Practicing Praise

March 17, 2004

FEAST 2004

Mastering the Unbeatable Weapon of Praise

By MariaMaria #663 CM/FM 3471 9/03

Dearest Family,

1. Our Husband has again prepared a very special Feast for us! Wherever you are, united together with your mates and co-workers, Peter and I are with you in the spirit, as we and our WS Homes also set this time aside to partake together of all that our Lover has prepared for us. We're praying for you‚ and please do pray for us and for the rest of your loved ones as well, that we can all make the most of this time and really benefit in the ways the Lord wants us to.

2. As the Lord has explained to us in past years‚ there's something unique about the time of the Feast. It's not simply that our schedules are so different than normal or that we set aside extra time for Word and the things of the spirit‚ although that's part of it. It's a time when really exceptional spiritual progress is available to each of us, when victories are easier to win‚ when the Spirit is more present and tangible and easier to partake of, when a special anointing of faith and grace is poured out for those who "jump in with both feet" to do whatever the Lord is asking of us at the time. We're all united in obedience and sucking in the spirit, and it's often a time when our Husband chooses to reveal new truths and revelations, and usually those new truths are accompanied by new challenges.

Leaping into the pool—instant obedience!

3. The Lord has emphasized so many times how much He blesses and rewards and makes it easy for us when we choose to obey when He first instructs us about something. During the Feast He almost always takes us to a new or higher level in our discipleship or gives us a new gift, and if we make the effort during the Feast to absorb and receive and practice what He's giving us, it results in tremendous blessings and spiritual progress—in other words, it's a much better expenditure of effort if we obey right now, because our efforts are multiplied by the Lord's blessing for obeying immediately. That's always the case when the Lord gives us something new. Now is always the time to do it, apply it, and live it!

4. I'm reminded of the story in John where the angel would stir the waters of the Pool of Bethesda at a certain season, and whoever was the first one into the pool after the water was stirred got healed.—Except in this case we are all "healed," changed, cleansed, strengthened, and propelled forward in the spirit if we'll take the leap into the pool when the Lord is stirring the waters. (See John 5:2-9.)

5. Peter and I pray desperately in the days before the Feast and during the Feast that we will all take full advantage of the moving of the spirit during this time‚ and make great progress and be strengthened in the ways the Lord knows we need to be. He's a good, loving Husband, and He does His best to prepare us for what's ahead, to lead us along step by step so that it's easy for us to keep up. But it's up to us to follow and obey, so that we are prepared.

6. Here are a few examples of the many times the Lord has clearly explained the spiritual principle of following through immediately on the counsel He gives.

The prime time for you to implement the Word and instruction that I have given in the GNs is at the time you read it. When I say to "implement My instruction now," or to "get on board now," or "start using this new weapon now‚" I'm speaking to you while you're reading it, directly to your heart….

The spiritual principle is that I bless obedience. I bless you when you obey and implement what I show you—either personally or through the GNs—without delay. Those who obey and start moving in the direction that I'm leading right away receive a greater portion of My blessings. That's not to say that if you're a little slow on the draw you won't receive My blessings at all. You will—and abundantly—but perhaps not quite as many blessings as the one who obeyed without delay.

Part of the benefit of obeying right away is that I make the implementation of My Word easier for you. Also, you receive the benefits of whatever it is that you've implemented right away. Whatever it is—learning to use a new weapon, making spiritual progress in your life, overcoming an NWO—it will be easier for you if you start right away. With many of My spiritual principles, the longer you wait to implement them, the harder it will be. ("Issues‚ Part 10," ML #3397:67,69,70, GN 990).


You have entered a new era, an era where I expect more, and in return am giving you more. It is an era of miracles and wondrous rewards for those who are obeying and following Me completely.

You have gone from the practice range to competition, from basic training to spiritual combat. Rewards are given instantly to those who obey instantly. And by the same token‚ the loss will be felt instantly by those who hesitate. In the spirit world, things are moving faster. You have less time. The time for great and obvious demonstrations of My Spirit is right around the corner. In order for each person to be ready for those days, I'm stepping up the pace, and I don't have time to wait around for those who are hesitant or unsure.

Yet this is My mercy. If I did not pick up the pace, no one would be ready for the more difficult, intense, fast-paced days of action you will face in the future. … Now the results will come much more quickly—instantly‚ in some cases.

And so it is with [the] Feast messages. They are inspiring, thrilling; they rejoice your heart. But they are also much more than that. … I will simply put forth the truth, and you who follow will be blessed more than you ever thought possible. My Words will remain there for those who hesitated, and in time‚ if they choose to follow‚ they will also be empowered and blessed. But it will never be as great or overwhelming as if they had chosen right then, at that moment, to come, drop everything‚ and follow Me in spirit. ("Focus on the Power," ML #3374:5-8‚ GN 971).


It is a principle of My Spirit that those who obey instantly receive the greater blessing. … Those who obey later will receive a measure of this gift, this reward, but the greatest rewards‚ the greatest measure, will go to those who follow Me without hesitation. … It's a principle of My Spirit. I bless and reward instant obedience‚ and you never know what you could be missing when you don't obey when I call the first time. ("Full Possession," ML #3376:57, GN 973).

Practicing with the weapon of praise

7. (Mama: ) This year the Lord's instruction for us is centered around the spiritual warfare and our need to become more proficient in it. As you read in the introduction to the Feast, the Lord is focusing on two main aspects of our spiritual weaponry: Praise and the keys.

8. In this GN, and one other which we hope to get to you sometime soon after the Feast, the Lord has poured out some terrific new information about praise and how to use it more practically as an offensive weapon against the Enemy. The Lord has told us many times in the past how effective the weapon of praise is, but we haven't really grasped it as much as we should have. We haven't used it to its full potential.

9. There are so many things that hold us back from praising—our pride‚ negativity‚ self-consciousness, lack of thankfulness and appreciation, and simple laziness‚ to name just a few. We also haven't had much practical, specific instruction about how to use the weapon of praise. So we asked the Lord to give us some instruction about how to use it practically, and He poured out abundantly, as usual!

10. Of course, praising the Lord is not rocket science—it's simply being thankful to Him and putting it into words, song or action. But the key is that we have not done it consistently; we have not made it a habit, an integral part of our lives. The Lord did provide some new ideas that we can try‚ but the real secret to making praise a weapon is just in using it—praising no matter how we feel or what the circumstances look like. The Enemy hates it! He can't stand it! But for some reason—probably many reasons—we've seriously neglected it. It's not as much a part of our lives and spiritual weaponry as it should be.

11. So this year for our praise meeting to kick off the Feast, instead of joining Natalia in a written praise, we're going to hear some of the ideas the Lord gives about how to make praise a more practical part of our lives, and then we're going to practice them, right here and now! The idea is that if we can do them all together in a united meeting, hopefully it will start to become more normal, we can get over our hang-ups and self-consciousness or whatever holds us back, and we can keep doing it in our everyday lives. That's the idea. So please keep that in mind as you do these simple exercises of praise, which aren't anything too unusual or out of the ordinary‚ but because we haven't made praising as great a part of our lives as it should be, they'll probably seem a bit awkward or humbling. But that's what we need to get over!

12. Remember, Peter and I and our WS Homes are doing this too. We're all going to do the humble thing together! And as you know, using the new weapons is humbling! But remember the Lord's very motivating promises about how those who jump in right away are blessed with an extra measure of anointing. Those of you who claim the keys of humility, unity, praise, and put everything you have into this time will be so glad you did. You will be rewarded not only now, but in the days to come‚ and as you work to make this instruction from the Lord a habit, it will be easier because you obeyed right away.

The link between humility and praise

13. Before we get into specific instruction about how to make praise a more practical part of our lives and spiritual weaponry, here is a message from Jesus about why it's so important for us to make praise a part of our lives now, at this particular time in our history.

14. (Jesus:) You've heard many times that praise is a weapon against the Enemy. But a good many of you think of that weapon as being specifically useful if you're battling negativity, discouragement, depression, murmuring, doubts, or one of the "negative" types of battles. Very few of you see much use for it in everyday life. But I want to open your eyes to see praise more as it really is in the spirit.

15. Praise is a weapon that defeats the Enemy in any battle. That's right—any battle! It could be a battle of persecution, it could be a battle for My supply, it could be a battle for unity, it could be a battle for your children. It doesn't matter what the attack or what the obstacle, praise is an extremely powerful weapon to set the Enemy back and bring victory.

16. And what's more, praise is linked very closely with your use of the keys. Since you have neglected the weapon of praise all these years, if you hope to become proficient in the use of the keys‚ you're going to have to pick up the weapon of praise now and learn how to use it, or else your best efforts will be found lacking. All of My new weapons link together. They strengthen each other and complement each other. Those who want to be miracle workers of the End, those who will be masters of the spiritual warfare, will be those who have learned how to use all the spiritual weapons in conjunction with each other, without neglecting any.

17. And I'll let you in on another secret. As you know, all of My new weapons require humility. Some of them force you to do the humble thing when you use them; others will not be activated unless you are humble and are doing the humble thing. You know this, and many of you are actively working on overcoming your pride, and that's great. I'm very proud of you. But praise is in many cases the secret to defeating your pride and doing the humble thing. As I have told you many times, humility is an essential ingredient if you wish to be effective in your use of the keys, heavenly thought power, prayer, etc. But what you might not have realized is that praise is often the lacking ingredient in putting on the garment of humility.

18. Praise will help tear down your pride and bring humility faster than almost any other effort you can make. Why? Because it's acknowledging Me, it's putting yourself in the place where you belong, and reminding yourself and everyone around you that I am the only one who is good‚ I am the one with the answers, I am the one with the power, I am the one who must bring all good things to pass! It's like letting the light in, and the darkness is forced to flee. Instead of trying to beat your pride down and eradicate it, open a strong spiritual vacuum for My Spirit with your sincere praises to Me, and there will be no room for pride in your heart or spirit!

19. So for those very important reasons, and many more, praise as a weapon is essential for you to master at this stage of the battle—not just praise as a "self-help" technique to make you feel more positive, nor as a "rescue rope" when you're sinking in negativity, but praise as an offensive weapon, used at all times to rout and defeat the Enemy.

20. One very great incentive for using praise, My loves, is that it's a weapon that the Enemy cannot defeat. He is instantly pushed back and forced to retreat when you pull out the weapon of praise. It's hard to imagine why you don't use it more, after all the times I've told you this and explained it to you. But I know it's hard on your pride‚ and you've also had a hard time knowing how to apply it practically and use it. And that's what we're going to cover now!

21. This is going to be a praise workshop‚ where I give you instruction and ideas about how to use praise effectively as a weapon, and then you take time to implement those ideas here and now‚ put them into practice, and see how they work for you. It will be humbling to use them, not only now but in the days following the Feast, but the more humble you are, the more powerful and effective you are as a warrior of the End, with the keys and all the other gifts I've put at your disposal! So‚ like vegetables, vitamins and vigorous physical exercise, exercise for your spirit (also known as battles), persecution, and opportunities to do the humble thing are GOOD for you! Amen? Are you ready? (End of message from Jesus.)

Put your all into praise!

22. (Mama: ) As a little review, here's something we're all probably aware of, but it's a good reminder as we go into a praise meeting, and will help us set our personal participation level:

23. (Jesus) Praise is very similar to prayer, in that you get out of it what you put into it. If you're just going through the motions of praise and not really praising Me with your whole heart, or you're just saying those things in vain repetition like many Catholics with their "Hail Marys," then this is not real praise. If you want to truly praise Me, then you must put your all into it. You have to seek out things that you're truly thankful for and mean them. You have to make the praise a part of you and praise with your whole heart if you want it to carry real meaning and power.

24. It's a matter of stirring yourself up in spirit, for the lazy spirit just goes through the motions‚ does the repetitive thing and whatever comes to mind first, but you who are seeking to truly praise Me, who want to thank Me for everything, will be My fresh‚ alive bride and praise Me with your whole being, with everything within you, and truly mean it!

25. So when you praise Me, seek to stir yourself up. Seek to please Me through your praises, to adore Me and to show Me how much you love Me. You may not be eloquent‚ but if your heart is one of thankfulness, if you're seeking to praise Me in spite of everything and for everything, then your praise will be powerful and it will draw down power from Me. (End of message from Jesus)

Text box.

26. Q: What does the Lord mean when He says, "put your all into it"?

27. (Jesus: ) Whatever is necessary in order for Me and your praises to Me to have your full focus and concentration, that's what I mean by "all"! If you have a hard time concentrating on praise time‚ you might want to try doing something physically to help you focus on what you're doing spiritually, and thus be more effective. Why waste the time? If you're going to spend it, make it count! Find what works for you—and you'll probably find that each situation is different. But whatever you do, be effective!

*Raise your arms in praise, either sitting or standing.

*Praise out loud, even if you're alone.

*Sing a praise song, or sing your praise and ask Me to help you put it to music right then and there.

*Praise in tongues, and ask My Spirit to speak through you. Think about what you're thankful for, and then let it well up in your heart and come out in the language of the spirit as you praise in tongues. Or sing in tongues‚ to a tune you know, or one that comes to you right then.

I would that My brides be willing to praise Me in a language of the spirit even if they don't consider it a gift of tongues. Sometimes the gift of tongues is simply the gift of humility, to open your mouth and praise Me in what sounds to you like babble from a baby. Even if My brides don't know if they have the gift of tongues, it's a tremendous benefit to their spirit to humble themselves and start praising Me in another language—whether they feel they know the language or not—and then My Spirit falls and they truly do begin to speak with a heavenly tongue.

*Dance to music.

*Hug someone while you praise Me.

28. The options are limitless, but the point is to concentrate on what you're doing and really make it count! Put your "all" into it! (End of message from Jesus)

End of text box.

Wreaking death and destruction on the Enemy's empire through praise!

29. (Mama:) We asked the Lord for some specific examples and scenarios of how to use the weapon of praise. For example, when we're praying for someone with a life-threatening illness or debilitating affliction, or for someone who is going through tremendous battles, how do we use the weapon of praise in our prayers for them? Or when we're having prayer vigil, how should we use the weapon of praise? Or when we're going about our daily activities and work, how do we use the weapon of praise? When we praise the Lord, we often default to saying, "Thank You, Jesus! Thank You, Lord!" or we praise Him for sort of general things like the weather‚ the Word, the children—or whatever comes to our minds. Though this has its time and place, we knew there must be more to using the weapon of praise. We asked the Lord to tell us some of the ways He would like us to praise.

30. It's important that we realize how intensely the Enemy hates our praises. I don't think we've really grasped it or else we would have a lot more motivation to sock him one with our praises. If you don't realize how much harm it does him, these suggestions for ways to praise sound like sweet little activities, and not like a weapon. But if we believe what the Lord has said about how much damage our praises do to the Enemy‚ that should give us more incentive—knowing that it's not only making our Husband extremely happy, but it's literally torturing the Enemy and his imps!

31. As a confirmation of that, and also a memorable word picture that we can visualize as we read the rest of the Lord's counsel, here's something that one of our staff members received when they were praying for someone who had a very bad headache.

(Note that our staff member wrote to the person who was suffering from the severe headache: )

32. While praying for you and against your headache, I saw a vision of an angel hovering by your shoulders as you worked. He was a lot taller than you, and his body and wings had an ethereal look (semi-see through and glowing) as he stood there. He was trying to block this "helmet" that some little imps were trying to clamp down on your head. I got that not only did this helmet feel heavy in the spirit and cause pain in the flesh, but that it also somehow served to cause blockages in the spirit and made it difficult for you to use your channel.

33. There were these two little imps trying to push it down, but it was almost comical seeing them pitted against this mighty warrior angel, who also seemed as if he was bound to you by default, like a guardian angel. As I was praying for you, I saw another angel arrive who looked just like him, and together they started to gain against the Enemy by lifting this heavy-looking metal helmet away from your head. There seemed to be the forces of many others praying for you at work as well, but the interesting thing is what happened next.

Text box.

34. (Question: ) It seems like one mighty warrior angel would have been enough to prevail against any number of the Devil's imps. Why did he need reinforcements?

35. (Jesus: ) It's not that the first angel was not powerful enough. But angels and spirit helpers are bound by the laws of the spirit that I have put in place for this time. This angel who was assigned to lift the helmet and prevent the imps from winning the victory was only allowed to do so much. He was there to help and assist, but he had to wait on the prayers of My children before making even more progress in the battle. The prayers of others sent another angel and more power to his side. Along with your praises, and the prayers of your mates, they were then able to completely win the victory and send the demons far away‚ not to bother you anymore.

36. Do you see how the laws of the spiritual realm all work together? Your prayers and your praises have the power to do great and mighty things. And by the same token, when there is a lack of prayer and praise, the battle can be much more difficult for you, and for those assigned to help you and protect you, because they too are limited by the laws of the spirit. (End of message from Jesus)

End of text box.

37. The angels were already "gaining" in a way, by moving the helmet further away, but then I saw a force lift it up till the helmet and the demons were out of the way completely. Looking closer‚ I saw that this force emanated from your heart, which was glowing bright and red like a ruby. There were spirals of energy rising, and with them little sparkles like fireflies.

38. Then I heard the words "the key of praise" as you raised your arms and channeled this energy that your heart was producing upward. It was a very beautiful picture, and I felt so encouraged by this confirmation of not only the power of our prayers, but also the power of praise, and how together they turn the tide in the battle.

39. The following is what the Lord said after I typed the vision:

40. (Jesus:) I give to you, My brides, who know how to love Me intimately, this valuable and potent weapon of praise. Be not deceived by its radiant and beautiful appearance, for to the Enemy it is as if a thousand samurai swords had been unleashed upon him at once, cutting him to his very heart and severing any hold he might have on your heart or health, or any situation that concerns you. The very act of praising is not only beneficial to your spirit and uplifting to your heart, but it actually rejuvenates your body and causes great strength to flow through you. When you begin to praise, it's as if your uplifted arms channel My power back down toward you, and your body receives energy that is not of this world.

41. Many times has this story been told‚ this "Battle of Uplifted Hands" (2 Chronicles 20:1-29). But if those involved could have seen in the spirit what was occurring‚ they would have known they had the advantage from the beginning. As soon as the singing and praising began, the spiritual realm began to rumble. As their hands were raised to Me, it was as if a circuit had been tripped‚ and power, like lightning, shot down to each one whose heart was full of praise toward Me. At that instant, the panic the opposing armies felt was caused by the demons and spiritual enemies of My children freaking out, for they were familiar with the power unleashed by the obedience and praise of My children, and they knew that they had no defense against this great power.

42. History recorded the rest, yet even now history is being written by you and your prayers and praises to Me. Let not your eyes be limited by the mere physical outcomes and manifestations of these acts‚ but look unto Me and lift your eyes to the heavenlies where I can show more fully the nature of these spiritual weapons and how they wreak death and destruction upon the Enemy's empire like nothing you've ever seen! (End of message from Jesus.)

43. (Mama:) Praise the Lord! We not only want to make our Husband happy with our praises, and we not only need the blessings that praise brings, but we want to wreak death and destruction on the Enemy too!

Making praise a part of our everyday life

44. This next message is from Natalia, with some instruction and ideas that aren't too unusual, but that we need to do more consistently!

45. (Natalia: ) The ways of praise are as myriad as the sands of the sea, as the stars of the heavens! They are as varied as the hearts of each soul that our Husband has fashioned. Praise to our King‚ Lover and Creator explodes from the very stones of the earth, and all creation is filled with praises that cannot be translated except by their Maker.

46. So our praises need to emerge from our hearts, as if they cannot be held in or else our hearts will burst with the force and power of our praise and thanks to our Husband! They must come from our hearts as the song from the throat of the songbird, almost with pain, but yet with such beauty and sweetness.

47. So, how do you translate these things into your everyday lives of prayer and praise, you ask? Praise is a way of life for us here in our Husband's realm, so I want to share with you some of what we've learned that will help you to make it a way of life, too. Here's a little list of some ideas for you:

48. * Our Husband loves music and song, and we praise Him continually with heavenly music and song which resounds everywhere here. You can praise Him with your singing, either out loud or silently singing in your heart to Him. He loves it either way.

49. * You can praise Him with beautiful, godly instrumental music, which inspires and lifts your soul and spirit to Him, praising Him through the music, with sentiments that are beyond words to express‚ but which the music expresses from your heart to His. (Jesus: For those who are in tune with Me and My Spirit, I give license to use System hymn music or other beautiful and praiseful instrumental music, and include it in this category of "godly." There is Family instrumental music available on the Members Only site, and My brides can use this as well. As they do with everything else‚ they should first ask Me what My will is for them, and I will direct them to music that will both inspire their spirit and galvanize their praise.)

50. * You can praise Him by thanking Him for the very specific ways He has blessed you personally that very day or hour or moment, whatever you happen to be doing.

51. * Praise Him by giving a sincere praise or compliment to the person with whom you're working or relaxing at that moment‚ thanking Him for that person.

52. * Praise Him by thanking Him for the way He has made you, even if it's difficult for you to accept some things about yourself.

53. * Praise Him for the way His beauty and light shines through so much of creation—a rose or the smile of your child or the radiance of the sunset. Praising Him for the beautiful things that surround you will help you to search for them, even if they haven't been obvious to you before.

54. These are just a start, but a good start! The ways of praise are many, as I said, and the more you practice praising‚ the more ways will open up to you, as you praise! (End of message from Natalia)

When you don't feel like it

55. (Mama:) We asked the Lord about what Natalia said above, how our hearts should be so full of praise that they feel they're going to burst. Probably most of us don't feel those strong emotions most of the time, even when we're having praise time. I think you'll find the Lord's answer very interesting, and it's a good clue as to how we can make praise more a part of our lives all the time.

56. (Jesus:) I understand that there are times when you don't feel very praiseful and thankful. There are times when you're hurting or discouraged, when you're sad or overwhelmed‚ and the last thing you feel like doing at those times is praising Me. It's natural to have highs and lows in your emotions—that's the way I made you.

57. But you must also remember that the Enemy tries to capitalize on those emotions and exaggerate them and get you to act on them when it would be in his favor. For example, when you don't feel like praising Me, he'll exaggerate those feelings and try all sorts of things to keep you from praising‚ because he knows that if you were to start, it would mean your victory and his end! Or when you do feel praiseful, he'll use your pride to hold you back; he'll remind you about what people might think, or how it might seem pretty uncool to praise Me right then, and he's probably often successful in his attempts to keep you from praising Me!

58. So while I understand that it's totally natural and human for you to many times not feel at all like praising Me, I still expect you to do it‚ and it's not hypocritical. In those cases it's simply obedience, and obedience brings on My blessings. Even if your praises don't feel like they're coming from your heart, because your heart is so sad or battling so much, if you'll simply start, you'll soon have real praises in your heart‚ and little by little the light will come back in and My Spirit will take over.

59. Now, there are other times when it's not that you don't really feel like praising for a specific reason; it's just that praising Me with your whole heart requires work, and there are lots of habits that hold you back from doing it. You can say, "Thank You, Jesus! Thank You, Lord," pretty much without thinking‚ so it's a much easier route to take. Maybe you're busy or preoccupied, or just plain tired or feeling lazy. But at those times, it's important to stir yourself up.

60. If you don't feel praises bursting from your heart, start praising anyway out of obedience. But really think about what you're saying. Really think about your blessings, about all that I've given you and done for you. If nothing else, think about all that could be going wrong that isn't, and praise Me for that. Soon you'll start to feel the praise bursting from your heart‚ as you sincerely think about all the good I have done for you. That's what Natalia is talking about. She wants you to stir up those feelings of thankfulness to Me. If you don't have them to begin with, that's okay. It's human nature to take good things for granted, and sometimes it's a bit of work to remember the good; you almost have to force yourself. But once you start remembering the good and praising Me for it, then the feelings of thankfulness will well up within you. The more you praise, the more you'll find to praise Me about, until it becomes a way of life, a lifestyle change, which changes everything for you in the spirit, and also in the physical. You will feel the results of this, I promise. (End of message from Jesus.)

61. (Mama:) Before continuing, let's take time to practice at least two of the suggestions that Natalia gave above. Put into action the instruction the Lord gave about starting even if you don't feel like it, but then continuing until you feel the sincere thankfulness and praise in your heart!

(Pause:) Pick two of the ideas Natalia gave and do them together.

Be specific in praise—and more tips

62. Following is some more specific counsel from our wonderful Husband about how we can not only be more effective in our times of praise, but also enjoy them more. The Lord understands that it can get rather boring or routine after a while if we're always doing the same old thing, and He offers some solutions that I think will really help‚ if we do our part of putting our whole heart into our praises to Him. He also gives some tips as to how to use praise more in our prayer vigils, as we're already consciously fighting for victories at that time, and we could employ praise much more as an offensive weapon against the Enemy!

63. (Jesus: ) Try to be as specific as possible when you praise Me. This really helps you to focus and actually enjoy the praise. When you're being hit hard by the Enemy, you won't feel like praising at all, much less praising Me for specific blessings, but it's at times like this when you need to step out by faith and kick the Enemy in the rear. It will be his rear, because as soon as you start praising Me he'll be running like crazy!

64. Another reason to be specific is for your own edification and that of those around you. For example, if you're praying for someone who is very sick and in need of a miracle, praise helps lift the spirit and helps strengthen the sick person. Tell Me, "Thank You for the miracle of healing and how You've shown Your power again and again." You can also throw in an acclamation of faith by saying, "You are almighty and all-powerful, and so we have perfect faith in Your ability to answer when we call." This is both a prayer and a praise, because you are both acknowledging My power and requesting its use.

65. For prayer vigil, it's important that you try to make your praises and your prayers interesting, in order to help avoid the monotony that can arise from having prayer vigil on a daily basis. Praising Me is the perfect way to add variety to your prayer vigil, either on your own or in a group. It also helps you get stirred up in the spirit, filling your mind with Me and My miracle-working power, rather than the business of the day.

66. Try to think of specific and unique topics for which to praise Me. Make them as specific as possible and you'll find that praising is actually a lot of fun. For example‚ if you're knowledgeable about gardening, praise Me for specific flowers and why you enjoy them. If you're the kind of person who loves a good meal‚ praise Me for the foods I've created for you that you enjoy so much. If you have children‚ praise Me for the traits they have that tend to put a smile on your face.

(Pause:) Take time to praise the Lord for something specific and unique.

67. (Jesus continues:) In situations like daily prayer vigil‚ sometimes your praises don't even have to be directly related to your prayer requests—or at least not right away. Once you actually get down to praying, you can praise Me for the things that relate more to your prayers. Make praising Me a primary part of prayer vigil, and you'll find those times are fruitful and thoroughly enjoyable.

68. But don't stop there. Praising doesn't always have to be a part of prayer—it can be something practiced throughout the day while you're working, talking, playing, or whatever. You should be integrating it into your conversations so that it just comes naturally—even when you find yourself discussing negative issues. In fact, praise is often the missing ingredient in such conversations that would bring the balance and solutions and wisdom you seek.

69. For example, if you're discussing vehicle problems with someone‚ why not interject, "Thank You, our faithful Protector, that we haven't had more accidents on the road." Or if you're discussing the children's NWOs during a childcare meeting, then at various opportunities remind yourself and those around you of the children's gifts and positive traits by praising Me for them. In situations like this, praise lifts your spirits and also keeps you on a positive track, so that your decisions aren't affected by negative thoughts or feelings of discouragement or frustration.

70. Try to bring the power of positive praise into everything you do, and you'll find that it really does make a difference. (End of message from Jesus.)

(Pause:) Use the various scenarios that come with the cut–up sheet for this meeting, pass them around, and have volunteers take one and put this principle of specific praise in potentially negative conversation scenarios into practice. (Note: These scenarios are also listed below‚ for future reference or use.)

Scenarios on cut-up sheet:

(Jesus: ) Some of these scenarios might seem humorous when acted out, and that's okay. Part of praising Me and glorifying Me is sometimes being willing to have a good laugh at yourself and the funny situations you find yourself in, realizing that only I can help you, get you out of them, or even give you the grace to look at them positively. Anything good is all Me—and you don't have to worry about them, or get uptight, intense or frustrated. When you find yourself in these kinds of situations, the best reaction you can have is starting to praise Me, and in so doing, you'll get yourself right out of whatever trap the Enemy was trying to lay for you!

So I don't mind if these things strike you as funny and you laugh—whether as you act them out now or when they happen in real life. As long as you're doing it in an attitude of sincere praise to Me, that's the most important thing—to practice praising Me in situations where you really wouldn't feel like it normally. So do the humble thing‚ My loves, and praise Me through it all, and I will bless it, and it will strengthen your spirit. (End of message from Jesus)

(Scenario for two people; pick a buddy:)

*You're the CC teamworker and a parent, discussing a longstanding challenge of potty–training one of the children, after they've just had their fifth accident that morning and there are no more clean clothes.

(Scenario for two people; pick a buddy:)

*You're a witnessing team that has had a trying day, and you're trying to decide where to go from here for the last hour before you go home.

(Scenario for one person: )

*You're the kitchen overseer, and you come in at the end of free day to find a total disaster in the kitchen; the people on dishes obviously didn't do their job or didn't do it well, and you're tired and on the verge of tears.

(Scenario for two people; pick a buddy:)

*You're members of two different Homes, discussing how to divide the provisioning contacts and areas in your city‚ and how to coordinate your efforts to resolve the conflicts that have come up.

71. (Jesus continues:) You need to avoid allowing praise to become mundane and unnecessarily repetitive. Sometimes you might feel that you can't pray properly unless you've first chanted, "Thank You, Jesus! Thank You, Lord" a few times‚ and unfortunately you're probably right. Of course, there's nothing wrong with those words‚ because they are praises to Me, but do you really mean what you're saying or has praising Me become a vain repetition? Do those words automatically come out of your mouth without you really thinking about what you're saying? Well, it's good that at least some form of praise is ingrained in your habits. But really, these repetitious "Thank You Jesus" phrases might be closer to an empty religious chant, and may be robbing you of good, quality praise time.

72. When you're actually praising Me for something specific, it's so much more edifying for you, so much more effective against the Enemy‚ and makes Me so much happier. It might take a bit of getting used to for some of you, but it's so worth it. Consider the difference between the following two prayers before a trip:

73. Prayer one: "Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Jesus. We love You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Jesus, please protect us on the roads and give us a safe, enjoyable trip. We claim the keys of protection at every turn."

74. Prayer two: "You're so good to us‚ Jesus‚ and we're thankful for the many blessings that surround us. Thank You for Your protection and safekeeping. We claim it right now as we travel. We claim the keys of protection at every turn."

75. Of course, I'll honor your prayer request either way because you asked Me and claimed My keys. But the second prayer is so much more powerful in the spirit. It brings down My Spirit on you as a blessing, and it also protects and surrounds you and drives away any potential attacks of the Enemy. It gives you greater faith and confidence in Me, which enables Me to do more for you when you ask. It also accomplishes another purpose—it makes Me very, very happy that you're thankful for all the times I've protected you. It's also a more inspiring and edifying prayer all around and is a wonderful witness of your love for Me. It reminds others around you that I am able to protect and keep you.

76. Now‚ what if, in the above example, everyone was also praising Me simultaneously and specifically‚ rather than throwing out a volley of "Thank You, Jesus! Thank You, Lord" phrases at the beginning of the prayer? One person could be saying, "Thank You, Jesus, for the vehicle." Someone else might say, "You're the greatest, Lord!" Then, perhaps another person decides to praise Me for something I supplied the day before. On and on the list goes. Now that's what I call using prayer time wisely!

(Pause:) Take a moment to all lift your hands in praise to the Lord, but instead of saying the regular "Thank You, Jesus! Thank You, Lord," thank the Lord for specifics, but all at the same time.

[Note: If OCs are present, they can be excused momentarily while the next two paragraphs are read and the exercise takes place.]

77. (Jesus continues: ) If you can start being more specific in your praises, then that's a terrific baby step. Once you've realized you shouldn't praise Me in a monotonous way, it's time to start being even more specific. Here are just a few examples of what you can do.

78. Try talking to Me as if you're talking to a lover‚ telling him or her about their positive traits and how they bring you happiness and pleasure. You'll probably use this more in your personal prayer times or intimate times of loving Me with someone else, or in groups when there are no children present.

(Pause: ) Take a moment of silent praise time to tell our Husband something you love about Him and His personality. Tell Him something that is significant to you personally.

79. (Jesus continues:) Praise Me for the things of the spirit, and try to be specific about why you appreciate them. Why are you thankful for the key of protection? What does a certain spirit helper do that you appreciate? Why are you thankful for a certain spiritual weapon? You can use this type of praise in public before saying a prayer, and then call on that very same weapon, key, or spirit helper in your prayer.

80. Don't neglect other forms of praise, such as reading praises from the Word and singing songs. These other forms can be very edifying if you really look at them as praises and are thinking of Me and praising Me in your mind at the same time.

(Pause: ) Sing a song together as a praise to the Lord—whether a cappella, singing along with a tape, or someone playing an instrument. Lift your voices together in praise to our Husband!

81. (Jesus continues:) When fighting in prayer, use praise boldly as a weapon of war. Tell the Enemy that you're about to praise Me for something, and then attack. Flaunt your weapons of the Spirit in Satan's face, while thumbing your nose at him, knowing that he's outgunned and it's really going to hurt him!

82. Here's an example. Let's say you're asking for united prayer against pride. Someone has already prayed for you, and now it's your turn to pray for yourself. You might try beginning the prayer like this: "Lord, we know that humility before You is the best weapon against pride, so I'm going to use it in conjunction with praise right now in order to thwart the attack of the Enemy. You're going to really get it now, Satan! Thank You, my darling Jesus, for the power of humility and that I am nothing before You and that You are everything to me! Thank You that I'm so weak‚ because it means I must depend on You! I praise You for Your strength in me‚ and Your power to destroy the evil works of the Enemy who has been trying to attack me through pride!" You may even want to step up the attack by lifting your hands and praying in tongues.

(Pause: ) Pass around a few of the general prayer requests from the cut-up sheet, and several people practice putting this praise weapon technique into action!

Prayer requests on the cut-up sheet:

 *For fruitful witnessing, good follow-up, and widespread distribution of the Lord's message and tools.

 *For finances for the Family worldwide.

 *For our former members, whether favorable‚ indifferent, or apostate.

 *For our pregnant mothers: health, strength, supply, safe deliveries, and happy, healthy babies.

 *For the boards and board members worldwide.

 *For strength, encouragement and anointing for all our wonderful teachers and childcare workers.

83. (Jesus continues:) The Enemy can't stand up to the power of praise—especially when it's used in conjunction with the other weapons of the spirit and the keys of the Kingdom. There are many other ways you can incorporate praise—ways that will be particularly effective for you personally. So keep asking Me and I will show you.

84. Note that I'm not just talking about making praise meetings more interesting. This is a personal thing and should be part of your daily prayers, both personal and united, and really, it should be a part of your life in general—your conversations, your thoughts, your habits. When it becomes part of your thoughts, part of your conversations, when your first reaction (or closely thereafter) becomes pulling out the weapon of praise to sock the Enemy a good one, then you'll know you're becoming one of My heroes of the spirit and really doing damage to the Enemy! And I'll guarantee you that by that time‚ your personal quality of life and that of your Home will have improved as well. Praise is the all-around undefeatable weapon! Use it! (End of message from Jesus.)

More on being specific in praise

85. (Mama:) Here's some more very interesting instruction from our Husband on the idea of changing our habit from the regular "Thank You, Jesus" at the beginning of prayer to more specific praises. He gives more insight into the benefits‚ and also how to apply this counsel.

86. (Jesus:) Most of you have been accustomed to using the same three or four phrases in your times of praise before and after prayer for a long time, and for many of you it will be very difficult to change this habit.

87. Let Me clarify some of the benefits of changing this habit. When your praise consists entirely of "Thank You, Jesus! Thank You‚ Lord," you're not actually doing anything wrong, because I know your heart and that the reason you are saying these phrases is to get into the spirit and to praise Me. If you continued doing this for the rest of your life you would continue to have fruitful prayer times according to the effort you put into them, and your sincere praises would please Me. However, My point in bringing up this issue is to help you to make the most of your time of praise‚ to become more effective in using praise as a weapon against the Enemy, and to have fun doing it.

88. Using the usual praises is sometimes more akin to speaking in tongues. You're often not really thinking of specific reasons why you're thanking Me when you say each "Thank You, Jesus," but you're almost subconsciously praising Me in general for all your blessings. This is not wrong and is still edifying to a certain degree as long as you're actually thinking about praising Me. But the drawback is that because it's a habit, you can easily say it without really thinking about it or focusing your heart and spirit; you can even let your mind wander and still "keep up with the crowd," and in that case it doesn't really do much—either for Me or for you.

89. Another real pro to becoming more specific in your habit of praise is that, as you know, I love to hear specific praises, just as I love to hear explicit love words and detailed prayers. The more specific you are, the more effective you will be‚ and this same principle applies to praise.

90. So if you want to make Me happier than ever‚ I recommend you try to put a bit more into your times of praise. It will benefit you‚ too! I know it's going to be difficult to break the habit of using the same praise phrases you're so used to, and if it's too distracting for you to have to be constantly thinking about not using them, then you should continue to praise Me as you have been, but you can still try to intersperse your praises with some specific words. For example, you could say‚ "Praise You, Jesus! Thank You, Lord! Thank You for answering our prayers. Thank You, Jesus! You're such a wonderful Lover! We love You, Jesus!"

91. I think you'll find, however, that once you get started really focusing on what you're saying, and bringing lots of variety into the things you thank Me for‚ it won't be that distracting. Sure, it will take some time to break the habit of just launching into the same things you've said for years. But focusing on breaking the habit means that you're going to be thinking more about your praises to Me, which means you'll benefit personally from that time so much more. I think you'll be happy with the results, even though it might initially take a bit of work and time to get used to it. And remember, the goal is not to never say, "Thank You, Jesus" again, but rather to include as many specifics as possible.

92. This more specific method of praise can be applied when praising Me either on your own, in small groups, or even in large meetings. You may wonder if it would be confusing or even distracting for everyone to be praising Me for different things all at the same time, but you'll find it's not, because you're still all praising Me together in unison‚ and whether you're saying "Praise the Lord" or "Thank You for so many blessings," you're very much in unity. In fact, it works out better this way, because as you hear others praise Me specifically‚ you will be reminded of blessings for which to praise Me.

93. Here's a scenario: A brother named Mark is sitting next to a sister named Jane during a Home meeting and everyone is praising the Lord before prayer:

94. Jane: "Thank You Jesus! Praise Your name! I love Your sweet Words! You're so good to us!"

95. Mark: "I praise You, Lord! I praise and thank You for all the blessings You give us so freely! You supply our every need."

96. Jane: "Yes, Lord‚ thank You so much for Your abundant supply! I love You with all my heart!"

97. As you can see, Jane happened to overhear Mark praising Me for supply, and so Jane was able to join in for a second. Overhearing someone else may or may not happen during a united meeting, but when it does happen, it can further enhance your praise and bring even greater unity.

98. I truly wish for you to enjoy your times of praise. Though it's true that you must sometimes praise Me when you don't feel like it, it's even better if you really do feel like it. I want you to look forward to praying, because you know you'll have the opportunity to praise Me very specifically beforehand. It can be fun, spiritually uplifting, and even a bit challenging to take the time to tell Me how thankful you are for Me and exactly why.

99. Specific praise makes Me so happy, just like it makes a wife or husband happy to receive specific compliments from their spouse. It's good for our marriage and brings happiness to both you and Me. (End of message from Jesus.)

More practical tips on praise

100. (Jesus: ) Praise is an underused weapon because you don't avail yourself of its true power and you don't fully understand how it works. In truth on this earth you will never grasp the immensity of how wonderful it is and how it moves My hand‚ but as you step out to use it more, I'll show you more. I know you feel you're weak in praise, and while that is true‚ the real issue is that you simply need to activate it inside of you more.

101. I have put in each man a desire to praise that needs to be awakened. Just as I have put a need for Me in every man, so I have also put in him the need to give reverence and show gratitude and praise. Those who do are blessed, and those who do so daily and frequently are blessed even more. So let your inner praises spring forth! You wonder how to do this?

102. One way is by tongues. The Family has moved away from speaking to Me in tongues, and while it's not an essential gift, it nevertheless expresses your heart's praise, and so it's important that when praising Me you don't leave out that very important part. When you speak in tongues, your heart is expressing all the things you want to say to Me but don't know how to say. Your spirit brings to remembrance the wonderful things that I've done for you, things you might have forgotten to praise Me for consciously, but your spirit remembers and gives thanks. It also exercises your humility, because it is humbling to speak in tongues.

(Pause:) Take a few minutes to praise the Lord in tongues. Remember what the Lord said earlier about thinking about all the things you're thankful for, and then expressing them in the language of the spirit, however it comes out. Tongues is a language of the spirit, and whether or not it sounds eloquent or flowing to us, it's beautiful to Jesus. So the main thing about speaking in tongues is that your heart and spirit is focused on praising our Husband. Call on the keys of humility and praise, and then let it flow! It doesn't matter what comes out, because the Lord understands it and loves it!

103. (Jesus continues:) While it is beautiful to My ears to hear your regular praises that you've been in the habit of saying, at times you default to just saying "praise the Lord" and "thank You Jesus" out of habit. Habit takes over rather than a true attitude of praise. To really move yourself, you must open your heart and focus on what you are thankful for, on your blessings, on My goodness, on your praise!

104. Praise for many of My children of David has merely become an opener to asking for something they want, and not a true expression of thankfulness and praise. If you stir yourselves up to remember My goodness, My many blessings to you, My love for you, then true praises from your heart will flow forth.

105. Something that would help you to have more joy, life, and fire in your praises is to pray for a refilling of the Holy Ghost. She will help you break free from the bonds that hold you down and keep you back from all that I would like to pour out on you. Your praises open the door for Me to pour out My blessings upon you, so if you're feeling a lack‚ maybe it's because you haven't opened the door sufficiently in the spirit through praise.

(Pause:) Pray together for a refilling of the Holy Spirit. Claim verses and key promises as you lay hands on each other‚ and then lift your arms in praise to our Husband, creating a vacuum for the Holy Spirit to fill!

106. (Jesus continues:) Praise is not just for My benefit. It also brings you many benefits. As you praise, you prompt yourself to remember all the things that I do and have done‚ and that gives you the faith when you pray to really get the answers. Your faith can move a mountain, but before you lift anything so heavy, you must warm up, like any athlete who is preparing to run. To prepare, he goes through the different warm-up routines he has learned‚ the stretching or limbering up. The same goes for you and moving mountains in the spirit—the routines you have learned are the miracles you have witnessed Me accomplish in your life, and as you praise and acknowledge Me for those, it builds your faith and helps you to believe and understand what I am about to do for you. It's one of the ways you can focus your prayers more as well, and all of this helps you to have more faith and gets you in the habit of praising more. In this way you can "look back down that rugged mountain road and see you are really getting somewhere," as your David said. Praise builds your faith.

107. Each of you has a spirit helper that guides you in praise. They help you to praise and remind you to praise, but the way they work can be likened to a battery. The more you praise, the more they are charged, and the longer they can run without recharging, and the more output they can have. You need to increase your praise output in order to increase their output back to you.

Text box.

108. (Jesus:) Your praise angels take you where you're at. They try to help you no matter what stage you're at in learning to praise. But the more you want to praise and are open to praising, the more they can help you remember and even give you the words to say to help you feel more eloquent and expressive in your praise. They will help give you ideas to make it more interesting and effective. So in that sense, they are like a battery that you charge with your desire and your obedience to step out and try. And the more you do that, the more power they have to help you make even more progress and remember and be more effective in your praises, and even enjoy your times of praise more. (End of message from Jesus)

End of text box.

109. Praise is so much like electricity. When the batteries are charged or the generators are running, then there's a plentiful supply of power. But weak batteries or faulty generators cause the lights to go out. If you don't actively praise and focus, then not enough spiritual oomph will be generated to push your prayers through to answers. This is simplistic, but it shows you how praise works and how you can get more and better answers by praising.

110. You must seek out your praise angel or angels. You must ask them how you can help them to help you, so that your praises are activated and your prayers are pushed along to answers. Claim a refilling of the Holy Ghost, not just today, but whenever you need it and are feeling a bit dry. According to your praise be it unto you! (End of message from Jesus.)

111. (Mama:) Isn't it interesting what the Lord said about our praise angels? In an upcoming GN I'll share with you what the Lord told me about my personal praise angels when I asked Him. It's something you should ask the Lord personally as well, so that you can learn to work with your praise angel or angels, be aware of their nudges and help, and benefit fully from this powerful weapon of praise that we have access to!

What's holding you back?

112. We asked the Lord if there was anything else He wanted to tell us about praise--any specific demon that hinders us from praise, or whether it's just our own nature that hinders us and holds us back. We have neglected the weapon of praise, and now that the Lord has given us all this counsel about it, we're accountable. So I really wanted to find out anything we needed to know. Naturally, we know we should pray against pride, and the spirit of Lethargy, and Pan, and there might be others as well who specifically hinder you in this area. You should ask the Lord. But His answer regarding what most often holds us back was very interesting, and also encouraging. Dad always said that it's our own spirits that we have the most trouble with‚ Lord help us!

113. (Jesus: ) It's just human nature to be lazy, to want to be comfortable, to avoid things that are uncomfortable. Praising can be, and usually is, uncomfortable initially, both physically and spiritually. You have to stir yourself up; it requires effort. It's humbling. It's not always looked on as a cool thing to do. It kills your pride, and that's certainly uncomfortable for the moment.

114. But you must decide whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. I've told you a lot about the benefits‚ but really, you should just try it yourself. Throw yourself into a praise revolution, seek Me about what's holding you back, make commitments to change, and then praise Me at every opportunity, and see if it doesn't completely transform your life—physically, spiritually, emotionally‚ in every way!

115. The victories you've been seeking and searching for will come easier and faster. The troubles you've had will fall into perspective, and the solutions will be clearer. You'll be happier, you'll have more joy in living, more fulfillment and happiness in all you do. When you sit down to hear from Me, the answers will come easier. You'll grow to be more humble, and so you'll have greater access to the power of the keys, heavenly thought power, and all My spiritual gifts. You'll relate better to others because you'll have more love and more of My perspective. Your emotions will be more balanced, you'll roll with changes better, you'll adapt more easily to what I ask of you. That's just the tip of the iceberg of positive changes that praise brings, not to mention the bonus of receiving My blessings in much greater measure for your obedience, and because of the vacuum that praise creates in the spirit for Me and My blessings.

116. But you'll simply have to try it‚ My loves. If you do, if you're sold, the things that hold you back will seem insignificant. They won't be huge mountains, they'll be little tiny bumps that you just step right over with grace and ease. But it's up to you to be convinced, and it's up to you to want the change, and do whatever is necessary to bring about that change. If you do, you won't be disappointed! (End of message from Jesus.)

117. (Mama: ) How's that for a sales pitch! Everything will improve as we use the weapon of praise. Now it's up to us to follow through and obey. "Claim the keys for the changes you want to see, and I will grant you the victories you desire!"

With love in our magnificent, awesome, totally wonderful Husband, Mama

Text box.

(Jesus:) Remember, My loves, that with this new information and counsel about how to make praise a weapon, it is the era of accountability, and you will feel the results of your obedience!

End of text box.

Key promises on praise

(These are all in the new "Key Promises" booklet, coming soon.)

Claim the keys and you will have the courage to praise Me and acknowledge Me before others‚ to love Me and honor Me with your lips.

I will take away self-consciousness and embarrassment as you claim the keys of personal abandonment, so you can sing and praise and lift your arms to Me in humility.

You possess freedom over discontentment and depression as you hold up the keys turned to swords and strike the Enemy back with praise and positiveness.

The keys can change your mindset, giving you a totally positive and praiseful mindset.

Praise is a key that unleashes an ocean of My spiritual power, which can engulf and wash away any of the Enemy's obstacles.

Praise is one of the keys to victory. This key can not only draw you closer to Me, but it can be turned into a sword to cut the Devil to the heart!

According to your praise you will be filled with the hot gold magic power of the keys!

Call on the keys of praise to help you see the good even when you don't feel like it, and you will be making use of one of the most important spiritual weapons in your arsenal.

Use the powerful, dynamic approach of praise and calling on the keys, which the Devil hates and cannot resist, and you will see mighty miracles.

When the Enemy holds up a list of your lacks‚ failings, and weaknesses, slam the door in his face by praising Me and claiming the power of the keys, and he will be forced to flee.

When you feel too weak and discouraged to praise, call on the power of the keys to give you the strength, and as you praise‚ you will gain the victory.

While you're praising Me and claiming the power of the keys, you won't be able to think about anything negative and the Devil won't be able to lie to you.

When you're having problems, sing, shout, praise Me, and claim the keys of rising above! The Devil will have to flee, because you're resisting him with the power of praise and actively fighting against him with a force that he can't beat!

Praise‚ prayer, the Word and the keys will sustain not only your spiritual life, but also your physical life.

Keep your eyes off yourself and your situation‚ and on Me and the keys. Praise Me even when you don't feel like it, and I will take care of the situation and bring about "Romans 8:28" even from the most trying circumstances.

Call on the keys for power and victory in every situation‚ and then praise Me for answering.

Claiming the keys and praising Me is just what you need to lift you out of the pit which the Devil is trying to cast you into!

Praise Me with your whole heart, and by the power of the keys I will work miracles on your behalf.

The keys of praise and rising above are connected, and when activated, create a powerful combination to defeat the Enemy.

Praise, call on the keys, and then watch Me perform! It's a winning combination that never fails!

You will feel the power of the keys—steady and confident, strong and unbeatable—as you praise Me and let your voice glorify Me. Whenever you feel discouraged or worried, bring on the power of the keys through your words of faith and praise. The keys rush to those who honor Me and glorify My Name.

When you praise Me, thank Me, and actively show your gratitude and thanks, I am compelled out of love to turn the keys of My supply and open to you the vaults of heavenly riches.

Copyright © 2003 by The Family

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