Feast 2005 Workshops--Parts 1-3

February 16, 2005

Table of Contents

GN 1116 FD/MM/FM / Feast 2005


By the International CS Board

To be held on the morning of Day 1 of the Family Feast 2005

Pre-meeting Prep (for the person who will lead this meeting)

1.) Familiarize yourself with the plan for this meeting in advance, and make the necessary preparations for leading it. As you'll see, there are various aspects of the workshop to plan—some written prayers to pray, some messages to read‚ songs to sing, and key promises to claim‚ etc.—which you may want to call on others (prior to the meeting) in your Home to help with.

2.) Remind the Home members to be sure that they have studied the CS board criteria (GN 1107) sufficiently and are familiar with its contents.

3.) In advance of the meeting (possibly a week ahead of time), ask each Home member to submit the one or two things—from the CS board criteria—that they feel your Home needs to improve in, in order to be a better sample of a discipleship Home. All Homes will have many things they need to improve in, so this would just be the one or two top things they feel would be the most important areas from the CS board criteria that the Home needs to work on right now.

Then, according to what the Home members submit, you would put together a listing of the top main NWOs of the Home, as the Home members see them—areas from the CS board criteria that your Home is doing poorly in, starting with the area that got the most mentions, and then listing the others in order of priority. That way, before the meeting even starts, you will have on hand the agenda of possible topics for the brainstorming segment of this workshop.

4.) In advance of the meeting (possibly a week ahead of time, to give Home members enough time), ask each Home member to submit one personal prayer request related to the CS board criteria—something that they feel they need to personally improve and make progress in. (Note: To make it easier for your Home members, you might want to provide a prayer request form for them that they can fill out in advance‚ where they can write what it is that they want prayer for and a brief application or example of the ways the problem or lack is manifested in their life.)

5.) As you'll see when going over the CS workshop plan‚ it may be more structured than meetings you're used to, or even Feast meetings we've had in the past. The Lord has given a step-by-step plan to enable each Home to make the most of these three hours, to ensure that the time is well spent and as fruitful as it can be, and so that all of the Homes around the world can unite together to follow the same program. It's also an example that you may want to refer to in the future of how to host fruitful, new-weapon-enhanced, Spirit-filled brainstorming, discussion meetings of this type. We pray that it will be a blessing to you.

You should be well versed in the workshop plan ahead of time‚ so that when you are leading the meeting, it will be smooth and well oiled with the Lord's Spirit‚ and will not come across too rigid or "scripted" to those attending. The goal is for the meeting to bear good fruit and for a lot of ground to be covered, and the best way to accomplish that is to make sure that all of the needed elements are present to make it a success.

CS Workshop Program

1.) Start with a short prayer to kick off the meeting‚ followed by a stirring song or two along the lines of discipleship, revolution, obedience, and camaraderie.

Either listen to the song(s) on CD, computer, or MP3 player‚ or play the songs on guitar, or sing them a cappella, whatever works best for you. Some examples of possible songs are:

Now All I Want To Do Is Serve Him

Mountain Man

Soldier of the Cross

Are You Willing to Be a Fighter for Jesus?

Climb that Mountain

The Revolutionary Children of God ("In It Together," FTT 05)

O'er Uncharted Seas ("Stir It Up," FTT 06)

Life of a Missionary ("I Found You," FTT 24)

2.) Have a short praise time.

Spend five minutes praising. Please choose at least one idea from the list below, but don't be limited to one. If you have time, use all three praise ideas:

• Praise the Lord for something in your life that aids or has aided you in being a better disciple. It could be a gift of the Spirit‚ a new weapon, a specific Letter or GN or pub, a role model that you look up to and who helps you want to be a better disciple‚ a personal spirit helper, etc. (For example: "Thank You, Jesus, for the new weapon of prophecy! It aids me in being a better disciple, because I can get my directions from You and don't have to guess or wonder if I'm pleasing You.")

• Praise the Lord for something in your life that you wouldn't have or experience if you weren't a disciple in the Family. For instance, if you weren't a disciple in the Family you wouldn't have the New Wine for today, you most likely wouldn't be living communally or living by faith, you wouldn't have spiritual conviction, you wouldn't be separate from the world, etc. (For example: "If I wasn't Your disciple, Jesus, I wouldn't have the benefits that come with living the Law of Love.")

• Praise the Lord for some aspect of discipleship, support, and camaraderie that living in a Family Home provides. For instance, when you're living in a Family Home, you have easy access to prayer warriors who can pray for you when you're battling; you know you can depend on your Home members to be a support when you need them. (For example: "Thank You, Jesus, for the support that living in a Family Home provides, and that there are always people around to pray for me when I need it.")

3.) Read opening message.

Hi, everyone! We love you! Thank you for joining us for this CS board workshop. We pray that this time of prayer, brainstorming‚ and application of the CS board criteria is a blessing to each of you and to your Home. We're claiming the keys of understanding, vision, forward progress‚ and faith for your winning team!

As you all are well aware, now that we're approaching the time when you will fill out each board's Home review checklist for the first time, the concept of Home accountability is becoming a reality. As a Home you are fighting to bring your standard up. As a Home you're working on implementing the boards' criteria. You are working to make your Home the best Home possible, because when it comes down to it, you'll sink or float in your discipleship as a Home together.

You're probably getting a better idea of what this means for your Home in practical terms‚ and how your contributions to the Home‚ your faithfulness to be your brother's keeper, your ideas and willingness to work hard to implement those ideas, your initiative‚ your conviction‚ and your personal obedience, make a big difference. You can't push the responsibility for the spiritual state of the Home off onto anyone else. It sits squarely with each of you. We're sure you feel plenty motivated to fight in prayer together for the miracles that you need, and you can be sure that we're praying for you as you do.

This CS board workshop is a time for your Home to unite together and practice Home accountability by discussing the things your Home needs to work on, interceding in prayer for your weak areas and "putting skin" on the ways your Home needs to be spiritually strengthened. We're in the year of strengthening now, and this CS workshop is a prime opportunity for you to get a good start on the journey of strengthening your Home, so that you can become the winning team the Lord needs you to be.

You should come out of this workshop with one—or possibly more—solid commitments to spiritual progress as a Home, things you have agreed upon and committed to doing that will enhance and strengthen the combined discipleship of your Home. It doesn't matter how many commitments your Home makes—whether it's one or ten—as long as you come out of the meeting with at least one solid plan for the spiritual progress of your Home, some solid plan of action that you are committed to making a reality. Every Home's decisions could be different, but every Home should make decisions. This workshop should not just be "talk"—there should be commitments, action, and then the Home shepherds will be responsible to see that the Home follows through on those commitments and decisions.

The focus of this workshop is your Home as a whole—Home discipleship and Home accountability and spiritual progress. There will be a short time to present your individual prayer requests that you've written up ahead of time, but the major focus will be your Home: how you can improve the discipleship sample of your Home, and what steps you need to take now to ensure that your Home is moving forward. You're going to ask yourselves: What are the most important practical steps we can take today to improve the discipleship of our Home and to ensure that we're moving forward?

There's always time for personal spiritual evaluation, assessing personal discipleship‚ reading the Word and hearing from the Lord about personal issues. But to make the most out of this workshop when your whole Home has stopped your regular work to get together and sit at the Lord's feet and devote three hours to the CS board pillar‚ you should focus on your Home as a whole. This three-hour meeting is the time to invest in the most important unit within the Family: the Home—your Home.

This three-hour meeting will be what you make it! You will be able to make as much progress and make as many decisions during this meeting as you desire. It's up to you! It's an exercise in Home accountability. How strong do you, as a Home, want to be? How quickly do you want to make progress? The decisions you make in this workshop meeting will determine that to some extent. You will get as much out of it as you put into it.

(Jesus:) The next three hours are yours to take and use as you will; they're hours that will never come your way again. They're a platform, an opportunity, for you to use to strengthen your Home's discipleship! You are accountable before Me as a Home, and through your decisions today you will determine the future direction of your Home, the strength of your Home, the fruitfulness of your Home, and the power that I will be able to pour into your Home! Your decisions today—during this meeting—are going to move you forward and strengthen your Home's sample of discipleship, so make the most of this time. It's up to you how far and fast you want to go.

Don't settle for committing to just a little bit of progress. Get adventurous! Get faith! Get serious with Me! Let Me move you as far forward as I desire! Use this golden opportunity to the full. Make commitments as a Home, determine steps you will take as a Home, and then watch Me strengthen you as you obey. This is your time, and you determine the outcome of this workshop. How many right choices will your Home make? What decisions to strengthen your discipleship sample will you make? How desperately do you want your Home to be strengthened?

This workshop meeting is one of your first tests in Home accountability. I'm holding you—each one of you—accountable for the outcome of this workshop. If you want your Home to be a winning team‚ a living sample of the spirit of discipleship, then you'll give these next three hours your full concentration and focus. You'll put all other thoughts and concerns aside, and tap into the ideas and revelations of My Spirit that will enable you to make decisions today that will strengthen your Home's discipleship in the days and weeks and months to come.

This is simply the beginning, My loves. This is the first step on your new journey of strengthening your Home spiritually. But the results of the steps you take today in obedience to Me will be amplified and multiplied. The decisions you make today for Me, for the sake of your Home's discipleship, are going to result in great progress. I'm pouring a special gift of anointing upon you for this workshop, so that the good fruit of every decision and commitment you make today will be great and far-reaching. With every decision you make to strengthen your Home's discipleship, you will be one step closer to the completion of building your winning team. (End of message.)

4.) Have prayer to kick off the meeting.

(Note to person leading the meeting: When this written prayer is used—or any other written prayer—it should be prayed with sincerity and emotion, not simply read.)

(Prayer:) Dear Lover, we commit this workshop meeting to You. We're giving You these hours, and we ask that You help us to use them to the full. We are Your Home‚ a combined discipleship force, Your brides who are accountable together before You. Sometimes we stand before You alone as individual brides and disciples, but today we're asking You to help move us forward as a team, so that we can be the winning team You need us to be.

Open our hearts and spirits to You, Jesus, so that we can know Your mind. Give us Your answers, ideas, and solutions as we look to You together. Pour down Your Spirit upon us in great measure‚ so that we will come out of this meeting as a stronger team for You‚ with more solid discipleship commitments. Help us to take the steps today that You want us to take. Help us to make the choices today that You want us to make. Help this time together to strengthen our Home's discipleship standard like nothing before ever has. Give us such a strong kick–start in the spirit that we'll be able to keep up the momentum of progress even after this meeting ends.

We're Your Home, Your Bride, and we commit this time into Your hands. We claim the keys of focus and concentration, as we put all other thoughts aside. Think through us, speak through us‚ and bind our hearts together with the spirit of revolutionary discipleship. That's what we're here for, to be Your disciples, and to do whatever it takes to make our Home into a haven of Your love and Spirit. We want our Home to be a Home where the spirit of full-time discipleship can not only live, but thrive.

5.) Have a short time of prayer for personal requests and Home requests.

(Jesus:) Fervent prayer can do things that you are incapable of accomplishing in the flesh. And it can pave the way for all that you must do in the physical—it can line things up for you, do miracles in advance‚ work in hearts and minds and lives, and help all the pieces of the puzzle come together. Prayer isn't the whole victory in itself—I expect you to also put "feet" to your prayers—but prayer is the best place to start, and will line everything else up to fall into place. It will make the "labor" part much easier. The more you do in prayer, the less you'll have to do in the physical‚ and the more things in the physical realm will come together easily, the solutions will fall in your lap, the miracles will be ready for you.

Give the Enemy a good licking now. Unite together in fervent prayer and praise, wield the keys boldly, and claim the victories that I have promised are yours! Remember that I wouldn't have asked this high discipleship standard of you if I didn't know that you could reach it. So reach out in faith and in prayer for My solutions, victories, and progress, and they will be given you! (End of message.)

For personal prayer:

Home members can exchange their prayer request slip with the person next to them, and you can then unitedly have silent prayer for each other‚ or pray quietly at the same time for the person whose prayer request you were given.

(Note: Since it's unifying to hear the prayer requests of others‚ you may want to consider some way to communicate the prayer requests to your Home members. For example, you could post everyone's prayer request slips on the Home bulletin board after the meeting, or have someone in the Home type up all of the personal prayer requests and then make that file available to anyone in the Home who is interested in reading it.)

Key promises to claim for the personal requests:

• If you're concerned about your personal discipleship, the best thing you can do to bring change is to put your life in My hands and claim the keys of revolution and spiritual progress. Then, any steps you take for Me will go further, any commitments you make for Me will be more long-lasting, and your decisions will be strong enough to stand any difficulties.

• The blessings of change and spiritual progress are yours in full measure as you claim your heart's desires in prayer. The keys will open up your heart and spirit to the life-changing breath and strengthening winds of My Spirit.

• The keys of discipleship are created to assist you in your service to Me. They will bind your heart with Mine, give you an insatiable desire for My Spirit, and guide you as you walk the blessing–laden path of spiritual progress.

For the prayer requests for the Home:

Since everyone will have already submitted the one or two main weaknesses of the Home (as they see it) to the person leading the meeting, he or she can read that compiled list briefly for everyone's information. After the prayer requests are made known, everyone can pray spontaneously and claim key promises for the various points that have been mentioned, and for whatever is needed in order to make progress as a Home in those areas. For example, if your Home is having problems with disunity, people could pray and claim promises on the topics of love, communication‚ unity‚ change and spiritual progress‚ etc., or whatever is needed until the topic is covered and you have "paved the way" in prayer for the changes that are needed.

Key promises to claim for the prayer requests for your Home:

• When your will is on My side, and your desire is to be a discipleship Home no matter what the cost, the decisions you make will be empowered with the spiritual essence of the keys of revolution, which will propel you further and faster than you could go on your own.

• Claim the keys of discipleship to unlock the radical ideas and solutions of Heaven that will strengthen you as individuals and as a Home.

• You will be a unified, strong, cutting-edge, winning team, if you claim the keys of revolutionary discipleship, teamworking, and 5D vision. When the keys are activated in your Home, the spirit of discipleship will abound.


Important note for the person leading the meeting: (Not to be read during the workshop.)

Please keep a record of the weaknesses of the Home that you had prayer for today, because your Home shepherds will need to follow up on the issues, and give further attention to these needs of your Home. You will need to pray about and discuss further with your Home shepherds the weak areas submitted by your Home members, so that concrete steps can be taken toward change and progress.

Some ideas for your Home shepherds to consider as follow-up over the next weeks could include (but of course aren't limited to) such methods as:

• Assigning P&P questions to your Home members regarding weak areas and how your Home can improve, including receiving practical solutions from the Lord in prophecy.

• Do Word compilations. Pull already published Word on topics that are overall Home weaknesses.

• You could decide to use one devotions slot a week, if needed, for personal P&P time. (This would not go on indefinitely, but just for a set amount of time to cover questions related to the weak areas that need immediate improvement, as per the CS board criteria.)

• Compile the answers received from the Lord on various P&P questions you assign the Home, and excerpts of the messages can be read and discussed together in Home devotions.

• Compile the weak points into a prayer list for your Home that you can post in a place accessible to your Home's adult members. Keep the list updated as progress is made and changes are implemented.

• Set a date for a Home Council meeting that will focus on one of the more major weak areas, and brainstorm solutions, pray for the Lord's confirmation, and put landing gear on those solutions.

• If any of the weak points involve disunity, discuss with the other Home shepherds and plan some Home activities or fellowships for "bonding" times as a Home—such as times of heart sharing, times to relax and "let your hair down" together‚ times to get to know one another better in a fun way, times of spiritual fellowship, etc.

• If any individuals have ideas or suggestions for solutions that they don't feel comfortable sharing in public‚ ask that they come and talk to you about it. Schedule times to meet with your Home members, and follow through.

[End of box]

6.) Pray the following written prayer:

(Note to person leading the meeting: Depending on how you're doing for time, you can decide whether to pray this prayer now unitedly, or to save it for one of your next Home meetings or devotions. By the time you reach this point, if your workshop meeting has already gone over the one-hour mark, you might want to consider going on to the brainstorming segment of the meeting. If you can pray this prayer now, great; but if you're running short on time, there's leeway to save it for another opportunity later. It doesn't matter when you pray this prayer; the same power will be available to you whether you pray it during the workshop meeting or at the next available opportunity.)

(Prayer:) Dear Love, we are so thankful for the privilege of being Your beggar brides. Thank You for the wonderful power You have given us. You suffered and died for us so that we could be forgiven, redeemed, and have all the power we need to fight the Enemy, whenever we need it. We are Yours!

We praise You, our dear Lover! You are all-powerful! You defeated the Enemy 2,000 years ago! All his attempts to defeat us or hold us back are only bluffs! He has no real power, because You have already won the victory over death and Hell and sin. It's ours for the taking! Praise You, dear Husband! All glory to You! Thank You for Your love for us that compelled You to go all the way to the cross so that we could be redeemed.

We claim that power right now over all evil. Through our praises‚ and through the keys of the Kingdom‚ we rebuke the Enemy and all of his holds and snares. He is nothing before You and Your wonderful, cleansing, liberating power!

We ask You, our mighty Heavenly Warlord‚ to bind the Enemy and all his imps, to drive him far from us, to deliver us from all his tricks and traps‚ and to strengthen our hearts right now. In the power of the keys given to us‚ the children of David‚ we rebuke Pan, Bacchus, Arakan, Obstacon, Oplexicon, the Selvegion, Pride, Apotheon, the demons of depression, Bitterness, Division, Disobedience, the Sen-si, Negaton and Negin‚ and all other imps and legions who war against Your brides.

We call for the help of our mighty warriors of the spirit to free us from the works of the Enemy. We call for the help of Michael, Gabriel, the Activation Angels, Raphael, Tola and Tor‚ Ellya, Styrian, Natalia, the Fairy Angel Fighters, Arcothon, Archer, the Salvay, the SOS, Illuminus, Boheme, Lucerne, Flo, the K.O.T. fighters, and all of our personal helpers of the spirit who have dedicated themselves to helping us become better disciples and fighters for You, Jesus.

We want to be fully obedient to You. We want to walk in Your anointing, benefit from Your full blessings‚ and harness the full power that is ours when we are fully committed to You. Right now we commit ourselves to You once again, and ask that You cleanse our hearts and spirits and make us new again. Heal the wounds of our spirits that we've suffered, and strengthen our bond with You‚ dear Lover.

We forsake and put aside all that has come between us. We want to be Your fully surrendered brides. We are Yours, dear Love, and we need Your miracles to make us whole and complete again in spirit. Please do the miracles that we need. We're fully dependent on You, and we're committed to leaving this room with a renewed dedication to obey‚ to follow You closely, to put You first, and to do whatever is necessary to become the disciples You want and need us to be.

Thank You that we can trust that it is done now. We love You and praise You, our Miracle Worker, our Hero‚ our Salvation, our Strength. We are nothing, but You are everything, dearest Love!

7.) Move into the brainstorming segment.

For the next phase of the meeting, take two of the areas that your Home members agree are the weakest, and devote an equal portion of your remaining meeting time to discussing each one, asking the Lord to pour through you practical and doable ways to improve and change things. For example‚ devote roughly half of your remaining meeting time to one point of discussion, and the other half to the second point of discussion—remembering to leave a little bit of time for prayer, the song, and the closing message.

(Note: Prior to the meeting, all Home members would have submitted the areas of the Home they feel are the weakest, and the person leading the meeting would deduce from that which two points everyone agreed were the most in need of attention. If everyone in the Home wanted to discuss different weaknesses and there weren't any main weaknesses that were mentioned repeatedly, then the person leading the meeting could ask the Lord to clarify in prophecy the priorities from the points brought up and which ones would be best to discuss in the workshop.)

Please be prayerful and loving in this discussion. Everyone should pray first for humility and loving presentation, and since everyone just got through having prayer for personal sins, it should be a good time to have an honest, loving‚ sweet-spirited discussion, without any self-righteousness or contention.

Before going into the brainstorming, stop and call for Ayin's help. (See "International Board News 2003," ML #3476:151-158, GN 1063.)

Here are some new keys to claim on discussing and finding solutions:

• Call on the keys of brainstorming, and these powerful keys will enhance your discussion and your deliberation. Your brainstorming will be infused with the power of Heaven, and will bring positive results.

• When you're in need of a new outlook or renewed faith to discuss problem situations, call on the keys of otherworldly faith, and you will receive a new mindset and faith to pull down outside-of-the-box solutions.

• Claim the power of the keys to clear away any preconceived opinions on problems and circumstances, so that you can receive a renewed perspective and My fresh insight to discover and discuss innovative breakthroughs to problems.

• Tap into the idea banks of Heaven by calling on the key of brainstorming. This key will unleash a host of heavenly helpers who will participate in your discussions and times of decision-making‚ filling your minds with My thoughts and solutions.

• The keys can give you creative and innovative solutions to problems that have been around for a long time, even where many other seemingly good ideas have already been tried and have failed.

• No matter how long a problem has been a problem‚ the keys can open your mind to My solution.

• For new, original, groundbreaking, inventive, fresh, and creative ideas, call on the key of mental enhancement, and I will send spirit helpers to inspire you with thoughts and visions never before seen by or known to the mind of man.

8.) Practical pointers for brainstorming.

Some steps you can take or questions you can ask during your discussion are:

—How can we remedy this problem in our Home?

—What are some practical solutions?

—What steps can we take to achieve these practical solutions? (For example, if one of your discussion points was the need to create more of a One Wife spirit within your Home, and one of the solutions was that you decided to plan some united family times or family days within the next month, then "bell the cat" on who would ask the Lord about it and then follow through on the plan and make it happen.)

—When you come to the close of your brainstorming segment, you should have at least one practical goal that you are committed to as a Home, and probably some things to ask the Lord. Formulate and assign the questions right then and there, and set a deadline for having them done and turned in. (It would be nice if everyone in the Home participated in hearing from the Lord about some things—not only from this board workshop meeting‚ but also from the other board workshop meetings—to share the load.) Several people can hear from the Lord about the same question if it's a big one, so that more well–rounded counsel is received from the Lord.

Then the messages should be turned in to the person leading the meeting, compiled, and read and discussed in a united Home devotions or evening meeting, or read by everyone individually beforehand and then discussed together afterwards. (You may want to set a deadline for everyone to do their P&Ps by, and then remind them a few days before their P&Ps are due if they haven't done them yet.) The person leading the meeting is responsible to make sure this happens.

Here is an example of how to formulate a P&P question so as to receive well-rounded counsel from our Husband:

(Question:) Dear Love, we have a problem with [specify problem]. In our discussion, it seems that a practical solution(s) would be to [insert what you plan to do about it]. Is this Your solution? Will it be a worthwhile investment of time to work toward this? Do You have other better solutions? Is there anything we're missing, any other answers or ideas You want to give us that we haven't thought of? What additional practical steps can we take to make progress in this area of our Home?

9.) Closing message.

To close, please read the following message. Then everyone can lift their hands in praise and tongues, and thank the Lord for the victories that will come, for the way He is working on your behalf, for the follow–up steps He will help you to make, for clear channels in hearing from Him‚ and for the miracles He has promised and will do for you.

(Ayin: ) I am he who stands in the courts of Heaven, he who represents your spiritual needs before the throne of Heaven. I intercede on your behalf. I present your desire for spiritual strengthening and progress in the courts of Heaven, and at the approval of our great and magnificent Husband‚ I have dispatched legions of angels, spirit warriors, spirit helpers, and great beasts of heavenly stature to your sides to aid you, to strengthen you, to assist you, to enable you to make strides of spiritual progress that would not be possible on your own.

The role our Lord has given me is the gift of being able to see your needs, to understand your frame and natural weaknesses, but at the same time to exhibit supernatural faith and belief in the power of Heaven, in the power of the keys of change and spiritual progress and discipleship and revolution. I not only see the present problems that you face, but Jesus also allows me to see the future solutions and victories. He has given me permission to see things in the future as He does, things related to your spiritual progress as a Family and as individuals. This is a privilege granted to very few within the heavenly realm, and I count it an honor to be one of those few. It is a gift I need in order to help you‚ dear children of David, so that I remain at all times strong in faith, believing‚ and giving glory to God for all spiritual progress—past, present, and future.

I see beyond today, and now I give you a portion of that same anointing. In the spirit now, I'm pouring out to you an anointing of faith, love, wisdom, and discernment. I'm giving you an extra portion of the gifts that you're going to need to make your commitments of today the realities of tomorrow. Jesus has given me this special anointing to pour on you. It is His power, His supernatural infilling, from His hand. I am just the humble vessel He has chosen to pass it on to you, and I am honored to be a conduit of His anointing and power today. You have made room in your lives for this anointing by taking steps of obedience and commitment today.

I have been in the halls of Heaven for a very long time, and all that I have seen has taught me to trust in our mighty Lord. He has never failed. He has guided, He has kept, and He has led His children throughout all ages. I have been by His side, assisting Him in the spiritual guidance of His children for many, many of your Earth years. This is my God-given duty to this day.

I pledge to do all within my power to assist you in this day and age, to intercede for you in the courts of Heaven, and to dispatch the helpers of Heaven that you need to win the battles that lie ahead of you. I stand in attendance for you, speaking in the high councils of Heaven for you, and this I will continue to do all the days of your lives on Earth as you serve our Lord. Your spiritual lives are precious; your discipleship is to be treasured and guarded at all costs.

That is my role as your Custodian in Heaven: to do everything within my power to help you guard and treasure and nurture and strengthen your spiritual lives, and to ensure progress, change, and forward movement on all fronts.

Today you have set new things in motion, through your choices. Now you have opened up new channels for more help from Heaven to come your way, and I will see to it that you have all the assistance you need from our realm. I am at your service, always attuned to your spiritual needs. This is the purpose of my existence, to serve the children of David who serve our Lord on Earth, and to aid you to be the vessels He needs for today and for the future. (End of message.)

10.) End your meeting together by standing, arm in arm, and singing "The Song of Victory!"

You can find this song on "Song of Victory" (NF 06).


By the International JT Board

To be held on the afternoon of Day 1 of the Family Feast 2005

Points for the Home teamwork to be mindful of prior to holding the JT workshop:

• In order for those in your Home to be able to participate in the workshop fully, it's important that each person has studied the JT board criteria (GN 1105) and is familiar with the criterion outlined therein.

• If your Home does not have a JT counselor yet, you may want to pray about having a meeting to discuss and vote on one prior to this workshop so that he or she can tune into the discussion more‚ so as to start working toward implementing things as soon after this workshop as possible.

• Something you may also want to consider doing prior to the workshop meeting is getting a little input from your JETTs and junior teens on the following questions (or other questions which you may come up with), which may help you in your discussion and brainstorming sessions. This could be done in a little get-together or on paper via a short questionnaire. This is not something that you must do, but just a suggestion that you can pray about and implement as the Lord shows you.

Question: What one area of our Home do you feel we need the most improvement in when it comes to fulfilling the JT criteria?

Question: After reading the criteria, is there anything you want to tell the voting members of the Home about their interaction, training, and shepherding of you that will help them do a better job?

Question: What were some of the things in the following categories that we did as a Home for you JETTs and teens during the renewal that were the most memorable and inspiring?

Word times:

Spiritual-based activities:

General activities:


Vocational training:



• Because this workshop is focused on the JETTs, junior and senior teens, all of whom fall under the JT portfolio, this workshop is for those 18 and up. When we asked the Lord whether or not the JETTs and teens should attend this workshop, the Lord said the following:

(Jesus: ) The purpose of this workshop is for the Home to have a good look at itself and discuss honestly and openly ways that it can make progress in their raising disciples of the JETTs and teens. It's also a time when they can praise Me for their young people and fight for them in prayer, pushing back the Enemy and the forces that fight My youth. It needs to be a time when all the adults in the Home can pour out their hearts freely to Me, as well as speak and counsel openly and honestly about the things I put on their hearts. While the vein of this workshop is positive, it would still be better that the JETTs and teens not be present, as it could inhibit the full flow of counsel that I wish to be generated during this workshop. (End of message.)

• If your Home doesn't have any JETTs and teens, your meeting might be shorter than the three hours allotted. However, please still take the time to do the prayer and praise sections of this workshop (focusing on the JETTs and teens in your area, region, and worldwide), read the included Word and prophecies, and discuss ways that you as a Home can help Homes in your city or area fulfill the criteria.

For example: Offering to take their JETTs and teens out witnessing, teaching them to personal witness and win souls; inviting them to help prepare and participate in the teaching of a 12 Foundation Stones class to your sheep; preparing Word classes for the JTs of another Home and either inviting them to your Home or going to their Home to give the class; planning inspiring and fun Spirit-filled activities that you can invite the JTs of another Home or area to participate in; volunteering your services to the national board in your area to help with the activities and programs they are involved in, if needed; planning a fundraising day every so often where the proceeds would go to your regional or national JT boards in order to help them with their endeavors‚ etc.


In order to make sure that the matters discussed, the decisions made, and the commitments committed to during this discussion are followed through with, it would be wise to appoint a "secretary" whose task is to take good notes and keep track of the decisions and the Home's and members' commitments.

Please be sure to read this material that follows beforehand in order to know what to do and how to lead the discussions. Plan ahead and make sure you have everything prepared so that the meeting flows well and the time allotted for the workshop is used wisely.

Here are points you will need to take note of and some things you will want to prepare ahead of time for this meeting:

For the praise segment of this workshop

Following is a list of some praise ideas that you can choose from and prepare for prior to your meeting. You will not be able to fit all of them into 10 minutes‚ so choose the ones that you feel will be most appropriate for your Home and that you can fit within the prescribed timeframe.

• Sing a song (some ideas for songs):

• Heaven's Girls and Heaven's Boys (don't forget to bounce!)

• Teens of the End

• Radical Teens

• Praise the Lord for the changes the renewal brought to your Home in regards to your JETTs and teens. Have three sets of two people do a "before and after" skit while the rest of the Home guesses what is being dramatized. After each skit‚ raise your hands and praise the Lord for these changes. For example: One person can act out a bored JETT or teen (as the "before" action) while the second person acts out something which that JETT or teen became involved in during the renewal that helped overcome that boredom.

• To the tune of the song "Amen‚" go around the room and have each person take a turn praising the Lord for either a spiritual or physical change that has taken place in the lives of your JETT(s) and teens(s). You can go around until you run out of things to say. (If you don't know the tune to this song, you can just go around the room and after each person exclaims a change they've seen, everyone says, "Amen!") For example: "[Name] shows more affection (Amen!)" or "[Name] has become a bolder witness (Amen!)" or "[Name] shows a lot more motivation (Amen!)" etc.

• Throughout the renewal there should have been occasions where you, the adult, SGA, or YA, were able to spend time with the JETT(s) or teen(s) in your Home (or other Homes), either unitedly or individually, doing either a special project, going out witnessing together, or getting to know each other in some way. Take some time to recount this special moment by a few of you sharing the connection that was made with one or more of your JETT(s) and teen(s) during the renewal.

• Praise the Lord for a change that will take place in the future. Popcorn style add to the phrase, "Thank You, Lord, that in the future______." Think of something that you personally would like to be involved with in a JETT or teen's life.

• Give each person a slip of paper for each JETT or teen you have in your Home (for example, if you have five JETTs and teens, you would give each person five slips of paper) and ask that they write down something they appreciate or admire about that JETT and teen. Collect the papers in order to give them to the JETTs/teens in your Home.

Depending on which ideas you choose, you may want to prepare some of the following things ahead of time.

• If you are going to sing some songs (either the ones listed earlier or ones of your choice), you might want to photocopy or print out song sheets so that the inspirationalist doesn't end up singing solo. You can find the words to the songs listed above in the Ultimate Family Songbook.

• If you are going to use the last praise idea, you will need a slip of paper for the number of JETTs and teens you have in your Home for each person attending the meeting.

• If you know that those in your Home will have a difficult time coming up on the spot with the "before and after scenario" praise, write up a few suggestions on slips of paper and either have them pull them out of a hat or choose the ones they want to do.

For the prayer for the JETTs and teens segment of this workshop

Before your meeting‚ take some time to make a list of specific prayer requests for the JETTs and teens in your Home. These prayer requests can be prayed after the list of general prayer requests for JETTs and teens worldwide which are included with the workshop.

Decide how you will pray ahead of time so that you can spend the full 10 minutes in prayer rather than in deciding how to pray.

For the brainstorming and discussing the criteria segment of this workshop

Print out or photocopy a copy of the "JT Home Review Questionnaire" listed at the end of the JT criteria GN for each member (or every couple of members) of the Home so you can pass them out during the "brainstorming and discussing the JT criteria" segment of this workshop.

For the ending prayer segment of this workshop

Print out or photocopy a copy of the ending prayer for each of the members attending the meeting so that they can follow along with the prayer.

JT Workshop Program

1. Start with a short prayer, and read the following quote.

The Key of Brotherhood

(Jesus:) I give you the key of brotherhood to aid you in the shepherding of My young disciples. I wish to give you, through this key‚ an enhancement of all of the gifts you need to rally My young ones to the fore, to unite them as one in My Spirit, and to ignite in their hearts the true fire of revolution and devotion. There is much that holds them back—the Enemy's attacks, personal weaknesses, laziness, lack of desire, and much more—but call on this key when you pray for them and for your interactions with them, for it creates a drawing and uniting force in the spirit.

The key of brotherhood, when called on, brings to your side a great host of spirit helpers from My realm whose aim and goal it is to see the children of David gather together in revolution and discipleship. These helpers work behind the scenes to encourage the hearts of the wayward, spur on those who are weary, and help to unite My children in a powerful form of brotherhood and camaraderie. This key also gives you, as a shepherd [or bellwether]‚ the anointing you need to be a drawing force, helping to unite and challenge My young ones.

Key promise: You, with the assistance of My spirit helpers and your teamworkers on Earth‚ will aid Me in making a strong fellowship of disciples and followers of the radical truth for this generation. The key of brotherhood will draw and unite My children in the spirit, and anoint you with newfound power. (ML #3492:128-130, GN 1077.)

2. Have praise time. (10 minutes)

(For the meeting planner:) Have a time of rejoicing, praise, and thankfulness for our wonderful future disciples—our JETTs and teens—using the ideas you chose prior to your meeting. This time of praise should last for about 10 minutes.

3. Pray for the JTs in your Home and worldwide. (10 minutes)

The goal of this prayer time is to intercede desperately on behalf of the JETTs and teens‚ that they will be able to realize their potential as the future of our Family, and also to pray against the forces that fight that calling. Here is something to read before you begin your prayers:

(Jesus:) They are being fought heavily by the forces of the netherworld. Even if you don't see their potential, Satan does, and he has launched a very heavy attack against them—and against all of your young people in the Family.

To counter this attack, you must intercede for them in prayer consistently‚ faithfully, desperately. Prayer is what will win this war and help them to be free of the attacks for periods long enough to recognize My truth and have the opportunity to make the right choices.

Pray specifically against Pan‚ Bacchus‚ Arakan, Apotheon, and Lethargy. Ask Me to speak to you and show you who else is fighting against your teens. Depending on their ministry and the potential that they have, there are demons specifically trying to hinder them and hold them back in the areas they have the most potential in. Once you know who you are fighting, pray against them specifically. Learn to recognize their influence and fight it in prayer, claiming the power of the keys to fight for your children. (ML #3419:13–15, GN 1006.)

1. Pray for the JETTs and teens worldwide.

General prayer requests for JETTs and teens worldwide:

[Note: Depending on the size of your Home-specific list, you may want to assign all of these prayer requests below to one or two people in your meeting, so that the others could focus on the Home-specific prayer requests.]

• That they will feel a need for the Word, have inspiring Word times, get interested in it and turned on by it, and learn to hunger for it and love it, and that we will do our part to make it possible for them to have good, feeding, and fun Word times. Against familiarity with the Word, the Lord and His Spirit.

• That they will know they are important to the Lord and that they will feel that importance; to have faith that He has a special and very personalized plan for them. That we will do what we can to encourage and appreciate them and build their self-esteem.

• Against the Enemy's evil spirits that fight them and try to hinder them fulfilling their calling—specifically against Pan, Bacchus, Arakan, Apotheon, Lethargy, as well as the demons of depression.

• That we will look at them as new disciples who need to be won to the Lord‚ and manifest that love in all of our interactions with them. Against familiarity on our part.

• That each of us, as our JETTs and teens' keepers, can do our part to keep moving forward with the progress that was gained during the renewal.

2. Pray for the specific prayer requests for the JETTs and teens in your Home.

Keys to claim during or after your prayer time (or you may have your own favorite selection):

• If you feel out of touch with the youth of today, call on the keys of wisdom, insight, flexibility, discernment‚ conviction, and change, and you will see miracles! You will be given new understanding, new faith, new vision, and the difference in your interactions with the young people will be tangible.

• Claim the keys of protection to shield your teens from the attacks of the Enemy. He never rests, so your prayers must not rest either. As you pray, I am able to surround your teens with a force field that protects them and makes it easier for them to make the right decisions and stay within My will.

• The keys of revolution give life and have the power to turn each of your JETTs and teens into a dedicated disciple for Me.

• The keys of the Kingdom can breathe new life and fresh hope into any person or situation.

• Hit the Devil head-on in a direct-attack approach by calling on the power of the keys to weaken his hold on people, and victory is guaranteed.

• Praise is one of the keys to victory. This key can not only draw you closer to Me, but can be turned into a sword to cut the Devil to the heart!

• I will supply abundantly and miraculously for My brides who wage spiritual warfare against the rulers of darkness—Satan, Arakan‚ Apotheon, Oplexicon, Lethargy, the Selvegion‚ Pan, Bacchus, and others. Victory will be yours through the keys!

4. Read the keynote below for the brainstorming and discussion time.

(Jesus:) My dear brides, thank you for coming together for this important workshop meeting. Thank you for giving of your time, which I know is very precious, to pull down what I have to give you at this time in order to help you live the JT criteria and be all that you should be for your youth. These in your Home and in the Homes around you are truly the Hope of the Future. They are the future of the Family. Each one of them is precious in My sight and worth investing in and giving your all for. They are an investment that will reap great dividends. Be wise investors and use this time well. This workshop is only a starting place, for the time you have is small compared to all that you could discuss, pray about, and get My answers on. Start on the right foot and you will reap great results—results that will last and bear visible fruit.

I ask that you open your minds and hearts to Me and let Me pour out My inspiration and ideas in great abundance! You have a vast, immeasurable reservoir at your disposal. It's all there for you. You have but to ask and I will command that the floodgates be opened and that the contents be poured out to you. With the same measure you desire, it will be poured out to you. All it takes is faith that My answers, My ideas‚ My solutions, My inspirations and innovations are there. It's all there for you, and those that guard this reservoir of knowledge await your faith in order to be able to let it flow.

I want you to know that there are a multitude of angels and spirits here waiting to help you to put these decisions and commitments into action. They are ready to help you run the race, cheer you on, and give you tips on being better, faster, and more skillful runners. Tap into their power both now and when you have to actually do the things you have discussed here at the meeting, and you'll see what a strength and help they are to you.

Focus on the task that is now before you. Set aside all other distractions and those things that would hinder the flow, and be all of one accord. And just as I poured out My Spirit in the Day of Pentecost when the early disciples were all of one accord, so will I pour out of this reservoir unto you, and you will see the results of it in the things that you say and the ideas and answers that I pour unto you.

There is work to be done on your part. You have to pull down My ideas, you have to be together in unity, and you have to discuss and desire My answers. But know in full faith that I will give them to those who are desperate and meet the requirements of faith, humility, and unity. Don't let the Enemy come in with pride, self-righteousness‚ criticalness, and sensitivity. Focus on the positive. Focus on action, on what you can do right now to live the criteria to the full.

You aren't trying to figure out who is right in your discussions; you are only seeking My will, and what is right‚ what will bear fruit in the lives of your JETTs and teens, and what will fulfill their needs and give them the training that they need to be strong Christian disciples. That's the purpose of this workshop. You aren't here for yourselves; you aren't here for anything else but for your young people and the Family's young people.

Cast off any of your old mindsets that tell you that it can't be done, that you're too tired‚ that you've done the best that you can and given your best years for the previous generations of Family young people, and that no matter what you do, it's just not going to help. Defeat those defeatist thoughts and Apotheon's voice with the power of the keys! Calling on the keys is the road to strength, power, victory and new life. Claim that key promise for yourselves as you go into this workshop, and your outlook will be renewed and your old mindsets cleared away so that I can give you the new.

Keep the vision of what this is all for. I want you to come out of this time inspired about the challenges ahead. Yes, there will be work to be done and it must be followed through, but it should be inspiring and thrilling because you are building the future. You are working for something that will not only bear fruit today, but will bear fruit in the future—and into eternity!

Try to see things in this light. What you cover today is going to have repercussions for all eternity! You don't know exactly what I have destined for that JETT or teen in your Home. Only I know the future. But one thing you can be sure of is that if you train up a JETT or teen in the way that he or she should go—and that word "train" encompasses the whole criteria—when they are old‚ they will not depart from it. It'll all be used.

Whether to you they seem to make the right choices now or not, it's going to make a difference. And let Me tell you, if you are faithful to pour into them, many of them will choose Me‚ and the disciples you will have gained will shake the world! And I'm not just talking about the future when they are My Endtime prophets, but I'm talking about today and the very near future, when they are your fellow laborers, teachers, shepherds of flocks, and so much more. Don't lose that vision. Don't let your focus be diverted from this. (End of message.)

5. Pray for your brainstorming and discussion time.

(For meeting planner:) You might want to let everyone know what will come after the prayer before the individual prays, so as to make the transition between the one main prayer and the individual prayers afterwards flow smoothly.

1. Have one person (you should select this individual beforehand so he or she can be prepared) pray desperately for the four requests below.

Prayer requests to pray for and against:

• Pray for faith and a "can be done" attitude.

• Pray for humility and a loving presentation.

• Pray against negative mindsets that might hinder you from receiving the positive solutions the Lord has to give you.

• Pray against the Enemy fighting this time together in the form of distractions, wandering thoughts, or the feeling that you personally aren't a contribution to the JETTs and teens in any way.

2. After the individual has prayed for the four main requests above, go around the room, and in short sentences ask the Lord in prayer to give you what you feel you need for this workshop. You may feel you need a receptive heart, a desire to be involved, a love for the JETTs and teens in your Home, a "can be done attitude" in regards to helping your JTs, etc. These shouldn't be long prayers, just short sentences to enable everyone to set aside any hindrances you feel may get in the way of this meeting.

You will want to make the most of this time you have in discussing your Home's future involvement in the lives of your JETTs and teens and implementing the JT board criteria, so don't be afraid to ask for prayer against any hindrances you may personally have that could hold you back.

3. Claim keys to end your prayer time.

Keys to claim (or you may have your own favorite selection):

• Understanding comes as a reward of faith—call on the keys to give you that faith.

• The keys not only grant you faith, but will also empower you with a steady stream of confidence in My promises—the power to put your faith into action.

• Pride will have no entryway to your heart as you call on the keys of humility, meekness, and adaptability.

• Call on the power of the keys of diplomacy and love if you must speak about emotional and personal matters, and I will possess you completely, enabling you to rise above and communicate in My Spirit.

• Call on the power of the keys to override your negative mindsets and give you immediate access to My mind.

• Claim the power of the keys in your fight against misinterpreting others' words and motives, seeing them in a negative light. Consistently call on the keys' power in all your interactions with others so you'll be able to access My mind—the positive—instead of jumping to negative conclusions.

• The keys bring light and freedom! The power of the keys will unlock any padlock‚ any stronghold of negativity, criticalness‚ or darkness in your mind, and bring positiveness, acceptance of others, and light!

• As you call on the power of the keys that turn into swords, you become an unbeatable foe! For your weapons are not carnal, but mighty through Me and the keys! It's the sword of the Spirit at work!

• The keys of the Kingdom are a marvelous treasure, and you will discover more of their secrets every time you use them. Call on them to unlock Heaven's power and might whenever you need it!

• I give you the keys of vigilance to be aware of the Enemy's tactics, the keys of prioritizing to recognize when he seeks to sabotage your time, and the keys of faith to accomplish what I show you is most important, no matter how things look in the natural.

6. Spend time brainstorming and discussing the JT criteria.

(approximately 1 hour)

Take each of the five main aspects of the Criteria (Shepherding and Supplying the Needs of the JETTs and Teens, Christian Conduct and Sample‚ Disciplinary Standard, Spiritual Training, and Witnessing) and first decide which one you would like to focus on during this time. While it would be nice to discuss each one during this workshop‚ because of the limited time‚ please only select one of the five to start with. If you finish that one before the 60 minutes of this phase of the workshop is done, you can move on to the others, if you wish.

[Note: You may want to decide this ahead of time in order to have more time in this workshop‚ but if you do decide this at the meeting, please don't spend a long time deciding so that you can spend the workshop time for discussion.]

Now take the aspect that you selected and discuss positive steps you as a Home can take to move forward and put that aspect of the criteria into full effect in your Home.

The goal of this phase of the workshop is to help your Home decide on and then take positive and doable steps in fulfilling the JT criteria. No doubt there are areas in each of the main aspects of the criteria that you could do better in, but trying to think about how to do everything all at once can discourage you and hinder sustainable progress. You don't want to try to do too much or make your goals too lofty and unrealistic, to where you end up not being able to follow through on them. Follow-through is very important. It's better to do a few things and do them well than have a whole bunch of good intentions that you never end up seeing through to the end.

This part of the workshop isn't for getting too much into your weak areas. Each member of the Home should be fairly familiar with the JT criteria and have a good idea of what areas the Home is weak in from having studied over the criteria during the study month, and in discussing and brainstorming what you can do to move forward in some of these main aspects of the criteria, the weaknesses of your Home will certainly come up. But the focus of this time is on positive things you can do, action, workable and practical solutions rather than the problems.

This is also not a time to put the blame on anyone or point the finger. This time is for honest, loving, positive discussion, and not self-righteousness, criticism‚ or pride. You are simply looking at the one aspect of the criteria you have selected for discussion and asking yourselves what you can do to better fulfill those criteria points contained therein.

Each main aspect of the criteria has a number of criteria points under it. You might not need to work on every point, and some points you most likely don't need to discuss that much. That's fine. You don't have to discuss or come up with something for every single criteria point. Focus on areas that you aren't doing that much in and pull down ideas of what you can do. During your discussion you should ask yourselves questions such as:

• What practical idea(s) can we as a Home do that we are not already doing in order to fulfill this aspect of the criteria?

• What specific step(s) can we take in order to put these practical ideas into action?

• How are we going to make sure these things get done?

• Who is going to ask the Lord about this?

• Who will see this through ("bell the cat")?

• When do we want to have this done by or implemented by?

By the time your hour is up‚ you should have at least one idea or practical thing that you are going to do regarding the aspect of the criteria you selected for discussion and be able to answer each of the preceding questions for it.

Remember that the key is having good landing gear and for your ideas and plans to be workable. It's fine to just have one thing for the main aspect of the criteria you selected if that thing is going to help your Home move forward in making that aspect of the criteria a reality in your Home.

Here's an example of how you might go about discussing a criterion, and how you might go about making concrete steps to make progress in that area:

Say you decide to discuss the fourth main aspect of the criteria, which is "Spiritual Training," and you as a Home feel you are lacking in a good solid Word program for your JTs. You could discuss ideas of how you might make JT Word time more inspiring and geared to their needs. You might consider making a rotational schedule where various members of the Home commit to teaching the JTs Word class on a number of different subjects. Once you have decided this, you should decide on practical steps in order to implement this plan, such as deciding who teaches class on what days, what subjects they will teach, how they will get time to prepare their classes, how they will get their personal Word time (if the JT class happens at the same time as Home devotions), when you want to implement this plan‚ etc.

This is just an example of something you might do‚ but the goal is that you must make actual concrete decisions on how you are going to put your ideas into action if you are going to make progress. As well, during the meeting you should assign any prophecies that might need to be received afterwards, and set deadlines of when they need to be turned in. The person leading the meeting should be responsible to make sure that the prophecies are received and turned in on time.

7. Helping your JTs be the Hope of the Future today!

(approximately 45 minutes)

It's been mentioned countless times in the Word that our JETTs and teens are the Hope of the Future. In practical terms, what does that mean? How do your JETTs and teens become the Hope of the Future? Only the Lord knows what their future holds, but you play a big part in helping them to become that Hope of the Future. One way your Home can make this happen now is by looking at your JETTs and teens with the eyes of faith, seeing ahead to what they will become in the future. Not the far-off future, but today, tomorrow, when they will be partners in your Home's work; when they are reaching the lost in your area, building your area's work and keeping it running, teaching the younger children, and managing your Home.

The mindset that you must have in regards to the JETTs and teens is that they are potential disciples and helpers in the harvest field. You can't see all of this criteria and everything you must pour into them as another to-do on a piece of paper, or one more burden on the shoulders of the parents and Home members. Look at them as your future co-workers that you are investing in for the future of your Home and your work. Treat them as disciples in the Lord and help them to grow into responsibility, to learn, to participate in your work, and to share their views and ideas. They may not always show this desire, but the Lord has said it's there‚ so search it out. That's the purpose of this segment of the workshop.

That kind of thinking makes this "job" of raising JT disciples a passion. It's all part of "winning disciples of all nations." When this is the perception and the way your Home looks at the JETTs and teens and sees them, the JT criteria becomes such an asset, it becomes a blessing and an effective tool in building your winning team and keeping it a winning team in the future.

Take the next 45 minutes (leaving about 20 minutes at the end of the workshop for closing prayer and the reading of the closing prophecy) and discuss point number 1 below.

Remember to not only talk about the topic but actually "bell the cat" on whatever you decide and select someone to confirm your plans and ideas with the Lord and ask any further questions you may have about them. Having a plan that you don't follow up on, or follow through with, is almost as bad as not having any plan at all. As was mentioned earlier, it's better to do a few things, and do them well, seeing them through, than to intend to do a vast number of things that you don't end up doing at all or end up doing poorly.

1. Talk about ways that the JETTs and teens can become more involved in your Home and ministries. This would be learning more about the ministries your Home is involved in‚ taking on areas of responsibility, working as an apprentice with a voting member in the Home to learn their ministry, etc. This would not be a discussion on how to involve the JTs more in JJT‚ dishes, or other Home duties. While those are necessary to the running of every Home and all members of the Home need to help in those areas, this discussion is meant to focus on how the JTs in your Home can become the "Hope of the Future" today! It's putting skin on that concept and making commitments to "teach others (your JTs) to teach others (and win the world for Jesus)."

(Note: If you finish the preceding topic and would like to go on to these others below, you may‚ but be sure to leave enough time at the end for the remaining portion of this workshop. You can also keep these other topics in mind to discuss at a future meeting related to your JTs.)

2. Brainstorm ways each person can be a part of the JETTs and teens' lives in the Home. Everyone should try to commit toward doing something with the JETTs and teens or something for them. The person leading the meeting or the JT shepherd should keep track of what that is, so that he or she can follow through with your Home/Home members' commitments. These ideas can be along the lines of the renewal initiatives, activities, commitments, etc., that you as a Home or individuals in the Home helped make happen for your JETTs and teens.

The renewal bore much good fruit in the lives of the JTs around the world‚ and the idea of this exercise is to identify those initiatives that your Home or members were a part of that bore the most fruit in the lives of your JTs in the way of keeping them challenged and inspired in the Family, and committing to continuing with them or something of a similar nature.

The Lord will most likely be calling the SGAs and YAs in your Home to take on a greater role with the JTs in your Home, and if that is the case‚ you can also discuss what the rest of the Home's members can do to help make it possible for them to fulfill the "Call to the Rescue" vision in your Home.

3. Discuss how your Home and members can be involved in doing things for the JTs in your area, or in what ways you can offer to help the JT board in their efforts within your city or area. The purpose for this is so that your Home doesn't only look inward at your own needs and the needs of the JTs in your Home, but also looks outward to how you can help in your city or area to make things happen for the JTs.

The JTs have a great need for variety and fellowship and positive interaction with their peers. So whether it be hosting activities in your Home for the JTs once in a while, volunteering a member of your Home to help out on city or area events for your JTs, or individuals being available to teach a certain ministry or skill to the JTs, all those are things that you as a Home can discuss and come up with concrete ideas of how you can be a part of the JT's lives in your area. Of course, since every Home will be discussing this topic during this workshop, there will need to be some coordination of efforts, so before enacting any of your decisions, please present them to your national JT board for consideration.

8. Read closing message from the Lord.

(Vision:) I see a big group of JETTs and junior teens. Some seem discouraged, others bored, and some seem to be into their own "trips" or into doing their own thing. They are dressed in armor, but are slovenly dressed. Their armor is sloppy, and their shields are down at their sides or on the floor, and weapons are strewn about. The whole thing seems pretty gloomy. But off in the distance I see a ray of light. This light starts coming from all surrounding sides.

Slowly the teens are looking at the light and they're being called. They pick up their armor‚ stand straight, and start standing in the light. They look happy‚ as if they've found a purpose. Not everyone is near the light, but then those who have found the light and are standing under the light are starting to call out to their friends and to those around.

It's not happening all at once, and it seems that for each one of them to stand under the light, or for the light to reach them, will take some work, but it looks like that's the plan.

(Jesus:) There stands before you now an army. Not all the youth of this army are sitting in this gloomy place; some have found the light and a purpose to being "called and chosen," but many are in this gloomy place and are not sure why. They are lost‚ confused, and many feel that their life is just passing them by. They are not prepared for battle. They know that there is a war‚ because they have heard of it, but many have not seen the need for their weapons or their armor.

You know what I see when I see this motley troop? I see an army! But not only that, I see the future! I see young men and women who will grow into disciples, witnessers, board members, leaders, and shepherds of My flocks! I see teachers, writers‚ performers, activators, world changers, pioneers‚ and most importantly I see My Endtime army of David. Here stands your hope of the future, those who will inherit the Words of David and be My messengers in the Last Days, those who have been destined for such a time as this when the end of the world draws near.

But who will train them? Who will guide them, direct them, and bring them to the light? The light you have seen is My truth, My vision, My destiny, and My empowerment. My light will open their eyes and awaken their souls to receive the anointing that I have for them, but they need your help. They need to feel that they are a part of this army and that they are very much soldiers fit to fight. For they are fighters and rebels, but right now many of them are rebels without a cause. They need a cause! Will you give it to them?

I know it's easy to get discouraged when you feel you have poured so much into them, especially you, their parents, who have been with them since birth, doing what you can to raise them as disciples, Family members, and missionaries. But, My loves, already My promises have been extended to you, and I have told you that greater am I than all the forces of Satan that try to snatch the hearts and lives of these young men and women. As I have also said‚ greater am I in you than he that is in the world. There is nothing that cannot be overcome! This battle is an ongoing battle and one that will last, but it's a battle that we must fight together. It's a battle that will be won through your prayers, your guidance‚ your training, your investment, your time, and your love.

Yes, this is an investment, and one that will take a bit more time and a bit more sacrifice, but think of the rewards! Think of the victory! As you invest and as you pour into these young ones, you are raising future kings and queens. This is a royal mission, My loves‚ one of the greatest callings I have given you—that of raising and training your young ones in the way that they should go, for when they are older, they will not depart. Believe My promise that My Word never returns void. Well, neither will the time, love, and investment you pour into these young ones.

Who are you training? Who are you investing in? Who are you giving to? Yes, there are My sheep of the world and there are My lost children of David, but there are also My children—your children, your JETTs and teens. It may seem more than you are able to give, but I promise you that there is not one investment‚ not one bit of training, not any sacrifice given to these, My children, My future, that I will not bless, that I will not use‚ and that I will not honor.

I wish to rally this troop! I wish to make soldiers, disciples‚ and princes and princesses of David out of them! I wish to raise them up to work in My courts and to serve My people. But how will they learn if you do not show them the way? Yes, they have My Word, but they do not know how to follow My Word on their own—they need you. They need your time, your energy, your wisdom‚ your experience, and your patience.

They need to be shown that they are a worthy investment. And you need to see that while you may feel that not much is accomplished by your giving a little here or a little there‚ that is not the case at all. Each and every moment spent with these precious young disciples will come back to you one hundred fold. If not now, then in the coming years when they turn around and dedicate their lives to Me.

Not all may take your investment seriously, and some will throw their armor away completely, but even that is not the end. You will see the results of your investment in the life to come. Here in Heaven you will see clearly just what it meant in that one JETT or teen's life.

Oh, My dear loves, don't give up on them! Do not see them just as children who need to be fed, clothed, schooled, and taken care of, but see them as men and women of the future, of the faith, and of the End! Look at your JETT or teen and say to yourself, "This one may be doing what I am doing in a few years! This one has potential to teach, and he/she may be ready to join the CGO board in a few years, and if he/she is even better trained, he/she may be able to chair the board."

How much I will be able to use them in the years to come depends on the training they receive now. And I will have you know that I very much intend to use them, and it is in My greater interest that they are trained now. For even though this one JETT or teen may not become a leader or a board member or a Home shepherd or a great witnesser, he or she is destined to rule and reign with Me when My Kingdom comes to Earth.

While it's good to have an immediate vision of what you want your JETT or teen to accomplish, and you may want to just get him or her through their school, or help them raise their funds to go to that one country or Home they wish to move to—I want you as their friend, their helper, their keeper, their shepherd, their parent‚ to see the bigger picture, to look further into the future and realize that I want to use your child to rule this world with Me! I also want to use them to win souls. I want to use them to fight battles, to go to war against the Devil, and to challenge Satan when the final war of the End is waged. Their talents and ability have no stopping place, just as there is no end to what you are able to accomplish for Me.

If you lack the faith to see these things, ask Me to renew your faith. If you lack the hope that your JETTs or teens can become what I need for them to be, ask Me to give you a new hope. If you're tired and don't know if you have any strength left to pour into them‚ come to Me and I will renew your strength. The point is, My loves, that this is a need—a great need! If My youth do not see the light or find the purpose for which they were born into this Family, you will not be able to walk into tomorrow as strong as you could be.

Every tear, every prayer, every drop of sweat, every sacrifice will go a long, long way. You will reap the benefits and you will be thankful that you poured into these young ones. So go, take up the challenge that I have given to you and stand on My promises to you. Commit yourselves again and again to these young ones, and you will reap great results!

I thank you, My loves, for being willing, and for taking up this challenge. Already you have many things to take up, and I know you sometimes feel like you could stand to have less than what you have on your plates now. But remember that there is nothing too difficult for you. There are no impossibilities to you, for you are destined to overcome in all areas of your life. You are destined to fulfill the promises I gave to your Father David and that I continue to give.

Oh, the rewards you will reap and the blessings you will receive! Please extend your hand today. Reach out your arms to them and let them come to you, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Ask Me to open your eyes so that you may see them as the princes and princesses that they are, as the disciples of My Family that they are‚ as the soldiers of the End that they will be.

If you ever feel tempted to get frustrated because you aren't seeing the results of your labors‚ think of the future and of what I will help you to train them into. Keep the heavenly vision! If you do, you will have a whole new army following after Me and walking with you into the brighter promises of My future. It will be some work now, but just think of the day when you will be walking hand in hand, as one, into tomorrow. And that tomorrow is soon to come! The day will come when they will all be standing under My light, they will know their destiny, and they will help to win this world for Me and bring many to My Kingdom. (End of message.)

9. End with the following prayer.

(Spirit helper Lyona:) The Lord has sent me to lead you in the closing prayer. I am one of the many that have been assigned to help you in your fight for your JETTs and teens‚ and to work side by side with all of you JETT and teen leaders and shepherds. But this prayer is for all of you to pray, for it is a prayer of a bellwether‚ a trainer‚ a keeper, and an investor. I ask that all of you please hold hands and make your prayer chain strong and repeat after me:

(Prayer: ) We praise You, our Husband, for giving us our precious JETTs and teens, each one of value and such a jewel in Your sight.

We praise You for entrusting their lives into our care and for giving us this opportunity to train and raise them into strong disciples for Your Kingdom.

We thank You for how You have not left us to fight this battle on our own, but have given us a plan that will bring a mighty victory.

We thank You for the JT criteria which is a guide to helping us train up well-rounded and balanced disciples, and we thank You for how it will help us to give them the attention they need in the important aspects of their lives.

Thank You, our Answer Man, for the practical solutions You have given to us, as a Home, that You will also help us to carry out.

We also thank You for the personal commitments You have helped us to make and that You will help us to see through as we leave this meeting.

This day we recommit our service, our love, our time, our investment and training to (names of the JETTs or teens in your Home).

We vow to see them as the disciples they are becoming and potential leaders of the future that they will be.

Help us, dear Love, to become the prayer warriors, the shepherds at heart, the bellwethers‚ the keepers and guardians to our JETTs and teens that You want us to become.

While most of us may not feel that we have talent as JETT/teen shepherds, help us to remember that we each have a part to play, even if small, in each of their lives, that will help to further their training.

We ask for renewed love, hope, faith‚ courage, and a renewed heavenly vision—one that will not fade, but will grow within us until we see this battle through to victory.

Help me to do my part to reach out to our JETTs and teens and to see in which way I can become a part of their life, a part of their training, and a part of their future.

Help me not to grow weary of investing in our future, but to ask for the renewal of faith, hope‚ and strength that You have promised should I need it.

We ask that the keys go before us and make us into the bellwethers we ought to be.

Help me to realize that I am just as responsible for the future of the JETT and teen that is by my side as is his/her parents‚ shepherd, and board members.

Show me how I can become a part of their training and fulfill the role You need me to fill in their lives.

We call on the keys of new perspective, a positive outlook, faith, change, 5D vision, and that we will realize how desperately these young ones need us.

Fill my heart with a burden for our JETTs and teens. Give me the One Wife vision, and the patience and perseverance that You know I will need.

Thank You for the keys‚ which will anoint us with love and compassion for our JETTs and teens, make our hearts Your hearts, and cause us to be like You.

Help us now as we follow in Your footsteps and become the shepherds that You need for us to become for these young ones.

We praise You‚ our Husband, our Guide, our Lover, and faithful Shepherd. We are excited to be walking into this mission filled with Your anointing and Your promises.


(End of message.)

When we prayed about this spirit helper, the Lord said, "[Lyona] is one of the many helpers that I have given to you, My brides, in your shepherding and training of the JETTs and teens. Her skill is in training the heart and mind, and she will help to train your JETTs and teens. She will do this through her prayers, her strength of spirit, and fortitude. She and those assigned to assist the shepherds and parents, or anyone involved in the training of the JETTs and teens, can deliver clear counsel on how to wisely handle any and all situations and confrontations‚ and most importantly teach you how to pray for them, for her strength lies in the fervency of her prayers." (End of message.)

10. Post-workshop assignments.

• Remember to confirm with the Lord and get His views on all the decisions made in the brainstorming and criteria discussion segments of this workshop.

• You may want to consider assigning one or two people to ask the Lord for the name of a spirit helper that has been sent to work in teamwork with your Home in shepherding and training your JETTs and teens. Here is a message from the Lord that was received concerning this‚ when the plan for the workshop was being prayed about, which shows the importance of taking the time to pull down this vital heavenly help:

(Jesus:) I want to give each Home a new spirit helper to help them in the shepherding and training of their JETTs and teens, to light their flames. I will show each Home who their new helper is. This spirit helper will be someone they will want to work with very closely, and as they step out and obey, they will see the mighty miracles and changes in their young ones' lives.


By the International CP Board

To be held on the morning of Day 2 of the Family Feast 2005

Preliminary preparations

The Home teamwork, in counsel with the Home, should decide on a team of two Home members to lead this workshop; i.e., the childcare teamworker plus one parent and/or teacher.

This team should try to take a little time to study this material beforehand, so they have a good understanding of it. Since they will lead this workshop, they will need to be clear on the goal of this session and how to reach this goal.

It would take approximately one hour for this team to read over the material, to plan‚ and be prayed up, so that they can lead the discussions and move them along. This will ensure the success of this workshop.

Please have copies of the following GNs on hand for this workshop:

• The CP/FED Criteria GN (GN 1106)

• "God's Greats‚" ML #3478 (GN 1065)

The team leaders can appoint a note-taker for this workshop, someone assigned to take notes of the discussion, keep track of the follow-up to-dos, and take note of a realistic timeframe to turn in follow-up P&Ps. (Please set realistic deadlines.) This would be the P&P question in the discussion topic(s) you discuss, and can be done either in the meeting or afterward.

You may also want to agree on follow-up appointees. These appointees would be one or two Home members who are selected to ensure that the decisions reached are followed through on.

A dictaphone or white board (or blackboard) for notes will be helpful for the discussions and decision-making.

Introductory Prayer and Praise Suggestion

Just prior to the Summit 2003/international board meetings, the Lord revealed that every board has a special spirit helper called a Custodian or Keeper. We've also been given new spiritual helpers in the Letter "God's Greats," which the beginning praise and prayer for this workshop could revolve around:

CP board Custodians

A message in "International Board News 2003" (ML #3476, GN 1063) tells us that the Custodians are to protect, inspire, guide, and help each board in the areas of stretching their faith, having tighter unity and communication amongst themselves, and to increase their vision, to help them learn to lean on the power of the keys, and much more.

(From ML #3476:199-204:)

(Jesus:) Let Me introduce Frederick and Freya. These two heavenly Custodians and Keepers of the CP board are one—one in heart, one in love, one in purpose, and thus as one body and spirit. Their unity is what made them meld together into one body, fitly joined together in brotherly, fatherly, and motherly love. They are one, yet they are a team. These two will keep a close watch on the overall direction of the Children and Parenting board. These two will be the Custodians of the board from the heavenly realm. They will work closely with your many spirit helpers.

The effectual fervent prayers of My parents, teachers and spirit helpers have been answered‚ and have moved My heart to create Frederick and Freya. The love of the Holy Spirit also played her part in the creation of these two spirit beings. Love has creative power. These two have access to all gifts! All the talents and abilities imaginable are at their disposal. However, their main function, their role and their forte, is to steer the Children and Parenting boards spiritually.

Frederick's strength is his stability. He's a strong ruler. He is steady in conviction. He stands firm. He's unshakable. He will help steer‚ direct, and rule the board through his strong qualities. Because of his deep and strong connection to the source and the power, he has the peace of God. The peace of God and unity are his strengths. He is not moved by physical conditions or circumstances, because he sees beyond the natural realm. Because of this‚ his judgments are righteous. With your cooperation he will get the board moving forward in no uncertain terms. His discernment will keep the Enemy at a good distance, and free you to operate with the least possible obstruction.

Freya's gentle ways have endowed her with much patience and diplomacy in her role. She will keep the board running smoothly‚ oiled with love and real power from on high—love being the greatest force to propel your board to fulfill the commission for which it was created. She's the perfect lady for the task—beautiful in spirit, which is reflected in her appearance and how she carries herself with dignity. You would call it class, but it's more of an inner strength and quality. Her love and grace are the force with which she rules and with which she will steer things in the right direction. She has strong faith and strength of character. Her gentleness has made her great and strong to fight and overcome the Enemy.

These Custodians work in such great harmony together that they are more than a match for the Enemy, the demons of Hell and Satan himself. They are a powerhouse together because of their unity of spirit. They are a force to be reckoned with. So call on their help, and you will be translated and catapulted into a new dimension and into a new realm in the spirit. These heavenly helpers will not only give you new power and strength, but they will help you make wiser choices in your board work, because they will give you eyes to see in the spirit. They will help you to make the best decisions, which will bring greater fruitfulness and unity overall.

Your prayers have reached My ears and have moved My heart to commission Frederick and Freya as Custodians and Keepers. They are responsible to steer the CP board ever upward to greater victories‚ fruitfulness‚ and accelerated progress—both now and in the future. (End of message.)

Parenting board in Heaven

Read from "God's Greats" (ML #3478:55-62, GN 1065) about the parenting board in Heaven, chaired by Jesus and His Holy Spirit, assisted by such wonderful people as Dad, Pied Piper, Helen Keller, and Anne Sullivan. Our Husband promised to lend us a helping hand to make our load lighter, multiply our efforts, and increase our gifts. This is cause to praise Him!


Read how Elysian helps the parents, teachers and caretakers‚ and praise the Lord for our heavenly helpers.

(From ML #3478:92,93,97:)

(Elysian: ) The need for your encouragement and continued commitment to this calling is great. The need for your continued resoluteness to this vital calling is growing greater by the day, so in [the Lord's] great love and foresight, I have been created to help meet this need. I am here for each one of you. I am available to all who desire and ask for what I can give you, and what I can allow you to see.

You have but to call on the power of the keys, then call my name—Elysian—and I will be that channel. I will be that relay projector and image conduit who can help you see that child or children in your care through His eyes. I will lift your eyes and spirit out of today and into tomorrow—the tomorrow He knows you need to see—in order to help you see that child and what he is to become through our Master's eyes.

So whenever your courage is ebbing, ask for my help, and I'll be there to show you the marvels of the future and all that our wonderful Love and Savior will do through that little one or that group of little ones—all because of your remaining faithful to the vision and calling He has bestowed upon you.


Praise our Husband for having given Espitia, the keeper of the keys for the children, and the manifold tasks Espitia and team perform due to their unlimited access to the power source of Heaven!

(From ML #3478:121:)

Espitia: Call for my help and:

• I will aid you as you care for, teach, and train the little ones.

• I will give you inspiration, ideas, and counsel.

• I will help you to discern what is in their hearts and what they need.

• Call for my help and I will fight for you when you are weary, when you are overwhelmed.

• I will pray for you and send helpers to your side to aid you in whatever you need.

• Call for my help when you feel you are not getting through to the children, and I will speak, move, and work through you.

Billy Bojangles

And a round of praise for Billy Bojangles, who exclaims:

And don't forget‚ naturally, that I'm here to especially help the kids themselves with their witnessing and performing. If you don't mind me sayin' so‚ I have a bit of experience along those lines. I'll help'm with their boldness, inspire'm and show'm how to inspire the crowds and motivate the people. That's my bag! There's no business like show business, and you Family folk are the Lord's showcase to the world. Just call on me, Mr. Billy Bojangles Robinson, here 24/7 at your service. I never sleep now. I live to help you, 'cause you are the greatest show on Earth, folks! (ML #3478:137).

General Explanation

The purpose of this workshop is to help you to evaluate the childcare and parenting pillar of your Home. The goal is to plan concrete steps to progress and improve in one of the weaker areas within that pillar.

As you evaluate your childcare and parenting pillar, please be realistic. The criteria clearly show the standard of an FD Home. You're probably reaching many of the criteria points already, so give yourself credit where credit is due. You will also have areas of your Home's childcare and parenting standard that need improvement.

The goal of this workshop is:

  1. to determine these weaker areas, and
  2. for your Home to choose (or vote on) one of these areas to discuss, and agree on concrete steps toward strengthening and improving it (you might want to decide on this ahead of time, or during the study month).

The intent is change and progress.

During this workshop you'll need to discuss and determine the area(s) in your Home that need help‚ and invest time in praying about and discussing the specific how-tos of improving the weaker area(s). If you feel there are several areas in your Home within the CP pillar that need help, but you only have the time to make improvement plans for one of those areas, please don't feel bad. If you make solid plans and stick to them, then progress is guaranteed as you commit to putting these plans into action with the Lord's help.

If you have time to tackle a second area that needs strengthening, then this is good, but it's not necessary to do so. This could be saved for a follow–up meeting‚ such as upcoming childcare meetings and/or workshops.


(Jesus:) I will bless you by giving you this gift of expanded faith. Through this special gift of faith, you, My dear parents, My dear keepers of the flame, will be blind to impossibilities and you will see only the possible—faith that sees beyond the obstacles of today in order to lead My flock into green pastures; faith to believe the vision of things to come; faith to see in your children the leaders of tomorrow, whether or not you see the manifestations today; faith to act as though possessing the promise of the reward through your children. As you continue to live through your children and to give them of the "meat that does not perish," I will bless you and cause you to flourish like a beautiful rose garden (ML #3478:39‚42).

Task 1: Evaluate!

Let's begin by taking a brief look at the CP criteria topics. We assume you have already studied the CP Criteria GN, so we are just listing the topics here. Then please discuss which are your strong points and which are your weaker areas. Decide together which one topic (or possibly two topics) your Home should concentrate on for this workshop. The workshop should zero in on the areas where your childcare and parenting standards need to be improved. For example, if your children are an excellent sample of courtesy and manners, but you have not been able to establish regular times for them to go witnessing, then please discuss the section on witnessing.

CP Criteria Topics

1. Word

2. Witnessing

3. Parenting/Home Responsibilities

4. Training and Discipline

5. Children's Welfare

6. Sample

7. Communal Living

8. Health Care

Task 2: Review!

Read the descriptions of the required standard from the CP Criteria GN on the one (or two) topic(s) you have chosen, so you are all of one mind as to what is expected. (It's not necessary to read the Word basis for the criteria at this point, as you will have done so already. The important thing is to be sure all are familiar with what the required standard is for each topic.)

Task 3: Brainstorm!*

Use the questions and points below to guide you as you discuss the weak area(s) you have decided to focus on. Brainstorm how you're going to strengthen these areas. What mindset changes do you need to make to move forward? What specifics do you have to seek the Lord about to receive His tailor-made instruction for your Home?

Evaluate, discuss‚ brainstorm and ask the Lord how to improve in these areas. You may want to hear from the Lord during your meeting‚ or you may find it easier to formulate P&P questions for follow-up P&Ps. (Note: If your Home is larger, you may find it helpful to divide into smaller teams or subcommittees for the discussions, and then come back together toward the end of your workshop time to present the subcommittees' results.)

* Please see the CS (Coaching and Shepherding) workshop for a message and key promises about brainstorming.

Task 4: Conclude!

Draw the net and set concrete goals. Assign times, people, places, and deadlines to put into effect what has been discussed and prayed about. For follow-up P&Ps (after you have agreed on a time by which they will be done), please arrange a follow-up meeting to share the P&Ps and discuss further steps to be taken as a result of the Lord's counsel.


The Gift of Perseverance

(Jesus:) Perseverance is the ability to keep going in spite of problems or difficulties. And you parents know how much you need this gift, because day after day‚ week after week, month after month, and as you will soon find (for those of you who are new parents)‚ year after year, you will encounter obstacles that you will need to overcome to proceed. Each time something comes up, you will need to make a choice about your actions. Will you let the obstacle overcome you, or will you fight to overcome it? (ML #3478:52)

Discussion Points

[Important note: Go now to the topic(s) you decided on in the "Evaluate" section above. The other topics will be good to read and discuss at another time, but for this workshop, please zero in on your agreed-upon topic(s).]

1. Word

(Choose one or more of these points to discuss.)

  1. How can we make our children's devotions and Word times more inspiring and effective? Can we put more time into the planning and preparation of their Word classes? Do the parents and teachers have sufficient time for planning and preparation to make Word time fun, inspiring, and with enough variety? If not, how can the schedule be arranged to provide this needed time?
  2. How can the children apply the verses and key promises they memorize as well as use the new weapons more, both in our Home and when they witness? Are the children memorizing? How can we ensure that they comprehend the verses and promises?
  3. How can we help make the Word come alive in the lives of our children? How can we pass on the main spiritual pushes that we are participating in? What can we do to help the children live the Word?
  4. Do we have all the children's pubs available and on hand? Is the children's library well stocked and kept up? Do we need to assign someone to be responsible for our children's pubs in the Home? Are our Home members, other than teachers and parents, aware of the children's pubs that come out‚ so they can talk about them with the children?

Draw the net: What are our main problem areas? How do we correct the problems? What deadlines can we set for correcting them‚ and who will be responsible?

P&P question: Jesus, the Word is a wonderful, alive, powerful force that we really want our children to partake of and develop a deep hunger for. What can we do to help make this happen? (Please feel free to adapt this P&P question to fit your specific need.)

2. Witnessing

(Choose one or more of these points to discuss.)

  1. What kind of variety of witnessing opportunities do our children have? We need to discuss ideas and places they can go witnessing. Is it feasible for the children to go on road trips from time to time? How regular are our children's witnessing opportunities?
  2. Do we include the children in our witnessing to visitors in the Home? How can we include them more, and what are specific ways to include them?

Some ideas:

— Performing for the visitors: i.e., songs‚ reciting a poem, quoting verses‚ etc., depending on the audience.

— Making gifts/cards; writing out verses for visitors, or special artwork to give to visitors.

— Showing appropriate school or artwork.

— Interacting with visitors' children, giving them simple Bible flannelgraph classes, singing with them, etc.

c) Are we using everyday opportunities to motivate our children to be instant witnesses? How is our sample when we are with the children on get-out, shopping, or other activities outside of our Home? Are we giving our children a sample of concern for those we meet‚ and a desire to do all we can to give them God's message?

d) "Ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto Me." Have the children received the Holy Spirit? Do they need classes, Word studies and testimonies to inspire them with how the Holy Spirit will enhance their witnessing and give them the boldness they need?

Draw the net: What are the main problem areas? How do we correct the problems? What deadlines can we set for correcting them‚ and who will be responsible?

P&P question: Dear Love, Your great commission, and our main reason for staying here on Earth, is to share Your love and bring others to You. Please speak to us about what we can do to help instill a love for the lost in the children of our Home. (Please feel free to adapt this P&P question to fit your specific need.)

3. Parenting/Home Responsibilities

(Choose one or more of these points to discuss.)

  1. When we have personal time with our children, is it quality time? Do they have an opportunity to express their opinions and questions? Do I/we make an effort to get to know the child/children on a deeper level? Am I a good listener for the children?
  2. Does our Home have a functional family time/parent day plan? Is it inspiring and quality time spent with the children? When possible, do we take time before parent time (even the evening before) to pray about what we will do? How can we provide a variety of parent-time activities to inspire all, and encourage us busy parents to really tune in to and have fun with the kids?


The Good Fruit of "One Wife" Family Days

From FSM 207, "The Beautiful Fruit of Special 'One Wife' Activities."

We tried having a united Family Day where we had the children divided by groups rather than by families, and had them with different adults. This was a beautiful day, and the children were absolutely flipped!

The different adults did so many special activities‚ mainly based on what they themselves were good at, and the children really enjoyed being with the special auntie or uncle who had poured so much into them that day.

The unity that resulted in the Home this day was very beautiful to see! Previously we have had some situations coming up on some Family Days, particularly with our single mommies, where we still weren't making the progress we needed to in taking better care of them. We feel that on occasion it would really be good to have group activities on Family Day, as it promoted such a beautiful One Wife spirit in the Home‚ and there was so much more interaction between all members of the Home.

It was also helpful in breaking down familiarity between parents and children and bringing about better understanding and camaraderie between all members of the Home.

[End of box]

c) Childcare meetings—how are they going? Do they bear good fruit? How can we improve our communication when discussing the children? What can we do to better resolve problems and issues that arise regarding the care of the children? Do we have an effective way to implement the decisions we make in our meetings?

d) Are our expectant parents aware of and preparing to take care of necessary legal paperwork regarding their coming baby? Do we need to assign "veteran" parents to help walk new parents through what needs to be done? If more help is needed, we'll need to contact our local CP or PR board.

Draw the net: What are the main problem areas? How do we correct the problems? What deadlines can we set for correcting them, and who will be responsible?

P&P question: Lord, we take it very seriously that You have given us children to care for and bring up in Your nurture and admonition. We consider it a great honor, and we desperately need Your help to do it right. Please show us what we as parents/teachers/Home members can do to fulfill this role. Can we each do more to help carry the responsibility of caring for the children and meeting their needs, so that the load is shared? (Please feel free to adapt this P&P question to fit your specific need.)

4. Training and Discipline

(Choose one or more of these points to discuss.)

  1. Are we as a Home continuing to minimize and resist worldly influences and keep the progress made during the renewal? What things can we work on together as a Home and with the children to ensure that we don't lose the momentum gained during the renewal?
  2. Do we have a united discipline standard for the children in our Home? If we have not yet established this, we should plan an urgent childcare meeting as soon as possible to discuss, pray, and agree on the standard. (Establish a deadline for completing it.)
  3. If we have already established a behavior and discipline standard, how can we better follow through on the guidelines that our Home has agreed to? When was the last time we evaluated it? If our Home is lacking in unity about our childcare standard and discipline, what are we doing about it?
  4. Are we as parents, teachers, and as a Home‚ taking time to read the Word on child training, so we can shepherd the children through prayer, prophecy, and working together? If not, what do we need to do about it? Would a weekly Word meeting on child training help? Brainstorm other ideas.
  5. How can we work together more effectively to train our children‚ teaching them skills and helping them develop their talents? What practical skills are we teaching them? What skills are lacking in our children and how can we go about training them in these areas? Which child needs to learn which specific skill? Let's "bell the cat" to make progress and thus increase our children's abilities.

Draw the net: What are the main problem areas? How do we correct the problems? What deadlines can we set for correcting them‚ and who will be responsible?

P&P question: Dear Jesus, You have told us to train up our children in the way they should go. By Your grace‚ and with Your Words of counsel, we want to do that. Our children are all so different, and only You know the secrets to each one's heart. Please open our hearts and spirits to receive Your ideas of how we can best help them, to guide and steer the children in the right direction. (Please feel free to adapt this P&P question to fit your specific need.)

5. Children's Welfare

(Choose one or more of these points to discuss.)

  1. Let's take a walk through the children's bedrooms. Are they set up child-friendly, safe, clean, and orderly for all, with good lighting and ventilation? If the answer is no to any of the points in this question‚ what do we need to do about it? Are we in need of better beds and/or bedding? Is the children's play area attractive? [The classroom area can be discussed in the FED workshop.] Make a list of these needs and of what specific goals need to be set in these areas. Can we agree to weekly goals to bring our standard up to par? How can we budget for this or provision the items needed?
  2. Do our children have their necessary clothing, shoes, and other material needs met? Do we need to discuss budgeting/provisioning to supply the material needs of our children?
  3. Do our children get sufficient rest or do we need to adjust the schedule? Are they getting good, fun, daily vigorous exercise, preferably in the fresh air? What are the different get-out possibilities in our area? Is the children's physical education adjusted to their age, gender, and abilities? How can we supply the different needs our children have for good‚ fun play outside?
  4. What safety precautions do we take to avoid accidents? Are certain places not childproofed, or unsafe for children, and what are we doing to remedy them?
  5. If we have "special needs" children in our Home, are we as a Home aware of their needs so that they are provided with proper physical, spiritual, and emotional care? Is more help needed to care for these children? How can we help ease the load of the parents and caregivers?

Draw the net: What are the main problem areas? How do we correct the problems? What deadlines can we set for correcting them, and who will be responsible?

P&P question: Lord, please show us if we have allotted sufficient personnel and resources to care for our children. If not, how can we work it out? Are there ways that we should adjust our schedules or plans to better meet the children's needs? Please give us Your heart for the children, and help us to walk in their shoes so we better understand what their needs are. (Please feel free to adapt this P&P question to fit your specific need.)

6. Sample

(Choose one or more of these points to discuss.)

  1. Do we as a Home need to discuss and pray about our overall sample to the children? Are we generally courteous and well-mannered with each other? What areas do we do very well in? What areas do we need to improve in?
  2. Do we have a good standard in how our children appear and dress? Do the children need better clothing and better training in how to care for their clothes? Do our children generally keep clean? Are they attentive to grooming themselves and coming to meals clean, properly dressed, and on time? Do we set a good sample for others to follow?
  3. Are we teaching our children to be polite and to have good manners in our own Home with each other, with other Home members, and with visitors, as well as when out in public? Do our children know how to speak to adults and other children, showing proper respect? Do they know how to interact in a loving way? Do they know how to accept food politely when offered and to eat in moderation‚ politely refusing things that are not good for them?
  4. Are we Home members mindful of our conversations and comments when children are present?
  5. Are we teaching our children about the traditions, customs and culture of the country/community we live in, in such a way that the children will be a positive reflection of us and the Family?

Draw the net: What are the main problem areas? How do we correct the problems? What deadlines can we set for correcting them, and who will be responsible?

P&P question: Lord, do we fall short in our sample in any way to the children?—In our manners when we eat‚ how we appear when we come to meals, our comments about the food or the cooking? How polite and respectful are we with guests? Do we "prefer our brethren" when it comes to seating, serving the food, etc.? The children will learn from our example and our teaching; please do show us how we can improve and bring up our children to be what You want and need them to be. (Please feel free to adapt this P&P question to fit your specific need.)

7. Communal Living

(Choose one or more of these points to discuss.)

  1. What steps do we need to take as a Home to make progress in and apply the One Wife vision? What have we done to give our larger families and pregnant moms extra help and care?
  2. How are our children being trained in learning to live Acts 2:44, 45? Do we share our things with each other? How diligent and faithful are we with the things we use that belong to others? Are we appreciative and good stewards of the things the Lord supplies? Do we return borrowed items in good condition, or plan to replace or repair items we have broken?
  3. Although others help us with our children, as parents we are the primary caregivers. Do we show appreciation to those who help us? Do we as parents do all we can in the care and training of our own children? How much planning time do our teachers get every week? Is it sufficient? How can we schedule time for our parents, teachers, and childcare helpers to have sufficient rest, Word‚ exercise, planning time, and time for outreach?

Draw the net: What are the main problem areas? How do we correct the problems? What deadlines can we set for correcting them, and who will be responsible?

P&P question: (This is a personal P&P question for Home members to ask the Lord about.) Lord, please show me where I need to grow to be the Home member You want me to be for this Home. How can I live One Wife more? Please show me who needs my help, how I can help, and what I can do to make the best use of my time, efforts‚ and talents. (Please feel free to adapt this P&P question to fit your specific need.)

8. Health Care

(Choose one or more of these points to discuss.)

  1. How is our Home's diet? What can we do to improve the quality of our food standard? What about avoiding junk food? How are our eating habits and those of our children? Are we helping them to have a healthy appetite and generally eat what is set before them, taking exceptions into account? Do we prepare and serve the food in a healthy and appetizing way? Are our mealtimes conducive to teaching the children about table manners? Are our mealtimes happy and pleasant, a time to be enjoyed? Do we need to improve our provisioning or budgeting to have a healthy and pleasant food standard that also supplies special dietary needs if required?
  2. Does someone oversee the kitchen and ensure that a balanced diet is provided? If not, how can we arrange for someone to take on this responsibility? Do we need to invest time and opportunity to research what is available in our area, and to pray about how to correct any unhealthy eating habits we may have gotten into?
  3. Are we mindful to provide the needs of our members who are sick? Do we have a budget for taking care of emergency situations? Do we supply special dietary and health needs, including medical attention if needed? How would each of us want to be cared for by our loving Family if we were in a difficult health situation? Is this how we care for those who have a difficult health problem?
  4. In the case of pregnant women: Are we mindful of their needs and the needed preparations for the birth? Are we careful to provide the needed encouragement and health needs? Do we share in the joy of expecting a new baby? Are we preparing for the birth financially and practically‚ including necessary paperwork?
  5. Do we have a plan for providing all members with dental and eye checkups? Are we actively praying for and seeking contacts who can help?

Draw the net: What are the main problem areas? How do we correct the problems? What deadlines can we set for correcting them‚ and who will be responsible?

P&P question: Dear Love, You have cautioned us to not just love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. We know that caring for the health and dietary needs of each other is important, and these things will have long-lasting effects on us all. Please speak to us about what we can do to better meet the needs of our brothers and sisters in helping to provide what they need in the way of food and health care.

Copyright © 2005 by The Family International. Art by Tamar.

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