More on the Keys!

May 6, 2003

What the Future Holds, Part 3

By MariaMaria #573 CM 3354 4/01

Dear Family,

1. I pray you are enjoying this series of marvelous and awe–inspiring messages the Lord gave us after Feast 2001. They're very deep and take much more than one quick reading to grasp. I sometimes review them by listening to them for my personal devotions, in an effort to more fully understand what the Lord is saying. I pray you can make the time to reread and review and under­stand them too.

2. This first message is really far-out! If you like sci-fi stuff, you'll love this one. But the really great thing is‚ this is the truth! It's not a figment of someone's imagination. This really exists, and although it's difficult to fathom such a magnificent scenario, we can take it by faith. Now we see through a glass darkly, and it's difficult to even find words to try to explain these marvels. But I pray these wonders of the spirit world, as mysterious and awesome as they are, will thrill your hearts and flip you out and blow your minds with the wonder, power and greatness of our God! Praise the Lord!

Pavilion of the Power of God!

3. (Vision, described by the channel:) I see a picture of a building. It's going to be very hard to explain, but I'll try. Jesus, please help me. I see a round wall, like an enclosure, and at the entrance is a girl's form leaning at a 35-degree angle. There are girls on both sides of the entrance in similar poses. She's leaning back against the wall as if she were a part of the wall, but still a unique identity. Her face is framed by a golden frame that keeps her hair out of her face‚ a very thin and very beautiful sort of headpiece and hairband. Her entire body is dark blue, which contrasts sharply but beautifully with her golden face/hairband.

4. Her pose is one of holding on to this wall‚ as if some great force from inside this enclosure threatens to detach her. One hand is placed on the inside of the wall, and the other is braced at a downward angle on the outside of the wall, as if she were holding herself in place. Her hair is held down behind her somehow. The wall is blue, just like her—the same color.

5. Within this enclosure is a bright source of light and power, similar to what I've seen in various "Star Trek" videos and movies, except that it's not contained by any visible containment field; it's in the open air. For the sake of description, I'll call it a plasma stream.

6. The plasma stream begins from a cone–shaped base in the floor‚ which is concave and sweeps down from the enclosing wall to this cone. The cone doesn't have a top. The plasma shoots straight up in a gentle flow. As I follow it, I see that it's supporting something—another cone-shaped object‚ made of the same material as the base wall and also blue in color. Around the cone/ring are women's faces and upper torsos with their hands outstretched as if bearing this object on their backs. Their heads are free and move from side to side, and all focus on me as I stare at them.

7. I get the feeling that they're the defenders or something‚ because their stare is ominous and daunting and very powerful. They aren't evil, but looking at their faces definitely tells me that were an intruder to attempt to disrupt this flow, he or she would be met with a most deadly fate.

8. As I'm watching this scene, suddenly it's as if someone turns on the power real strong, and the gentle plasma stream explodes and bursts upward through the ring with the women's faces on it. They throw their heads back as the energy passes through the center of this ring, and their hands are thrust out further to the sides. It's like the energy is passing through them as well.

9. I take a quick glance back down at the two gatekeepers, and they have their faces turned away from the flow as if they're not allowed to look at it, or as if it's too powerful to look at. Their hair is rocketing in the wind or shock wave behind them as they maintain their positions.

10. Following the stream up through the ring, I see that there are numerous other rings in line with this flow, all with the same faces on them, all blue in color. The energy stream goes straight up, as if these rings were its conduit, and my eyes follow its flow till I can't see any more.

11. Around the conduit is a cloud of deep purple and blue, almost like a gas, but it swirls around and around, forming a cone shape as it ascends. This must go for miles, because even though it's straight up, I can't see the end of it.

12. I'm now standing outside the clouds and cone. I must be very far away, because I see it off in the distance and I can see the entire structure. It's solid from the outside, with an opening in the top out of which shines this stream of energy. It's going off into the distance and kind of fades away out of my view.

13. I somehow get the impression that this is only one of these huge generators, and that they all somehow work together to provide an extremely powerful source of energy.

14. Something that's very strange is that when I was nearer the cone, I was aware of the presence of others around me‚ but they seemed to be outside these clouds. It seemed that it was some sort of a library‚ as I got a faint picture of a circular hallway with shelves and inlets around this central power source. The clouds seem to be a way of shielding whoever goes to this library from the energy's flow. You can't see it from inside the building, only if you're inside the actual power generator part.

15. I get the impression that this is a huge storage place for something—the storehouse or the pavilion of the powers of God! Maybe they all need this power source to exist or something, and that's why they're so close to this thing.

16. The whole thing is very powerful and strong and is very carefully guarded. I imagine that the gatekeepers at the base of the stream are very powerful, and with their collective protection, nothing would be able to get through to disturb the flow. And that's not accounting for the figures on the rings at each level that are not to be messed with either. They'd probably just channel some of that energy your way, and I could see that being the last time you made such an incursion! (End of vision.)

17. (Jesus speaking:) Behold now and see the generators of the power of God! There are many such powerhouses, and this is but the smallest and weakest of all of them. What you see here is the life's blood for an entire civilization within My Kingdom. This power comes from My Father and is drawn directly into His throne. He powers this civilization with the words He speaks from His mouth. His thoughts are the air that this culture breathes. They exist by this power, it is their life, and without it they would have no energy at all.

18. This is a rare glimpse into the world beyond the earthly plane you live on—a sneak peek into some of the workings of My spirit world. And yet‚ it is more; it is a demonstration of the magnitude of My Father's power and the power of His words.

19. You may think that the words you hear from Me or My Father or other spirit helpers are just direction and counsel, but the truth is, they are backed by more power than you can imagine! When I say I will defend you, I'm saying that with confidence, as I have available to Me every resource in My Father's Kingdom to come to your defense. These are not hollow words; they're backed by immense power!

20. That's why there's such great power in My words and in claiming My words—they are the power of the spirit world. They are the life of the unseen worlds that surround you. Without these words there would be nothing; the universe would be empty. There would be no universe. The things you see and hear of are but the tiniest speck within My great Kingdom.

21. This preview is a look at the smallest of the storehouses of the power of God. It is the least among millions, but even so, the power contained therein is more than enough to sustain a million galaxies of life. You have seen a rare sight. Not even the dwellers of this land are able to see within the protective cloud that shields them from the great power of God. Not even they are able to tread the ground where you, My children, have walked with Me today. These are sacred grounds, guarded heavily by My protectors, that none should come near or interfere with the source of My power.

22. So you have seen, and now you may believe that great is My power‚ and great is the force with which I back up My words to you on this day. As you have seen, now believe, and claim My power in your life today to do the impossible, to walk through the closed and barred gates of this world's systems. Know that yours is that power because you are My lovers and I have placed My ring of marriage upon your ­finger, directly linking Me to you and you to Me. You have all My power at your fingertips through this gift I have given you.

23. Yours is this great power to command. Ask of Me and I will rain down My power upon you to fill your life and your ministries, that you may do the seemingly impossible! (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

24. (Mama:) The channel who received this vision was really struggling for words when he tried to describe what he saw. Whew, I don't blame him. It's a pretty out-of-this-world scene! I hope the rendition by dear Tamar helps to clarify this remarkable sight that so few have had the privi­lege of seeing. The Lord has revealed this never-before-known truth because He is trying through every means possible to help us have faith in the Words He speaks. He wants us to know that the power He's given us is more than enough to do the impossible. His power, which we have access to by faith through the keys, is way bigger than the obstacles that we face, obstacles that must be almost laughable compared to the power that backs up our Miracle-maker's promises.

25. We are Mrs. Jesus‚ and our Husband will keep His word. He's not going to let us down or divorce us or leave us stranded. He is the most faithful, doting, loving Provider in existence. Even the billionaires of this world, who spoil their wives with an abundant supply of anything and everything imagin­able, cannot compare with our Lover's ability to do what He has sworn to do.

26. Of course, His supply of our desires is not to be compared with the physical riches of the world‚ for much of His doting and care is unseen to the carnal eye‚ because it's in the spirit. But with time, we'll see that He will make it more and more visible—physically manifesting His care, protection, provision, and power to do the impossible according to our requests.

Unleash the Power

—Go on the Attack!

27. Insight into Endtime events, the import­ance of Activated‚ and what the Lord expects of us now are the themes of the message you are about to read. This is packed with challenging and enlightening information. It's a long prophecy, which I know some of you have a hard time reading and concentrating on, but I ask that you please try to really concentrate, as this one is hot stuff, with very important instruction and vision-increasing counsel.

28. In this message, the Lord uses the illustration of a chessboard and chesspieces to describe the Endtime and His maneuvers to defeat the Enemy. Dad occasionally used chess as an analogy as well, in older Letters such as "God's Chess Game" and others. For those who may not be familiar with the game, here's a very brief and basic rundown on the pieces and their powers to help you better understand the Lord's illustration: Chess is played between two players who have a set of white or black pieces, each with varying powers. Pawns can move only one or two spaces forward at a time. Bishops can move in a straight line diagonally. Rooks (or castles‚ as they are sometimes called) can move in a straight line side to side—but not diagonally. Knights can move in an L shape (either one space to the side and two spaces perpendicular to it, or two spaces to the side and one space perpendicular to it), and have the ability to jump over other pieces. Queens are the most powerful pieces, and are able to move in a straight line both side to side and diagonally. Kings can move one space in any direction. The capture of the other side's king, known as checkmate, ends the game. Now, on with the Lord's message!

29. (Jesus speaking:) Behold, the time has come! This is not just a time of looking forward to the future, for the future is here. Nor is it the day of biding your time and wondering when the events predicted will begin to happen, for this day marks the beginning of some of them‚ and is a mile­stone for the Family.

30. As the needs arise, I provide the power you require. I've seen the Enemy begin to arm himself with high-tech weapons of the future, for he has seen that the time is right, and is beginning to make his moves.

31. As he makes his move on the big chess­board, I've seen the end from the beginning‚ and I know exactly how to place My pieces, My players. And‚ yes, didn't I even plan it, as a symbol in the game of chess, that the queen would be the most important and powerful player, the one with the most moves available, the most options? So shall it be with you, for I have given My Queen Maria all the powers of every chess­piece. She can move in any direction and for any length of space. She can swirl about at a mo­ment's notice and even use her offensive weapons to disintegrate the Enemy—and thus it shall be.

32. I have waited for a long time‚ patiently waiting, as have you, for years and years and decades, as the Enemy of your souls has bided his time, looking for the precise moment to make his first move. And I have noticed a stirring in his camp, an arrangement of pieces on the chessboard. I've seen him begin to pick his weapons, even high–tech weaponry of the spirit with which to control and manipulate the powers of the world.

33. He has begun by joining them all in one interlinked system. His first foot forward has been an economic link. And though the eventual end will be to unite the world politically and governmentally‚ the forerunner of these is economic unity‚ economic dependency, whereupon he will build the rest of his structure, and whereupon if any one player desires to pull out, he will sink and be eliminated from the great game.

34. The powers that be in the world realize this. They realize that he has made his first move, and that if they're to be included in the grand finale, they must throw in their lot with him. And so it is that they all begin to line up, one by one, in their places, vying for the most important places with the most power—nation vying against ­nation, economic power vying against economic power, for the best positions to play the final game. Greed is the motivating force urging the powers that be to follow his lead. For what will not a man do for his life? And what will not the powers that be do to retain their place and power?

35. As I see the economies of the world begin to unite and their leaders and rulers vie for power and position, I realize that this puts pressure on you, My Endtime children, as you wonder how you will survive. Therefore I have given you this greater anointing of faith which will empower you to make use of the systems of the world in order to get your bread and water. You will have no fear and you will eat of the fat of the land, for I have provided for you a place in the wilderness where you will be nourished for a time, and times, and the dividing of time.

36. Therefore you don't have to worry about your own nourishment or your own safety. The mighty doors will open at the right time, and you will walk in unhindered and untouched. I will provide for My Own.

37. As the economies of the System tighten, unite, and synchronize, I will provide ways of abundance for you to continue to operate. I will provide ways for you to obtain all that you need from the Devil's ugly System. With Me, nothing shall be impossible‚ and you'll be able to thank Me for that loaf of bread, even if the Devil did bring it.

38. You will find ways to operate within the System as though you were a part of it, and I will give you the faith to call down powers of protection and supply from the Devil's System that hates you. For I will blind them to your spirit‚ and as they look on the flesh they will perceive in their own minds that you are one of them, not knowing all the time that you are Mine.

39. Question: The Lord has often told us that our spirits bear witness that we're of the Lord; we stand out and sort of shine. How will it be possible that the System won't recognize us in those days, which will be even darker than now and when we'll probably shine even more? It'll obviously be a miracle, but it's not clear to me how it will work.

40. (Jesus speaking:) I will show you when the time comes, My dear ones. I will work in different ways with different people. Recall the dream which your David had of being confronted by the guard with a ray gun who asked to see his registration. There was suddenly a child present with supernatural eyes, one of My angels, who simply took away his thought of David not being registered and solved the problem. So I will work in supernatural ways to help you, as well as what you will consider natural ways, but I will help you. (End of mess­age from Jesus.) [Note: See "Registration? Or Scatter­ation!" ML #333C:1-8,11.]

41. Remember, My Spirit is all-powerful, and as you walk into even the highest places of the Enemy, the snakes of his System will bow down before your staff and you will devour them. The power that I give you is greater than all the power of the Enemy, and thus by faith you'll be able to subdue kingdoms‚ powers, and the very forces of the Devil. Where I guide‚ I provide, and where I say to walk, I will provide a way in the wilderness of the System. You will not hide yourselves away in a corner, but you will go out to perform great exploits in My Name, to stand up against the Goliath of the System, as My servant David of old did!

42. Yes‚ the Dragon has even now begun to snarl and to drag many into his whirlpool of deceit‚ and even many of your own flock has he subdued. But the time is coming when I will have you challenge him on his home field, go into his own dens to retrieve that which is rightfully yours, and those who are rightfully Mine. I wish for you to go on the offensive; let nothing stand in your way‚ for I send you out to free those caught in his clutches.

43. I command you to enter the very strong­holds of the Enemy to set the captives free! I no longer wish for you to just gain those who are on the fringes of his entrapment, but I wish for you to enter his own dens of iniquity and evil to bring back My children who have been enslaved therein. I give you power over all the power of the Enemy, and nothing shall be impossible to you!

44. I wish to rout the Enemy! I wish to remind him that there is a Power that he has to reckon with! I wish to show him that neither I nor you will be a pushover. I wish to remind him Who he's playing against‚ and to set up a blockade even now against his next move. For by an offensive plan of action, I will push him and manipulate him into a position of limited choices.

45. I see the End already, and I know how to maneuver him into his final move, into checkmate. Yet I need a strong offensive team, one who will not let up, in order to push him back to where I want him to go. Therefore I call on the forces of David to begin to show their faces, to make themselves known in the media, to begin to cry aloud from the housetops of My salvation, to sing loudly of My praise, so that all might hear that there is yet hope in the land! For only if the slaves can hear you will they know of your existence. Only by the hearing of the ear and the seeing of the eyes will they know of the salvation of the Spirit that is still available to them.

46. Proclaim My message and truth on TV, on radio‚ in print‚ and through the distribution centers of the media. For only there will those who have been captive so long, and who are so, so deep in captivity, hear of the hope that is yet alive on the Earth. No longer will they say to one another, "Hope has fled our grasp," but they will look at each other with a spark of hope and a glimmer of faith, and they will begin to seek you out and flock to you. Crowds will take hold of you and say, "We care not by what name we are called if you will just feed us. Feed us of your hope and of your words, for only in them do we find salvation from the torment of the Enemy."

47. Therefore I say, My called-out ones of the Endtime, blaze My message abroad! Make sure that it rings from the rooftops, that it ­echoes from mountaintop to mountaintop, across the valleys in between, and around the world. For as you communicate My message and it is blazed abroad for all to hear, My sheep will begin bleating louder and louder, and you will be able to find them in their prisons.

48. Yes, there are many that will seek you out and find you; but there are many more that must be sought out. So send out seeker teams once the time is right. Once your message has begun to be blazed abroad upon the airwaves and the media distribution systems, then send out seekers to find those that could not find you‚ who are imprisoned in the depths of the Enemy's entrapments, so deep that they cannot move by themselves.

49. When the Enemy begins to see you move in the more than 100 countries that you're in, when he begins to see the lineup of My first teams out‚ he will be set in disarray and he will panic. He will be in confusion and will lose much ground this way. Yet this is only My initial thrust forward.

50. So go to it! Push Activated subscrip­tions like they're going out of style and must be gotten today! Set the world on fire with Activated, My loves, for this will be the hook that will hook many. Advertise, publish, promote, and I will bring in the finances to cover your needs and will see that your efforts and products are multiplied—yes‚ even by the Devil's own systems—for he cannot stand against My Spirit.

51. I have set people in certain high positions‚ who when their key is activated by My Spirit within you‚ will turn to you and protect you and accomplish your desires by their means. I have even employed moles with set time–activation keys that you have the combinations of, that when they meet you will automatically be unlocked and their kingdoms will become yours, their means of communication will become yours, their methods of distribution will become yours, and you will even be able to use their own distribution systems.

52. So seek them out. Seek out My moles, for they are there, hidden and disguised in the Enemy's own clothing—not so that you can't recognize them, but so that the Enemy can't recognize them. But I have put a small measure of My Spirit and of longing for Me in their spirits, so that when they see you and hear of you, that bit of life that I have stored within them, like a seed stored for many years‚ will begin to sprout and come to life. And those small seeds will take over the spirit of the people they inhabit‚ and become a great tree for many of My children to lodge in. So seek out My moles in high places and low places, for they are all there, ready to be activated in their time, according to My plan.

53. But My pawns, My first lineup, must now go forth to their first positions. They must take their place on the chessboard for all to see, and then take their first steps forward as they go on the offense. This thrust forward will be in many and varied places, to make your presence known, to let the Enemy know that there's a power­ful force to contend with. I wish for you to start taking over various places of his territory as you begin to push him back‚ and to utilize his land for your benefit and for the benefit of the Kingdom.

54. Question: Aren't pawns sort of lowly pieces with limited powers? Why does the Lord talk about the pawns making the attack?

55. (Jesus speaking: ) To the master chess player, the grand master, every piece is vital and important. So is it with Me. All My pawns are precious to Me, and I love one piece just as much as another. And though they may seem lowly, each pawn is a potential queen—the most power­ful piece on the board. This is the power that each of My children has within him or her, for they have Me and My power!

56. I spoke of pawns going on the offense here simply because they must move before most of the other pieces can do so. If the pawns do not go forth to battle, then the rest of the army is immobilized‚ cooped up, and will soon be overcome. (End of message from Jesus)

57. Yes, this is the era of action, and by "action" I mean to get up and get out and start to act on My behalf! Go on the offense on My behalf! Make yourselves known as those who promote Activated! Don't cower. It's no longer time to hide, or to be content playing the defense, but it's time to get up and get out and begin to take over the Enemy's land, to go on the offense—score those points, claiming Activated subscrip­tions everywhere you go!

58. Make it known who you are! No salesman in his right mind covers and hides his product and his company's name, but he promotes it! He advertises on his logos‚ on his letterhead‚ on everything and every­where he can! His goal is to broadcast his name anywhere and everywhere he can, and to promote his product! It's time for you to do the same! If they don't accept you in one city, shake the dust off your shoes and move to the next! But wherever you go, promote, promote, promote!

59. It's no longer time to be ashamed of who you are—it's time to stand up and be counted! It's time to fight for and secure your place in their society, your right to publish your product, to promote your goods. Then, once you've secured your ground, begin to expand and to take over the Enemy's territory little by little, square by square. Don't be scared by the Enemy's "boo," for any salesman that ever succeeded had to endure hardness and opposition.

60. So secure your places on the front line of the field. For as My first line of chesspieces secure the squares where they've been placed, then I will begin to move them forward in a concerted effort to take over the key places of the chessboard where I know they will be needed to reach the lost.

61. So secure your positions! Come out on top! Make known who you are, and fight for your right to be there. Once this first round is won, I will have begun to open up new doors of passage to new ground, and I will move you ever onward in My unfailing plan to win the lost. Even though the Enemy will also make great gains, nevertheless, your goal is to win the lost.

62. His goal is to win the board, but as he tries to do so, you'll be winning the captives and setting them free. And though at the very end he will think he has won‚ I will step in and say, "Game's over!" as I rescue you who remain and bring you Home to Me.

63. So fear not! I will provide, I will guide, I will nourish, and I will win all whom I have planned to win in My great strategy. So go forth now and take your stand! The game has begun!

64. And remember as you go that nothing shall be impossible to you! As you know‚ My will now is for you to get out the message of Activated, to have the faith to claim and climb upon the highest places of the land! I will open doors for you that no man can shut. Stretch your faith, and know that the time has come for you to make yourself known and to claim that which is rightfully yours.

65. You have the greatest power of the universe behind you! You have the power to command doors to open and shut, to unleash that which has been hitherto leashed to you, and to leash that which fights against you. Unleash the power! Unleash your faith, and according to the circumstances I will unleash the power to accomplish what your faith has commanded. (End of message from Jesus.)

66. (Mama:) The Lord's plug for Activated is unmistakable here. You can't miss it! But there is also the related message regarding the need to openly align yourselves with Activated‚ in order to promote it as it should be promoted. There's no way that we're going to flood the world with the message of the Lord in the Activated products if you‚ our salesmen, don't advertise, publicize, market, campaign for, talk about, and push them in every way possible! You can't do that very well if you're some independent organization, not directly related to the Family.

67. I can understand that there are some very unusual situations where the Lord might lead some Homes to operate in a more clandestine manner, without direct association with the Family, when there is no other way to accomplish the work in that particular sensitive or dangerous field. But overall, the Lord is stressing that you should openly associate yourselves with Activated, which means the Family. Probably one of the main reasons a Home would choose to work independent of the Family name would be for some kind of official recognition and especially support. However, if you read the preceding message carefully you'll see that promoting Activated will be the key that will open doors that will supply your needs through the very System you're winning. So if you're distancing yourself from the Family when it's not the Lord's highest will, in an effort to win support, you might be losing in the long run by not winning the people who will support you big time in the years to come!

68. This is where faith comes into the picture. Don't be short-sighted by thinking you're going to protect your work and win the favor and support of the System by hiding your true identity‚ because the opposite—being obviously and boldly aligned with Activated (and hence the Family)—is what will, in most cases, be the key that will help you to win friends and supporters and put you in positions that will‚ with time, result in much better supply and protection. Please consider this message very seriously, and if you are in a situation in which you are not openly promoting Activated‚ then seek the Lord desperately to make sure you're not missing the mark and won't be sorry later. (For more on this subject, see "Activate the World‚ Part 1," ML #3348:57-71, GN 943.)

More Intimacy with Our King!

69. Just when you think the Lord has outdone Himself with the goodness He has shown us, His intimate brides, He reveals yet another special blessing. His desire to give us everything we need becomes more and more obvious the more He talks to us. All we have to do is have faith to believe and receive.

70. (Jesus speaking:) I set before you a new open door, greater than any of the doors I've opened to you before. This is the open door to My palace. I give you the keys so that you may come and go freely, so that you might access My palace at any time of the day or night.

71. Within this palace lie My private bed­chambers. Though you've had access to Me and My bedchamber for some years, you will now be able to discover many more chambers and rooms full of Heavenly delights, for I have more than one bedchamber! For those of you who so desire‚ I open doors for you to love Me in new and deeper ways. I invite you to explore My palace, to have a look around, and to find and revel in wonders you have not conceived of before.

72. My home is your home. My palace is your palace. As My bride, My loyal, devoted and loving wife, you have the power to hold in your possession and lay claim to whatever you find within My palace that suits your fancy.

73. You want miracles? They're there for you. You just have to seek them, find them, and take hold of them with faith. You want protection? Provision? Deliverance? Supply? ­Answers? Spiritual revelations? Supernatural under­standing? Mystical insight? Wisdom? Creativity? It's all there for you, and then some! You just have to appropriate what you need and want. You must take the step to enter the open door I set before you and seek diligently within My palace for the treasures that are yours for the taking.

74. I have put the keys to the Kingdom in your hands. These keys open the door to My palace and to the many chambers and rooms inside. These keys open the treasures to you. You must learn to use the keys I have put in your hands. You must cultivate the power to rise above in your life if you are to walk through these doors. To walk through this door, use the keys in your hands; follow closely the guidelines I have laid out for you on how to use the keys and access the power I have given you. (See guidelines in "Rise Above," ML #3317, and "Keys to the Kingdom," ML #3318.) In addition, come to Me and ask Me for personal instruction on what you need to rise above in the course of each day. Keep checking in with Me daily and ask Me what you need to do that day‚ what will help you that day to learn to use the keys and access the power I have given you.

75. Take the treasures I long to give you and spare not, for I have so much—far beyond your imagination! You never need to feel guilty about taking all you want, even if you feel you don't need it. Don't worry that there won't be enough left for someone else, because I always have more than enough for everyone. I've placed it in special corners and chambers here and there, so that those most desirous and to whom it would mean the most will find each particular treasure. Of course, these treasures are not meant solely for that individual—they're meant to be shared, to be spread throughout your Family, and in many cases with the world as well.

76. So come, My brides. Walk in the door—the enormous double doors of My immense palace—and feast your eyes on all that is yours for the taking! Use the keys I have put in your hands; cultivate the power I have given you. Whatever you want, whatever you desire most from the realm of the spirit, is there for you. It is My pleasure to give it to you! (End of message from Jesus.)

Don't Stop Now!

77. (Mama: ) The Lord understands that these last years have not been easy for you. He realizes you've been sorely tested. Here is a message that will help put those battles into per­spective. Once again‚ He compares the Navy SEALs and us. One of the reasons I think He makes this comparison is because the bravery, dedication, camaraderie, intense training, and risks taken by the SEALs or their special forces counterparts in other nations inspire respect and admiration. We should feel the same about our own comrades and the vocation we have ­chosen.

78. (Jesus speaking:) My precious brides, I have seen the battles that you've fought. I've seen the tests that you've endured. I've seen the faith that you've had to manifest to continue on in your fight and service to Me. This is all part of making you My chosen soldiers of the End—strong soldiers whom I can count on when the real battle begins. For these tests that you're going through make you strong. And in the days ahead, when the Enemy comes forth in more power‚ I will ask you to stand stronger in the face of adversity‚ because of the weak faith of those who will come to you for help.

79. As the Navy SEALs are called upon to defend their country, to be the called-out ones for special battles, even so do I prepare you, My Navy SEALs of the Spirit, for the special missions that I will ask you to undertake. Now you see your training as routine, monotonous, and sometimes unnecessary. But I know the drills that are necessary to make you alert and prepared for the battles I will lead you into.

80. Are you weary of the battle and the fight? This is good‚ for this is when your spiritual muscles are strengthened, when you are tired and spent and yet you fight and fight and fight some more. Why did you join My army if you didn't expect to fight battles? Some are falling by the wayside, but don't let this dissuade you from pursuing the calling I have called you to. Let your faith be strengthened, not weakened. For your faith should not be in those around you, but in Me.

81. In the days ahead you will need greater faith—not so much for yourselves, but for ­others who have not the faith to receive My seeds of faith‚ those who loved Me, but not with all their hearts, minds, bodies and spirits. In those days, their faith will not have the stamina needed to endure the tests, but your faith will soar! There will be strong adversity, and you will see the manifestation of My power and anointing upon you.

82. This increased manifestation of faith will be because of your little steps of faithfulness now, for they will be multiplied an hundred­fold. Thank you for having believing faith. I will honor you in the days ahead. The honor will come because of the decisions of faith that you make now. Thank you for the steps of faith that you've made and continue to make. I love you! (End of message from Jesus.)

Home, Sweet Home!

83. (Mama: ) This next message touches on a subject that hasn't yet been addressed in conjunc­tion with the keys to the Kingdom, but you'll see that it's paramount to the success of our outreach and winning the world.

84. (Jesus speaking:) My dears, this is a new day, and one that will astonish you with its brilliance. The new day is constantly being renewed, just as is the term "latter days." This new day that you're experiencing is the constant refilling of My Spirit in you in a greater measure, as the world grows darker and darker around you.

85. It's not hard to perceive that the world is becoming more evil, and that wickedness is more and more acceptable and the norm. Movies are filled with violence. Young children are killing other children. Sodomy, drug abuse, oppression by violent crime and violent governments are all becoming normal and no longer cause a widening of the eyes.

86. Though darkness abounds, light will much more abound. The brightness of My love in the hearts and spirits‚ the eyes and smiles, the shining faces of My believers will shine greater and greater. So great will be the shine that people will be surprised. They will be drawn to My children as iron to a magnet, even if you don't say a word. The love in your faces, the shine, the happiness you have will draw them unto you.

87. And then what? My desire is that in this era of action, you will begin to experience the action of My love in your hearts and lives in a greater measure than ever before. For as men and women are drawn to you‚ as they desire to know you, to know the source of this joy and love and happiness, it's imperative that not just your countenance, not just your outward actions, not just your words‚ but that your inner life reflects the beauty of My Spirit just as much.

88. So I will do miracles for all of you in your personal lives. When people are drawn to you because of your smile and your counten­ance and your obvious happiness, I wish for them to find the same thing inside you. I wish that in getting to know you, they will get to know Me.

89. By this I mean that I wish for your Homes to become havens of peace, joy, and happiness. I wish for you to not only project these qualities when you're out distributing literature, tapes, posters, or videos, or when you're selling Activated subscriptions‚ or when you're doing follow-up, or when you're visiting someone, but in the day-to-day life of your Homes. I wish for there to be such an atmosphere of love, giving, understanding and unselfishness that as you take new ones into your Home‚ they will not be disappointed seeing your personal lacks, but instead they will grow closer to Me as they see the beautiful sample, on a day-to-day basis, of those who have given their lives to Me.

90. This sample of giving and loving is some­thing that you all know of, for you've read about it in many of My Letters to you, and your Queen Maria has talked with you about it in many Letters. It's the sample that is shown and practiced in her Home. There is so much to do to spread My Words, to take care of My queen and king, and to take care of each other, that a spirit of sacrifice, giving, and yieldedness is preva­lent. One who enters this atmosphere is struck by the simple, peaceful life of giving, loving and yielding that prevails.

91. Of course, these people are human just like you all. They have their faults, failings‚ idio­syncrasies, doubts in themselves, trials and heart­breaks. They have their times of difficulty. They have their moments of yielding to the ­Enemy and having to fight him tooth and nail. They're not perfect; they haven't arrived.

92. But they have yielded to Me. Because of the nearness of the queen and king, because of hearing the many prayer requests from around the world, because of their desire to not fail Me, they've seen the great need to act in love and giving and impartiality. They've joined together in one heart, soul, mind, and yes, body‚ to fight the Enemy and spread My truth. They strive for unity, for giving and fighting together. Although there may be personality conflicts at times, the great need that is before them causes them to suppress indulgence in these, so that they're willing to put all on the altar for Me, and continue with their eyes not on the problems but on My face.

93. My loves, I don't wish to lift up the Home of the king and queen as a place that is high above all others. This is not the case. For you on the harvest fields also give much; you make great sacrifices, and you yield to Me. There are many of you who are just as dedicated, willing, loyal and yielded as My brides in the Home of the queen, and I love you just as much.

94. Yet in this Home there is a great push for yielded­ness as a body to do My will and to pull together toward the goal. This is what I wish for all My Family Homes‚ and which you can all attain in this era of greater miracles, greater anointing‚ enhanced faith, and greater ability to rise above. It's imperative that My Family Homes exhibit this unity, love and sharing, because I will be bringing more and more of My lost sheep to you. They will be in your Homes. They will see your sample. They will partake of your spirit. And whose spirit do you want them to see? You don't want them to partake of anything that is not of Me—any selfishness, bickering, lack of love, lack of giving, or lack of unity. You want them to experience all the posi­tive qualities I've given you—love, sharing, sacrificial giving, peace, harmony, and unity.

95. So this is one of the miracles that I will perform in your Homes. As you yield to My Spirit, with your enhanced gift of faith, your ability to rise above, and the keys to the Kingdom that I have now given you, you will have an increased ability to live in unity, love, sharing and harmony in your Homes. You will have more of My Spirit to do so! You will have more of the power of Heaven to do so! And your Homes will not just be places where you live and eat and take care of your children and take care of the things that are your own personal concerns, but they will be havens of peace, love and sweet harmony where I can bring My sheep to partake of My Spirit.

96. There will be such an atmosphere of love! There will be such understanding! There will be such giving! There will be such preferring of each other! There will be such a desire to see each one happy and fulfilled and having all they need.

97. My loves, don't expect that this will happen overnight‚ but I extend this promise to you, be­cause it is so needed for My plan to continue. Your friends‚ sheep, contacts, relatives and acquaint­ances will be coming to you, as you reach out to them more and more, as you use the Activated materials‚ and as you're faithful to follow My admonitions to follow up. And your Homes—the spirit and atmosphere and qualities of the spirit that they exhibit—are another tool that I wish to use in this time.

98. So reach out for these promises! Claim them for your Home, so that your Home can be the haven of peace and love that I have ordained it to be. Let it be that when people enter, they feel My Spirit. They feel it because in your inner lives, in your secret thoughts‚ in your interactions with your brothers and sisters, your motive is love. Your motive is to fulfill My command­ments to love one another.

99. Remember that I said, "By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, because ye have love one for another." By this you will bear much fruit. By this you will see many added to your folds. By this you will see great expansion. By this you will see My promises of greater miracles come to pass. By this you will be amazed at all I will do to bless you, because you have obeyed!

100. As you obey and let My Spirit fill you and reign in your Homes‚ you will see the fulfillment of My promises of supply, healing, miracles, and greater expansion. All you have to do is let My Spirit reign. When problems come up, think, "What is the most loving, the most humble, the most giving, the most Spirit–filled thing I can do?" Because you've practiced asking Me everything, I will lead you in each instance. I will give you the greater ability to rise above any and all everyday problems, as you rest in My Spirit and let My Spirit fill you.

101. This may take some practice, but as you take a step, and then another, and then another, you will see My love fulfilled in you more each day. You will see changes all around you, but specifically you will see changes inside you.

102. These are often little choices you must make—sometimes things that no one knows about but Me and you—but the spirit that you carry will reflect these choices. The spirit of your Home will reflect the personal choices that you have made‚ as a Home, regarding giving, sharing and loving. So always choose these things, and rest on My promises to fulfill in you what I have said, and I will do it.

103. Trust, obey‚ believe, and act! And I will do My part to make your Homes the havens of peace and love that will be like nests for My new baby disciples to grow in. I love you! And I look forward to raising all these new baby birds in the nests of your Homes, together with you! Love, Jesus, your Daddy Birdie. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

104. (Mama:) In the early days of the Family, we were very aware of the power of the sample of our communal living. We knew if we could just get the sheep to "come and see‚" then our unity‚ love and sacrificial caring for one another would often be enough to dispel any doubts they might have about the existence of a God of love. Anything that disrupted our sample of happy communal living in those early years was looked upon as a serious breach in the spirit, a terrible and dangerous attack of the Enemy.

105. Unfortunately, things have changed, and many of our brethren seem to have lost the vision about how important our sample of living together in love and happiness is. This is sad, but true. I've heard many pitiful stories of resentment, bitterness, arguments‚ and lack of unity in our Homes. The CROs have reported that there's a trend in some areas where Homes break up because the Home members can't live together; then those same people get together with others, and with time their next Home also breaks up. This happens again and again. It's a pattern that develops until many are left living in single–family Homes requesting exemptions to the Charter Home membership requirements. It's because of selfishness and lack of love that many of you find it nearly impossible to live together with others.

106. This is a serious problem, and we need to fix it. We can't have hungry people who are full of hope and looking for answers visit our Homes only to go away disappointed because what they read about in the Word or the Activated publications is not a reality in your lives. God will hold you responsible if you stumble His little ones with your lack of love and unity, your bickering and indifference. People want to see if you live what you preach. Do you?!

107. The power you need to "get back to our roots" of happy Heavenly Homes is found in the keys! As the Lord explained in the ­mess­age you just read‚ you can rise above with an in­creased ability to live in love and harmony in your Homes. He reinforced that in another mess­age He gave us on this point, saying, "I want My struggling children to know that they can have renewed hope for unity with the gifts I have given them, for many have lost faith that they can ever live in unity with some of their brethren. The rivers of disunity flow so deep that without the knowledge of this supernatural power, they will not even try to restore unity; they will simply con­tinue business as usual. But unity is one of the greatest and most far-reaching ­effects of these gifts, one that will bring with it many other fruits and blessings." (End of message from Jesus)

108. So you can do it, dear Family. Will you try? Will you keep striving for unity? As you meditate on this message, check your heart and see where you stand and how your Home fares. Is your Home a haven of love, joy, and peace? Please make it so!

More on "Maria Shall Shine!"

109. The messages in this series foretell some almost scary situations that you'll find yourselves in—ministries and happenings that will test your faith and push you to rise above as never before. I'm sure some of this is not easy for you to accept or grasp. Well, I don't know if it will be much comfort to you, but I feel somewhat the same way about the things the Lord has said to me. I know what it's like to have the Lord speak about your future, and as you look at yourself and your shortcomings you wonder, "Wow, how exactly is that going to happen?" Some of my channels received messages specifically for me or about my future ministry after the Feast. I figured you'd be interested in what the Lord had to say to me, since what I do naturally affects you too. So I'll share one such message with you now.

110. (Jesus speaking: ) My queen of the End‚ how I have raised you and brought you along. You are as Esther, who was at first shy and timid, but who was willing to place herself in the king's palace so that she might save her people. You gave yourself as a freewill offering so that the lost could be saved. You laid yourself and your pride and reputation on the altar to uphold the mantle of David, so that the Family could continue, so that the truth could be spread.

111. Now I have set the crown of the kingdom upon your head, and I give you a new anointing. I give you great wisdom, and you will take on the anointing of the full and complete queen that you are, that I have had you in the making to be for many years.

112. You will be My Endtime prophetess, and the words you speak will be crystal clear and will pierce many. Yet they will also protect you. They will preserve you. They will create an aura around you that will glow and pulsate, and this aura will be visible even to outsiders at times, when I wish for the effect of My Words spoken through you to carry more weight.

113. Darling, My eyes will see out through yours, and the burning of My heart will beat in yours. We will be one, and your King Peter will stand beside you, and with great wisdom, anointing and foresight will support you and lead your children alongside you. Do not fear or crouch back in the shadows, but revel in the new anointing, boldness, and courage that I have already begun to give you. Don't say, "I'm shy." Don't say, "I can't speak," for in doing so, you limit My power a little bit each time. Say that I'm giving you victory. Say that I'm changing you. Say that I'm making you a new creature. Say that I'm fashioning you into the Endtime prophetess that David spoke of.

114. You will be given great power, great anointing, and great faith. You will no longer battle the things that you used to, because the anointing and mantle will settle over you and take you over. I will truly make you a new creature as you have longed, as you have prayed.

115. Up until now‚ you have depended on the gift of weakness and your desperation and deep desire and passionate love for Me to sustain you and your children. You have trusted that I would keep you and the Family within the hollow of My hands‚ that I would keep things under control, that I would give the Words needed to feed My flock, and that I would keep you out of harm's way. I will continue to do this, My darling, but I will begin to use a new method, a new vehicle‚ a new anointing upon you.

116. For as times in the world change‚ so does the need for your anointing change. And while it has been fine for these many years for you to remain hidden in the shadows and to let the words of your lips and of Mine be spread across the world only through your pen and the ­missives which you have sent to My children, that time is changing. You will still send them your words and My Words on paper‚ but you will speak more abundantly, more prolifically. You will do so in person‚ and the time will even come when you will be set high on a rock, and many, many, many will see you and witness your anointing.

117. In the Last Days I will give the world many signs and wonders to counter those of the Enemy, the false Christ. You will be one of these signs, My Maria. You will speak to the nations and warn them. There will be times of hiding and secrecy, where you will conduct your worldwide Endtime army from caves and seclusion, but there will also be times when you will be set upon a hill, showing clearly that I the Lord, the God and Commander of My children, am not afraid to stand before the whole world. So I will send you, for you are the mouthpiece, the vessel, the chosen. I will send you and your king as a team for many of these missions.

118. Does it sound awesome to you? In reality, the awesomeness that you feel toward these Words now will be dwarfed by the awe that you will feel when you see how I am empowering and enabling you to do My bidding. All you have to worry about is saying yes. All you have to be concerned with is remaining close by My side, day in and day out.

119. Now are the days of personal preparation for you, My queen. The Family has had their years of preparation, and you have been prepared as their queen for the different role in which you and your king will lead the Family into the era of action. But now you enter a time of further personal preparation—prepara­tion for your role as the Endtime prophetess. All the goods, all the knowledge, all the love, all the fire, all the inspiration, all the passion, all the conviction, all the desire‚ all the tears, all the joys‚ are already stored within you, for I put the seed of each quality in your heart when I formed you by My hand in Heaven. Now the seeds are activated with the gift of faith, and each of these qualities will begin to sprout, grow, bloom and blossom. They will shoot forth at different rates, but all will be brought to full maturity at the time appointed.

120. Don't worry about it now, Darling. Just close your eyes, relax, and lie back. Let Me prepare you, and you just concentrate on feeding the sheep I have given you. Only concern yourself with this, for I will prepare you unto the day appointed‚ so that as your tender heart desires, you may be everything that I'm asking of you. I love you‚ My queen. (End of message from Jesus.)

121. (Mama:) So you see, the Lord is putting challenges before all of us. But the same can be said to you that He said to me: Don't worry. Just concentrate on what you know your Husband wants you to do—feed His sheep, lie with Him in the bed of love‚ feast on His Word, trust Him with your life‚ heart and soul. As you do your best to be obedient and yielded to His every bidding, He will continue with the personal preparation that you also need for the Endtime. We're in this together. We can make it together, as we trust the Lord!

With prayer‚ admiration and love‚


(Quotes included in the text of this GN from unpublished messages:)

Besides the free gift of salvation I offer all men, never before has humanity had such a precious gift of the keys. But though you will be as powerhouses, be not unaware that there will yet be pitfalls, tests, and trials along the way. But I walk with you and gladly assist you. Leave all fear behind, precious warriors, and all memories of failure, for you will win this war. This is My promise to you!

You don't yet have the capacity to understand and comprehend the complete power of the keys, and it's not necessary that you know everything about them at this time. But what is important is that day by day‚ step by step, moment by moment, you use these keys in the ways I show you to use them.

My dears, this is a most critical time. There are many smaller dramas being played out, but only you have the center stage. So use it wisely, for you can't totally comprehend or visualize what is occurring in this beautiful dance. It's just one more step on the path back Home.

You cannot be what you will become until you are not what you are now. So I ask you to release your past so that you can take hold of the full force of the power of the future!

My dear loves, you'll become as streams of light that become stronger and more potent each new day. So don't become attached to any way of being, any one mode or mannerism‚ or any thought pattern that is too narrow-minded, for I wish to expand your minds. Know that the limits you were so certain about yesterday will forever change and extend. Don't put Me or My power in a box, for no box can contain Me or My powers!

With these keys in your hands and put to use, you will find that our times of lovemaking will be more breathtaking and fantastic than ever before. We will please each other in ways you haven't yet dreamed of! I will be more to you than your most outrageous dreams. You will see a side of My beauty and power that you haven't yet seen. I will catch you up in My arms and twirl you in a whirlwind of love as we make passionate, uninhibited, liberated love, in a way you've never experienced before. I will satisfy you as never before, your senses keenly sharpened. You will feel My love in the places of your heart, mind, body and soul that can only come to life when you use these keys. You'll be amazed, and praise and thankfulness will fill your hearts as never before.

I will take your yielded hearts and in them ignite a passion for Me that you have not known before! With these keys of the Kingdom that I have given you, you may enter the realm of what you consider fantasy, and pull down the reality of all you desire.

Feel the warmth of My sacred flame of love as it brushes over your whole body and fills you with My seeds that will become the fruit of the Kingdom. My aura of love will surround you. I am nearer than near; I am here with you. Reach out and touch Me and use the keys that I've given you. I will respond to you as I have never before.

You must take the keys that I've given you and validate them in your own heart and life, and seek the power I have promised. Don't be lazy. Go forth and preach the Gospel. Do your part to learn to use and access this power so that you can draw people to Me and fulfill My plan.

(End of file.)