20. The Spirits of Death attack both the spiritual body and the physical body. They will fight to kill either. And their tactics are numerous. Some will attack when the walls of personal defenses are down, through accidents, sicknesses, and the like. Some will attack in the mind, trying to get the young person to desire death. Some will attack through unguarded moments. And yet others will attack through trying to bring death to the spirit, or death to the mind.

21. My brides know that I love life. I created life, I nurture life, and sometimes they take the beauty of life for granted—thinking it is something they will always have, something that is always theirs no matter how negligent they are in their care of it. But in the days to come, with the Spirits of Death attacking in full force, you must be vigilant for your spiritual and physical lives.

22. My young people must be aware that the Spirits of Death roam about and are targeting them. This is not to worry or scare them, but so that they can be on guard and knowledgeable. In these days it is much more dangerous to wander outside of the charmed circle of My protection than it was in the past, for once someone is outside of the ring of My Spirit, they are easy prey for the Enemy's attacks—and often these attacks, especially on the youth, will be in the form of attacks from the Spirits of Death.

23. This is not to say that death is to be feared, or that any time one of My children dies that it is as a result of these evil spirits. Sometimes it is My highest will for one of My children to join Me in the realm of the spirit, because it's their time to come Home. But regardless of whether or not it's My will, when death occurs I always bring the victory one way or the other.

24. But My children must be more vigilant and sober and on guard, because the Enemy is on the warpath—not just spiritually, but physically as well. The Spirits of Death won't hesitate to strike at one of My children when they are outside of the circle of My protection, and they will try to cause pain‚ death, and destruction.

25. This means that normal everyday things should not be taken for granted. Health and disease-free bodies should not be taken for granted, but you must raise a protective force field against the Enemy's attacks through obedience to My health rules and through living as I have instructed you to, doing your best to care for My temple. Driving and traveling in vehicles of any kind should be taken seriously‚ so that each trip is within My will‚ and so that full protection is afforded My traveling brides. Recreational activities and other sports and endeavors that put My children at risk of accidents must be prayed through thoroughly, confirmed by Me, and not engaged in carelessly.

26. My young people must also no longer take the attacks or thoughts of suicide lightly, because in the days to come, the Spirits of Death will have more power to attack those who yield to these thoughts and feelings of the Enemy and push them over the edge.

27. The Spirits of Death roam about, always looking for a way to destroy life. This is not to bring fear or worry to the hearts of My children, but to remind them of the spiritual warfare that is ever present. To be forewarned is to be forearmed, and when you are within My will, abiding in My protection, and remaining on guard, safety is assured. (End of message.)

28. (Jesus: ) The Spirits of Death are major demons. They are behind much of the hurt and suffering and physical death from avoidable causes that happen in the world today. However‚ they especially target Family young people, because Family young people have the potential to do so much good, and they also target any young people of faith in the world. While they are active all over the world and cause so much pain and destruction, I want you to be aware that they especially target you who have committed to helping others—because if they can take you out, they can hurt many in one shot.

29. They cause thoughts of hurt, pain‚ suicide, of being unloved or unworthy of love. They try to tempt people to hurt themselves or others. They hate life and they hate young people. They are aggressive and are behind war, violence of all sorts, torture, and abortion.

30. They instill thoughts of wanting revenge, thoughts of longing for death. They attack with bulimia and anorexia. They harden your spirit to the beauty of life so that you take My precious gift of life for granted‚ thinking that nothing will ever happen to you no matter how careless or negligent you are to take care of your body, mind, and spirit.

31. They attack with depression or worthlessness and try to kill you through taking away your desire to live. They try to get you to accept something under par or inferior, such as letting you fight for victory and freedom in your life only up to a point, then telling you that's enough and you don't need to fight further. When you stop fighting, you lose the ground you gained and sink into depression, lack of motivation, feeling needy and in a weakened state of mind. They want you to cave in and make you think that you're a problem, and that the best solution is to "remove the problem" so that others aren't bothered by you anymore.

32. They attack your mind with false logic and make it sound believable. They fire arrows of self-pity and jealousy and try to persuade you to put your will above My will. They subtly discourage with their deceit and distorted outlook and lead you to believe that your suffering is the result of life itself and because of the struggles you face. They torment you with fear and guilt and revenge, and then condemn you for it.

33. They cause you to fear the opinions of man, to focus on self and how you look in order to please man rather than Me. They will use any interest in the dark side to the maximum to hurt you, any eating disorder or drug use to destroy your body, any negative thinking to make you sink into the pit of depression, any dangerous activities to open the door to injury or death.

34. They use self-righteousness and criticalness to destroy faith. They work through false religions that promote self-works, a self-made standard, pride, and self–honor. They drive many in the world to death through feeling like they are a burden on others, not strong enough, not good enough to live. They work on your mind to condition it with their lies. Fight with prayer, praise, and the power of the keys of restoration to drive them away. If you don't believe their lies, they have no power over you.

35. Other bands of demons also belong to the Spirits of Death:

1) The demons of depression belong to the Spirits of Death. They promote self-hatred and hatred toward others. They judge harshly and spread hopelessness. Lucerne is your powerful and mighty help in this battle. When you call for him and work with him, you will feel the difference and relief in the battle.

2) Kamikaze spirits belong to the Spirits of Death. They attack with suicidal thoughts and actions, and then seek to cast the blame on others, on loved ones. Pray for the protection of your loved ones, former members, and all My children, from these demons of death and destruction. Claim the keys of protection and deliverance from evil.

3) The demons of despair are a band of the Spirits of Death. Their goal is to destroy usefulness to Me. Their greatest tool is depression and despair. Their focus is on My young people‚ both current and former Family young people.

4) The Band of Dare also belongs to the Spirits of Death. Their goal is to try to persuade you to take foolish chances.

5) The demon Set works closely with the Spirits of Death who are behind sickness. Their goal is to weaken your body and eliminate you from this life entirely. One of their main tactics is promoting the attitude that you are strong enough and don't need to take care of your body. (End of message.)

In summary:

36. (Jesus:) The Spirits of Death target many‚ but they intensely target the young people of the children of David‚ because each of you has the potential to cause so much loss to the Devil's kingdom. The Spirits of Death try to destroy your usefulness to Me, or cause the end of your physical life.

The Wings of Heaven!

37. (Vision:) I can see through the clouds, up into a clear sky filled with stars. Now I'm up in the stars looking down on a night sky. It's so peaceful, calm and beautiful. I see small bands of spirit beings moving quickly here and there. One person in particular with a cape or cloak on comes shooting through the levels of transparent clouds.

38. There is no fear here in this part of the high heavens‚ no evil or danger, only peace and rest. Even though there is activity, in this dimension there is only faith and total trust in Him. Faith is very strong in this realm. We on Earth are so limited in our knowledge of what the full dimension of faith is. Here it is an alive and moving energy that is part of everyone's spirits.

39. These beings seem to have important things to take care of, and I notice that they're always on guard. They're always checking things out while they talk. They notice certain types of activity that pertain to their job, both good and bad. They are all strong young people, well-built, and they all have capes—white capes that can catch air. They use this to maneuver at high speed.

40. They also have winged horses. The closest thing I can compare them to are the crusaders of old, but without all the heavy metal gear—just the horses and white cloaks. All they need are their cloaks and the wind that carries them‚ and they travel quickly on these flying horses. I recall one of them having a helmet; he seemed like a leader, and he had a set of wings etched on either side of his close-fitting helmet.

41. (Jesus: ) These heavenly creatures and spirit beings together make up the Wings of Heaven. I love watching them wage war. These are the spirits who war against the Spirits of Death. I have given these Wings unto the youth of Heaven that they may defend My devoted youth on Earth. Because of their great speed and the need to maneuver in times of battle, it takes much training to know how to handle their power. I give great power to the Wings of Heaven so that they may ride hard—some at lightning speed. They are ready at all times to go, to fly, to conquer.

42. The job they do is unique. These horses of Heaven work in unity with their riders. Some of these trained youth of Heaven even go into the deep, dark chambers of the camp of the Enemy as spies. At these times they do not always take their "wings" or horses with them as they journey into the lower places of the Enemy's courts. They infiltrate and spy on the plans and workings of the evil forces who try to defeat My young people. This means going into the lower levels of the netherworld to get the proper information so they may prepare their own troops for his plans and strategies.

43. This special force is able, yet need My explicit permission, to go through these levels of the netherworld. They are as fountains of life. The spirit of life is the force that keeps them in times of danger and helps them to keep the flame of life alive.

44. Their faith and determination keeps them strong daily. Faith is more than just simple trust; it is a living and powerful energy that aids in your learning of My spiritual principles while on Earth. Faith pulls you from one level of understanding to new revelations of truth.

45. As they ride at your command‚ they are able to whip the creatures of the underworld with one stroke. One thought and the demons tumble down to the levels underneath.

46. The Wings of Heaven are energetic and lively! They can beat these demons, and they continue to do so daily. They have been prepared to wage war against the enemies of life and truth. They are ready and are on the go. The flame of life is in their breath. They can breathe life and hope into you.

47. You will call heavily on these in times of great tribulation, for you will need to bring back the dead or those who are on the verge of passing on. If it is My will, I will take them; but when it is not yet someone's time‚ you can call on the Wings of Heaven to revive them and to breathe the breath of life into them, and they will ride to aid you. (End of message.)

In summary:

48. (Jesus:) The Wings of Heaven are My heavenly army of youth, commissioned to protect My young people on Earth from the Spirits of Death. They ride with the speed of light on winged horses. They warn you of the Enemy's plans when you ask them to speak to you. They protect and support those who have stumbled.

49. Say, "I call on my peers in Heaven to fight for me and to destroy this attack of the Spirits of Death on my mind." "Turn your firepower on Satan right now and destroy his voice in my head!" "Deliver me from this attack and carry me into the heavenlies of peace and calm and of a sound mind." "Help me to keep fighting, no matter how long and how difficult." "Speak to me and show me how to fight this attack of Satan."

50. Don't wait until you're attacked by the Enemy, but ask the Wings of Heaven to speak to you and show you how to preempt the Enemy's attacks. They will fly to your side immediately and their horses' hooves will stamp the work of the Enemy to bits.

The Spirit of Youth!

51. (Spirit of Youth: ) I am the Spirit of Youth. I come with all the traits of youth‚ and most importantly life, conviction, freedom, challenge, change, and energy. I am willing to use my strength on anything or any one that may try to claw at the souls of the youth of this Family.

52. My Lord is ever faithful to care for His flock. In His care He has given you me and my "army of life" to fight against the Spirits of Death.

53. I have been given the gift of the breath of life to be used in dire need. I can use it when needed for one who has reached up and called on the keys of life, or when you are praying for an absent loved one. As they reach up, or you reach up on their behalf, I breathe into them the spirit of life.

54. At that time they must make the decision to never again return to the state that brought them so close to losing their life.

55. (Jesus:) The Spirit of Youth and his band are My trained army to fight the Spirits of Death. They bring life, conviction, freedom, challenge, change, energy and protection of My Family youth.

56. They hold the breath of life and will minister a portion of it to anyone in need, including loved ones that you pray for. They are limited by your prayers; they can only fight if you pray and call on their help. You can ask them to speak to you in prophecy and to show you what you personally need to do to avail yourself of their help.

57. The Spirit of Youth is an expert trainer in matters of strategy and tactics, not only Mine but also the Enemy's, and will help you to see the Enemy's ploys for what they are. He and his band remind you of My Word to help you to fight back. They protect you. They understand young people. They have the wisdom to channel the energy of young people positively in engaging evil rather than letting their energy run out of control.

58. They focus on the thrill of wreaking havoc on Satan. They will train you to defeat the Spirits of Death through My Word and through the voice of prophecy speaking to you. They will give you solutions to your problems.

59. The Spirit of Youth and the Wings of Heaven are separate bands, but they work together. Their goal is to help Family young people, and they fight and defeat the Spirits of Death.

60. Obedience in caring for your mind, body, and spirit keeps the Lord's force field of protection strong, and is vital in staying protected and free from attacks of the Spirits of Death. (End of message.)

In summary:

61. The Spirit of Youth and his band are an "army of life" whose goal is to help Family young people. They can breathe new life into those who are in need, and they work together with the Wings of Heaven to fight the Spirits of Death.

Practical steps for fighting an attack from the Spirits of Death

62. (Mama: ) The Spirits of Death are from the spiritual realm, but their attacks are often very physical, or manifested in the physical. The Lord gave a list of tips for fighting back with practical, physical actions when you or one of your loved ones is under attack.

63. (Jesus:) One of the tactics of these spirits is to enhance a feeling of uselessness, like there is no need for you and nothing valuable that you can contribute. So a good way to combat them on a physical level is to set a goal and start a project—something useful and valuable. Do not quit your work for Me. Do not try to sleep off their attack by sleeping a lot. Do not fall for the Enemy's trick that having lots of time to yourself will help. Get busy in constructive ways.

64. Only extra time with Me and My Word‚ or time you spend helping others, will help you—not time that you spend in self-analysis or doing nothing in particular. Idleness is the Devil's workshop, and he will work your mind over until you are confused and depressed about just about everything. You must fight the Spirits of Death with full-fledged positive actions, thoughts, and words.

65. When you're really hit with these things‚ you have to get busy. Do things for others. Pour into the children. Have lots of company and fellowship. You need to get busy with positive activities that will take your mind off the lies that the Enemy is feeding you.

66. You also need force-feeding of the Word when you are fighting these rough battles. One of the best ways to do this is by auditory input—Scripture tapes‚ reading of appropriate Letters, Mama's quotes, Dad's hymns, etc. When you're reading to yourself, it can be easy for your mind to wander or for you to tune out; but if you're hearing it, it holds your attention better. Hearing it out loud will help your mind to be conscious of My Spirit and to reject the Enemy's voice. You should try to have as much auditory Word time as you can in order to drown out the negative. Do whatever it takes to push the Enemy out. Surround yourself with audible Word in the form of any of the Family pubs, Family music, key promises, or the Bible.

67. Take a personal stand against these foul Spirits of Death! Tell yourself and others that you want life. Fight, even if you feel hopeless. Testify to those around you‚ possibly at united prayer times or other Home meetings where you can ask for prayer, that you are taking a stand to live for Me in spite of the attacks of the Enemy; that you know I have a plan and a purpose for you and you are going for it. The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity (Pro.18:14), and if you can commit to living for Me‚ you will pull through.

68. Take a stand of faith. Say, "I want to live for Jesus!" These are powerful words because you are confessing that your life belongs to Me and that I'm the One Who is in control of it. When you testify that you want to keep going for Me, then I am duty-bound to intervene and rescue you.

69. Think about what you want, not what you don't want. Think about life and the victory. Think about all the good that will come of your service to Me. Think about those who will be eternally grateful and indebted to you because you rescued them, and you were able to do so because you continued to live for Me and made those big sacrifices. Concentrate on living. The spirit of a man sustains him.

70. Choose one key to stand on, or one verse, one powerful quote. This will make it easier for you to pull out your Word weapon on the spur of the moment whenever you need it without wondering which promise to apply.

71. For example, here are some new specific keys you can choose from:

72. Call on the power of the keys of courage and they will give you the strength to go on living for Me.

73. The Spirits of Death are forced to flee at the blinding light of My keys. There is no way out for them. They must flee at the first sign of the keys, or be destroyed.

74. The keys of duty will help you to guard your life for the purpose for which I created it, and not throw it away due to the lies of the Enemy.

75. The keys of the Kingdom are like the sun piercing through dark storm clouds. It takes time to evaporate the stormy fog, but it will happen. The scorching heat from the keys will dispel the mist and bring sunshine to your life again.

76. The Spirits of Death will fall and be driven back when you wield the power of the keys. Spirit help and ministering angels rush to your side at the call of your key–empowered prayers. Victory is close at hand when you seize the keys.

Important things others can do to help when a loved one is battling

77. * Be careful to avoid a spirit of condescension or condemnation. Your loved one under attack already feels a lot of that spirit from the Enemy. Ask Me to prevent you from taking on any negative attitudes that will discourage your loved one and work against you. Your loved one may have let the Enemy in, but remind yourself of all the ways you have gotten out of My will or let the Enemy into your life at times, and it will help you to have a humble spirit. Your loved one needs your unconditional love, patience, and faith that the battle will be won.

78. * Help them to make a declaration of faith to live. If they can simply declare, "I want to live for Jesus," these words will work to drive the Spirits of Death away. That declaration of faith, out loud, is vital.

79. * Find a project they can sink their teeth into—not just something to fill their time and "keep them busy‚" but something they are gifted in and which will be a valuable contribution to your Home or area.

80. * Provide the kind of fellowship they need, such as people to have Word time with, to pray with‚ to talk to, do activities with, even someone to sleep over with if needed. Minimize the time they spend alone when the Enemy can attack them more easily.

81. * Seek Me for interesting Word studies and topics that you can suggest they read, or that you can read together.

82. * When the Enemy lies to them about their lack of value, that their life isn't worth living and that they should put an end to their body, this is the time to sincerely encourage them about their personal worth‚ My everlasting love for them, and also their responsibility to Me, what they owe to Me‚ and how their life is Mine, bought and paid for. I bought their life with My blood‚ and it is not theirs to end. So often those that the Enemy is trying to lure over the brink have swallowed many of his lies about their lack of worth, that they have nothing going for them, nothing more to do, that their life is all but over and their body has but to follow and it will be complete. At that time you need to remind them that they are not their own, and that I, not they, say when it's over. Appeal to their sense of duty, even to their sense of indebtedness that I bought their life with My blood and it is not theirs to throw away.

83. * Prayer will be one of your most valuable weapons, both intercessory prayer for them and times of prayer with them. As they see others fighting in prayer for them, they will be more inspired to do their part to fight.

84. * You may feel there are times when prayer vigil by the Home or by a smaller group of prayer warriors is needed. Use your prayer warriors to fight this spiritual warfare as much as possible. It may not always be necessary that your loved one is aware of these times of prayer vigil on their behalf. I will show you when to make them aware and when not to, but generally speaking‚ it is good for them to be involved and understand the spiritual warfare you are waging on their behalf, for their encouragement.

85. * Some specific times when those under attack need the prayers of others are before sleep, throughout the night if need be, before beginning the day, or any time they are under heavy attack. Have someone pray with them.

86. * Encourage them to pray for others, to focus on the needs of others, to wield the weapon of prayer on the behalf of others who are struggling. Help them to snap out of their introspection by focusing on the needs of others. If you look at yourself and your problems and woes and battles for too long, it's enough to drive anyone mad. Extreme introspection is part of this attack, so combat it in any way possible, and intercessory prayer for others is a good way to do this.

87. * Another very valuable weapon is praise. They might not feel like praising or be able to eke out one little praise on their own because they're under such intense attack‚ so praise with them, and praise for them. Help them to think of things to praise Me for. Get them started with the beginning phrases of a praise. Praising out loud is especially effective against these attacks of the Enemy.

88. * Affection and some physical contact, such as hugs, or whatever I show you is appropriate, can be a big encouragement and sign of My love.

89. When one of My soldiers is tired and weak from the struggle, this is the time for others to rally around him or her and carry them along until they're strong enough to stand on their own.

90. * There may be times when I will show you to seek the help of professionals in the world, or when doing your part includes getting medical or therapeutic help. So be open to that, and you should specifically ask Me if getting medical assistance would be expedient and wise and helpful for the young person you are fighting for. In those cases, you should still continue to do your part in the spirit, while you get the help of someone else with the physical care and medical assistance. (End of message.)

91. The power of the keys will assist you in these battles. You will see victories when you expose these evil spirits and concentrate all your spiritual power on fighting them. You will not lose these battles when you fight in My Name. Deliverance is waiting and can be had by anyone. The battles will never be as long as they seem to be at the time. There will always be an end to the struggle, a time when the fog will lift and you will clearly see the sun again and feel happy and whole.


92. (Mama:) We know that there are many reasons the Lord allows us to go through afflictions—and He has given very good answers and counsel in the "Comfort in Affliction" GNs, as well as the FJWL books, that explain many of the benefits of affliction and how He uses it in our lives.

93. However, the Lord also wants to expose the archdemon behind sickness and death, Set, so that we have the spiritual ammunition we need to rebuke and resist him and be free of his attacks. This is not to give the Devil undue credit, for while there is a tremendous amount of sickness and death in the world, the Lord always brings good out of it in the lives of His children—even if the Devil did bring it.

94. We also have to remember that the Enemy is working for the Lord‚ as Dad always taught us. Even when he tries to attack us and hurt us, the Lord is right there to turn it around for good in our lives, and sometimes He deliberately allows the Enemy to attack us for a specific purpose. Sometimes He allows us to be afflicted to teach us something special, to help us reach for and receive some of the most precious gifts of the spirit, or to break us and draw us close to Him. And in those cases‚ He doesn't allow us to be healed until the affliction has accomplished His purpose.

95. It's hard sometimes to resolve the issue in our minds of whether sickness and affliction are a blessing or a burden. It certainly feels like a burden, but usually through it we gain great blessings. And again, that brings us back to the Devil working for the Lord. The Devil tries to hurt us through causing sickness, but the Lord is always able to bring great good out of it, if we let Him.

96. There are times when the Lord allows sickness as a gift from His hand to teach us something very precious, and there are other times when it's not His will that we endure the affliction, and through resisting the Enemy and claiming the Lord's promises, we can be delivered. Either way, the Lord wants to strengthen our faith, while the Enemy wants to destroy and tear down our faith. The Enemy tries to prove the Lord wrong—he tries to make us feel that sickness is inevitable and something we have to just endure and live with—when that isn't the case! The Lord either has something very special for us in it, or He wants us to be delivered from it.

97. So the most important thing to remember is that, because you are the Lord's child, you have power over any attack of the Enemy—either to rise above it and gain the special treasures the Lord has for you in the situation, or else to be completely physically delivered from it.

98. So as you read this counsel, keep an attitude of praise toward our Husband for His mighty power to bring good out of everything, and don't let the Enemy claim too much credit in your mind as you read these messages. Keep reminding yourself that even if the Enemy is behind sickness and death—which we know he is, because he is the destroyer—the Lord has promised and proved again and again that "many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all!" And when it's the Lord's will for you to be afflicted for a time, it's because there's something more valuable than your physical health that He wants to give you. So look for it, seek it out, and don't just put up with any affliction, big or small! Gain the treasures the Lord wants to give you, and then seek deliverance. It's yours‚ through our Savior's sacrifice and His body broken for us.

99. The afflictions of Set can work for good in your life if you will look to Me and wield your weapons of praise, prayer‚ and the keys of faith, healing, victory and life. Set is out to challenge the power of the keys, but he cannot win if you will wave those keys in his face and call his bluff.

100. (Jesus:) Set is the archdemon of sickness and death. He presides over plagues, epidemics, disease, and all manner of sickness and affliction. His jurisdiction spans the globe, and in these Last Days his power to afflict, cause pain, and bring death to the children of men is increased. There are many under his command, starting with his specially trained top officers, down to lesser demons and pests.

101. In the world you see an increase in health problems, even among the children of David, and this is why it is important that you are well informed of Set's works, and that you strengthen your faith in My promises, and then set about to exercise your faith. For it is My will that you stand up in the power of the keys of the Kingdom and defy his attempts to afflict and bring death where I give life. It is Set who is commissioned by Satan to bring sickness, disease, affliction and pain into the world‚ but it is you‚ the children of David, whom I commission to work miracles, to wield the keys of faith and healing‚ to be an example of overcoming, and to blast Set and his demons of pain and affliction back to Hell where they belong!

102. Set's power is founded in fear and disobedience, but I give you the key of faith that overcomes all fear‚ and the key of obedience that brings down My blessings. His power is to afflict the flesh, but he has no real power in spirit to win victory. Through calling on Me, the Master of the keys, you have power enough to defy Set and his evil ones.

103. Set's main goal in attacking the children of David is to cast a shadow over My promises of healing and overcoming‚ over the truth of My sacrifice and the price I already paid on the cross for the healing of all your afflictions. He wants to blot out My promise that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but I deliver you out of them all (Psa.34:19). He wants to cast a shadow over the fact that if you will heed My voice and do that which is right in My sight, if you will obey My commandments, and keep My statutes, I will heal you, and I will cause all things to work for good in your lives. He wants to erase from your minds and hearts the truth that I am the Lord your God, Who heals your wounds and all—A-L-L—your afflictions, for there is not one affliction or illness that I did not pay for with My blood.

104. Set's mission is to get you to think like the world. He wants you to adopt a fatalistic mindset, an acceptance that illness is only in the physical and carnal plane, that your afflictions are something that are par for the course, part of life—something to be put up with or tolerated, but not overcome.

105. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but I deliver you out of them all. You do not need to be bound to any illness, My loves, whether seemingly small and nagging or a more long-term disease. Small or great, there is nothing too hard for Me, the Greatest Doctor in the Universe, to heal! You do not have to accept Set's afflictions. I want you to stand up and fight, be militant in spirit against his attacks, and claim what is rightfully yours! Power to heal, power to claim complete and total healing and deliverance is from Me, and is yours for the asking.

106. I do allow affliction in your lives for a time for many different reasons, among them to teach you lessons, to help you to grow in faith, to soften your soul, to bring out qualities of love‚ humility, patience, understanding, and so forth. But when My purpose is accomplished, it is My will to heal, and one way or another, as you do your part, I promise to deliver you from the affliction.

107. So when Set sends affliction knocking on your door, don't accept it. Do something about it—take action by:

108. 1) Going on the offensive through faith to drive away fear and worry. Fill your mind and heart with positive‚ faith-building promises from My written Word, as well as receiving My fresh words in personal prophecy.

109. 2) Launch an offensive against the source of the sickness or affliction:

—Believe that I have a purpose in allowing this physical hindrance; then ask Me what that purpose is.

—Call on the angels and spirit beings of health and healing to fight for you. Wield your demon-defeating weapon of praise. Call on the keys and your helpers and rebuke Set's power. Find out the names of any of his underlings who are specifically fighting you, and rebuke and resist them by name.

—Ask others to pray for you and with you. Call for the laying on of hands and anointing of oil.

—Ask Me to show you if an affliction is due to physical neglect or disobedience to My laws. Close the gap through which Set and his ilk can enter by correcting the problem. You may need to change something in the physical, get more rest or exercise, eat better‚ or eliminate stress and pressure in your life. Or you may need to have more quiet time with Me, take care of any unconfessed sin in your life, etc.

—I may show you that some combination of the above is necessary.

110. 3) Ask Me what spiritual qualities I want to strengthen through this sickness, or what lessons I want you to learn—such as greater compassion, humility, understanding, sympathy, faithfulness to keep Me first, obedience‚ etc.

111. 4) Testify of My healing.

112. Although sickness and afflictions are manifested in the physical realm, they must also be fought in the spiritual. Set wants you to believe illness is totally in the physical realm‚ when in reality it is manifested in the physical‚ yet often it is born in the spiritual realm, and therefore must be fought in spirit. Set is the spiritual force you must rebuke and bind, along with whatever underling of his he is commanding to fight you, each time he reaches out to afflict you or your loved ones.

113. Set's purpose is two-fold. While he perpetrates physical illness in order to hinder, delay, or stop you altogether‚ he ultimately wants to prevent you from fulfilling your destiny as My key bearers and miracle workers of the Last Days. Set does not want you to enter into the days of greater miracles. He knows if he can get you to disobey My guidelines for living‚ if he can get you to accept your afflictions and deal with them as the world does, if he can cause you to lose faith in My healing power and lose sight of My promise to deliver you out of all your afflictions, and neglect your rise-above power—then he knows you will not have faith enough to exercise your gift and power of healing through the keys‚ and to claim My power of healing for yourselves and others.

114. But I want you to know that although Set may challenge you, he cannot prevail if you'll stand on the power of Heaven. Set's power is founded in fear, which is no match for the keys of faith in the hands of the children of David. So stand up and defy Set and his underlings in the power of the keys, and fulfill your destiny as My miracle workers of the End. (End of message.)

In summary:

115. Set is the archdemon of sickness and death. He presides over plagues, epidemics, disease, and every sickness and affliction. He has many underlings in his command, and in these Last Days their power to afflict, cause pain, and bring death is increased. Although our afflictions are manifested in the physical, sickness and illness must also be fought in the spirit. (Note: Please see "The How-tos of Healing," ML #3153:34-37, Vol.24, regarding medical emergencies.) We must go to the Lord and find out what spiritual forces are at work behind every affliction, then launch an offensive both in spirit and in the physical as the Lord leads us.

116. Set's attacks on us are two-fold.

1) He wants to hinder, delay, and stop us altogether in the physical if he can.

2) Ultimately he wants to prevent us from fulfilling our destiny as key bearers and miracle workers of the End through breaking down our faith in the Lord's promise to deliver us out of all our afflictions.

Helpers of Healing and Relief

117. (Mama:) We asked the Lord who we can call on for more help in the area of healing, including who specifically defeats Set. In addition to Almathor‚ Elixor‚ and the Activation Angel of Miracles, who we already know we can call on, the Lord has revealed a couple of new ones, and He reminds us of some we might have forgotten.

118. (Jesus: ) Healing is something that My brides need often throughout their earthly lives. Your earthly bodies are temporary, made to last until I give you your new supernatural bodies that will never need to be healed again. Until that time, you need My healing power.

119. This is one reason that I went through the breaking and death of My physical body, so that I could arise with healing in My wings. And now during this time on Earth when Satan has released more sickness into the world, I have given the Family several spirit helpers who will help you through any sickness and give you the victory.

120. The Archangel Raphael ministers My Word‚ which has healing power. Through taking in My Word, you gain faith, and it is through faith that I am able to do supernatural miracles for you. I've also made it so that your physical body is soothed‚ healed, comforted, and afflictions are much less difficult, when you have a spirit of faith and an attitude of faith. It makes a physical difference.

121. You have Almathor, who is the spirit of tranquility and carries the full light of the Holy Spirit in her bosom‚ which comforts My children and drives the demons back to Hell. You have Elixor, who is the bearer of the elixir of healing from Heaven. And you have the Activation Angel of Miracles.

122. Under the Angel of Miracles is another powerful angel who you can call the Angel of Healing. As her name implies‚ she carries special healing powers, and works together with the Angel of Miracles when the miracles involve healing.

123. And now I give you new spirit helpers who you can call on in times of affliction—the HELP Force. They brought Me comfort and healing during My life on Earth and were by My side in the Garden of Gethsemane. They have now been assigned to help the children of David.

124. The HELP Force consists of four spirit beings, each one of whom plays a different role, thus their name: HELP. H—healing, E—encouraging, L—life-giving (as in bringing back to life when someone is almost dead‚ or dead, according to My will)‚ and P—protecting. They are a special operations force of Heaven, and together they raise a force field of protection against Set and his demons and will defeat his attacks. They not only carry the balm of My healing power, but the comfort and encouragement you need; the breath of life for your physical body; a shield of protection—protection from the initial attacks of Set through affliction, as well as protection during sickness. Call on them and they will come to your side and bring the healing, protection, and encouragement that you need.

125. Of course, there are also a multitude of personal helpers which I will send to anyone who asks—your own personal helper for any time of sickness. For example, if someone is battling with cancer of the stomach‚ I know exactly what that person needs right then, and I will send them a personal helper who will nurse them and counsel them and encourage them through to the victory. I may not send the same helper to another person‚ even if they are battling with the same affliction, because each of My brides is different and I send them the spirit helpers who will mean the most to them at that time. In other words, the personal helpers that I send, that I have not revealed to the entire Family, are very precious, because they have been designed to meet your personal needs and to work together with you according to your faith.

126. The major spirit helpers that I reveal to the Family help everyone in the Family to fight the spiritual warfare, which often includes physical battles, as is the case with afflictions. When everyone in the Family is calling on the same spirit helpers regularly, they become very active; their powers are always being exercised on your behalf, and that makes them even more capable of helping you. Their force field of protection around you is always raised because so many people are constantly calling on them.

127. It's important for you to know about the Family's major spirit helpers so that you know who to call on and who to counsel with. But this doesn't mean that the "minor" personal spirit helpers that I reveal to individuals in the Family are less powerful or less important to you. The emphasis here is on you and what you need at the time, and if I know you need a "minor" personal spirit helper to help you through a difficult time, then their help will become a very important thing in your life! Maybe you call on one of the major spirit helpers when you are sick, such as the Archangel Raphael, but you also feel close to one of your personal spirit helpers and you love to call on their help too. All the more spirit power to you!

128. For example, if you are fighting a serious affliction, you can call on the Archangel Raphael, or Almathor, Elixor, the Angel of Healing, or the HELP Force. But you can also ask Me to send you a personal helper for you alone—someone who will help you through that particular battle with affliction.

129. I know exactly what you need‚ how you need it, who you need as far as a spirit helper, and I will send you the best possible helper for you. This doesn't mean that the Archangel Raphael, Almathor, Elixor, the Angel of Healing, or the HELP Force can't do the job, because they can and will. And it's not that you have to have more spirit helpers. But if you feel that you need some extra personal encouragement and strengthening and anointing for the battle, ask Me for your very own personal spirit helper for whatever specific affliction you are battling. I have many personal helpers just waiting to come to your side, to nurse you to health‚ to encourage you and comfort you and to give you the counsel that you need.

130. A lot has to do with your faith, My brides. If you need a boost of faith and if a personal spirit helper will help you to have more faith for the battle, then ask for one and I will send you one.

131. King David needed Abishag to nurse him while he was sick. Her presence helped to comfort him, to calm his fears, and give him the faith he needed to come to the end of his natural life. He already had his family and friends‚ and My Father, but I knew he needed some extra comfort. She didn't heal him, but she played an important role in his healing process (1Kings 1:1-4). Even though Abishag wasn't a spirit helper, the point is that I will provide the physical helpers and the spirit helpers that you need.

132. I will provide the personal angel you need in your time of affliction. So ask freely and you will receive the most precious personal helper you could ever want. Or I will show you which one of the main spirit helpers to call on, and that one will be your strong right arm all the way to full victory.

133. Affliction is a difficult battle for My brides to go through, but I allow the many afflictions of the righteous because it is also one of the battles with the greatest rewards in the spirit. It often brings about the most spiritual growth, plus it is a powerful testimony and witness when I manifest My powers through healing.

134. During sickness you may be so weak that you can barely concentrate on prayer or hearing from Me. Maybe all you can say is, "Jesus, help me," or "Send ___ , my spirit helper," or "I call on the Angel of Healing," or "Elixor‚ please come."

135. I hear your prayer, My loves, and I send the help that you need. I understand your frame perfectly and I do not require more of you than you are able to give. So when you ask for help from the spirit world, trust that I will always answer and send the help you need. Even if you can only whisper a few words of prayer‚ they are precious words to Me and to your spirit helpers. My ear is not heavy that it cannot hear the slightest whisper from one of My brides.

136. My loves, trust in your all-powerful, all–knowing Husband and Lover during times of sickness, and know that I will take care of you in the way that I know is best for you. The Archangel Raphael, Almathor, Elixor, the HELP Force, and the Angel of Healing will come to your side immediately—all you have to do is call on them and they will be there doing the things that only they can do. Ask them to help you whenever you need help. Not that you have to ask all of them to help you at the same time, but you can if you want to. Each one is anointed and trained and empowered to help My brides during times of sickness‚ and this includes all sickness known to man. They will bring healing, comfort, peace of mind, counsel, encouragement‚ and rest of body, mind, and spirit.

137. You can call on any one of these helpers. Pick the one that you are the most interested in, or the one that comes to your mind the most often, and that is the one for you personally. Don't worry that you should be calling on a different one, or that maybe you got the wrong spirit helper, because each one is supernatural and is spiritually empowered to help you. These main spirit helpers who help the Family during times of affliction have each been trained by Me. Each one is powerful and gifted, and no one is better than the other. So call freely on the one that you like, and they will not fail to help you.

138. There are many ways that they will help you. For example, if you are calling on the Angel of Healing and she is the main one who you are asking to help you through this sickness, you can take advantage of her help in various ways.

139. You can ask her to speak to you in prophecy. If you are well enough to record the message, this is fine; but if not‚ then simply listen to the counsel she will give you. Or you can speak the message out loud and ask someone else to record it for you. Or have someone else hear from her for you if you can't do it yourself.

140. Ask for her counsel each day, or as often as you can, either for your encouragement, or for specific instruction about what you should or shouldn't eat, about any medication, doctor's counsel, exercise, etc. She will answer your questions through prophecy regarding what steps you should take in order to recover. Ask her what you need to do step by step, what victory you should be aiming for that day or that week‚ and she will counsel you.

141. Or you may prefer to ask Me to speak to you in prophecy concerning these questions, and mainly call on the Angel of Healing for encouragement, for patience to endure to the victory, and for the presence of her comforting spirit. You can use your spirit helpers in whatever way you feel the need to, in whatever way is the most helpful to you.

142. Some people may want more encouragement in times of sickness‚ and to know that, for example, the Angel of Healing is working behind the scenes with Me toward your full healing. This may be the most important thing that the Angel of Healing can do for you, while others might want more specific instruction and counsel from her regarding their physical care.

143. Each of these spirit helpers will help you in these ways. It's up to you to find out what you need their help with the most, and then ask them to fill your needs.

144. You don't always have to ask them to speak to you in prophecy. Although that is a good way to communicate with them‚ it's not the only way. You can simply let them speak to your spirit and listen to their words of encouragement and counsel. Or you can simply pray and talk to them and trust in their ability and power to do the things that you need.

More on the HELP force

145. (One of the HELP force:) Our missions and battles on Earth have been numerous throughout the ages, for we were created at the foundation of the Earth. When God created the Earth, in His great foresight He knew the choices that Adam and Eve would make in choosing to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He knew that the eternal world of beauty and perfection that He had created would not last in such a pristine state‚ but that through the disobedience of mankind, sin, sickness‚ disease, and destruction would soon result. That's when He created us, the band of four—or, as they call us in Heaven, the force of four—whose commission is to carry the encouraging, soothing, life-giving touch of His power of healing.

146. He knew this would be very needed in the world as a testimony of His love and care to mankind. Through the healing of your bodies, the encouragement and strengthening of your spirits, the breath of His life-giving energy flowing into your veins and into your souls, and His miraculous protection surrounding you, He has manifested His love in manifold ways.

147. We stood by the prophets of old in their miracles of healing, and stood in the gap against the forces of Set in all his attacks upon them. But our greatest mission was that of helping to save the souls of mankind, to personally assist our Lord and Mighty King when He came to this Earth to show His love in all of its fullness.

148. It was our great honor to be beside our King and assist Him as He went out to heal the sick and comfort the brokenhearted. We not only assisted in His ministry of healing, but through it all we also learned from His sample of patience, humility, and endless love. We saw the struggles He faced, the agony of spirit He suffered‚ and the pain He felt when faced with the great needs of the people and the suffering of the world.

149. He was tender‚ gentle‚ and loving despite the rejection of many. He endured hardness and went through all the same afflictions that many of you are afflicted with. Earthly life wasn't easy for Him in the physical, but He was willing to go through it all for your sakes.

150. We watched Him endure, and although we wanted to rescue Him and relieve Him of all pain, we had to let things take their course so that He might fully understand mankind.

151. There were times, however, when we were given permission to comfort, soothe, and heal His body and spirit, such as after He was tempted with all the kingdoms of the world by the Devil on top of a mountain. We ministered unto Him then, bringing sweet relief from the battle (Mat.4:8-11). Until the day He willingly laid down His life for the world, we were near Him‚ helping and healing.

152. That was the greatest mission we had ever been on since our creation. And although there was a thrill and rejoicing in Heaven at the completion of salvation for mankind, we felt a tinge of sadness that this particular mission with our King had ended. That's when we were informed of another commission to come in the future that would involve even mightier miracles and greater power of healing.

153. Our loving King explained to us how His mission on Earth was only the beginning, and that through the power of His Name, many more miracles and wonders of healing and life-giving power would be manifested in the millenniums to come. Our mission had only just begun.

154. He showed us the future and how we would play a great part in the lives of the Family of the Endtime; that we would be specially assigned to the children of David to help you in your mission of saving the world and preparing mankind for His second coming.

155. We are thrilled that this day in time has finally come, and we eagerly wait to assist and participate in your missions on Earth. All we need is for you to call on us, and we are there to help in any way that is needed. That's why we are called the HELP force, for we are a rapid response force sent to respond immediately to any needy situation and bring instant help and relief.

156. There are four of us, each one attuned to helping in a particular way. One carries the touch of healing power; another brings comfort and encouragement in times of affliction or desperation; another gives life and energy to both body and spirit; and yet another protects and guards you from all evil or harm.

157. So don't hesitate to call on us any time of the day or night. Our signal for distress is H.E.L.P.—that's the heavenly emergency number. Just call for HELP. Say our name, and we'll be right there. You don't have to wait for minutes‚ as you would for earthly medical services to come, for we'll be by your side instantly. Our heavenly ambulances and relief transporters are not bound by time, traffic, or distance. There are no obstacles in our way and our response is direct and instantaneous. Just call and it is done.

158. So avail yourselves of this heavenly emergency team and let us come to the rescue at any time, any hour, any place, or under any circumstances. Our rapid relief force will do all in our power to help you and to bring you all the support you need for any emergency, any need for healing, for protection, for encouragement, and any need for strength or courage. We can HELP you, we want to HELP you, we wait to HELP you‚ and we will HELP you if you just call.

In summary:

159. The main Family-wide spirit helpers for healing as we know them now are: The Archangel Raphael‚ who ministers God's Word; Almathor, who is the spirit of tranquility and carries the full light of the Holy Spirit in her bosom; Elixor‚ who is the bearer of the elixir of healing from Heaven; the Angel of Healing, who works under the Activation Angel of Miracles and specializes in healing; and the HELP Force, a group of four beings—H—healing‚ E—encouraging, L—life-giving (as in bring back to life when someone is almost dead, or dead‚ according to the Lord's will), and P—protecting.

160. You can also ask for a personal spirit helper, and the Lord will send you exactly who you need.

Copyright © 2006 by The Family International. Art by Tamar.