Jewels on Comparing

May 5, 2003

Keys to Victory series

By MariaMaria #557 CM/FM 3326 12/00

Dear Family,

1. Comparing! It's something that almost every­one is faced with at some time in life. People compare for different reasons and to different degrees. Some people have just one "trouble area" that they struggle with—something they don't like about themselves that's a minor battle from time to time. Others are chronic comparers and negative thinkers who constantly battle with feeling that others are more talented, better looking, have more privileges, and on it goes. Whatever the case, though, the Lord is able to help you overcome this terrible battle and mindset that can steal away your joy and fulfillment in life.

2. This GN includes a collection of short proph­ecies and excerpts of prophecies that were re­ceived for individuals who have battled comparing—including people in our Home, and ­others who have written me sharing their battles with feeling inadequate or inferior in some way. We've touched on the subject of comparing in previous GNs, but the Lord has given many wonderful jewels on it and I want to share as many of them as possible with you.

3. This GN will be the first on the topic, and the next one in this series will contain more specific and detailed prophecies further addressing the ins and outs of comparing. I pray that all these wonderful Words from the Lord are a blessing to those of you who struggle with comparing in whatever form or to whatever degree you do. He loves you so much‚ and so do Peter and I!

Love, Mama

You're Special

4. (Jesus speaking:) A long, long time ago, in a realm not as far away as you think, I set this vast universe in motion. You and your life have been a long time in the making, and you're a part of a magnificent, vast, overall plan. You can't see that plan, but I can. You can't see how beautifully you fit in with the overall fabric of life and the balance of the universe, but I can. Someday you'll see it too, and you'll see how perfect it all is. Someday you'll be able to fully drink in the beauty of it and marvel together with Me at how wonderfully it all came together.

5. I love variety! That's why I made everyone so different. There's nobody in the world just like you‚ and that's one of the things I like most about you. I went out of My way to make life different for everybody, in every way—their looks, their feelings‚ their talents, their relation­ships—and to ensure that no two people turned out just the same in every way, because I enjoy the variety. You can learn to enjoy it too, if you don't already.

6. Haven't I told you that I love each of you as if you were the only person in the world? You must not listen to the Enemy, who seeks an inroad in your life, making you look negatively at yourself and focus on your failings and your shortcomings and what you think is your less-than-perfect body, abilities, strong points, or personality. What indeed is perfect? I have fashioned and formed you as I have formed every one whom I have put on this Earth—as an imperfect being‚ yet a beautiful one. All have sinned and fallen short of My glory, yet I love them with a perfect love and passion. I know what's best for everyone. I create balance.

7. You are indeed precious in My sight, and you will see that I will be able to use you more if you don't compare—if you don't have your mind on what you don't have that others do‚ or dwell on how you are different from them. Be thankful for how I've made you. Glorify Me with your body, for it is Mine. I can use anything. If you were perfect, you would have no need for Me. You wouldn't have a broken heart. You would have no need for others. Trust Me in all that I do. Don't think of yourself; don't compare. Think not of what you lack, but think only of Me. Only then will I be able to use you to the utmost. (End of message from Jesus.)

Unique Gifts and Talents

8. (Jesus speaking: ) I've given each of My children gifts‚ and they are special to Me. These gifts that I've given are not to be compared to each other, for they are precious gifts from Me to each one of My children. Each of these gifts gives them a special link to Me. You should not look on the gifts of another nor envy them, but rather look on the gifts that I have given you that make you special to Me.

9. Comfort yourself, knowing that I bestowed on you those special gifts that I chose just for you. Use those gifts to glorify Me in the special way that I want you to.

10. I made you and created you as a special, unique vessel. You are a creation of My choosing, a creature of My forming‚ a vessel fit to fulfill My plan. Despise not the way I made you, and question not why I made you thus, for I made you as I would have you to be. The gifts and talents that you have, though they're not the outward or showy kind, are very needed for the running of My Kingdom.

11. I want you to be happy and rejoice in the beauty, the personality, and the talents I've given you. For as you enjoy them and rejoice in them, they become all the more splendid. But when you worry, when you doubt, when you compare, when you fear, the beauty begins to fade; the gifts and abilities don't have the chance to perform as freely‚ as creatively, as effectively, and the personality loses color.

12. In sports, everyone knows their limitations. The tennis player doesn't try to be a marathon runner‚ and basketball players don't try to do gymnastics. You find out what you're gifted in and what talents and strengths I've given you, and then you exercise those. A basketball player might watch a gymnast and say, "Amazing! I'd like to do that!" But even if they put on a leotard and learn how to do a cartwheel, they're most likely never going to be a gymnast, no matter how hard they work at it‚ unless they're also gifted in that way.

13. You have to find your own strengths, what I have bestowed on you, because you stand alone before Me. I don't compare you with anyone else. Others have different limitations, strengths, and weak­nesses. What I take into account is what people have done with their strengths and their weaknesses.

14. To find out what you do best, you have to ask your Maker—Me! (End of message from Jesus)

Things Even Out

15. (Dad speaking: ) The Lord deals differently with each of us, and sometimes what's good for one person is not good for another. So we can't compare and wonder why some people seem to have it so easy, while others suffer so. The Lord is fair and just, and most importantly, He's loving, and it all balances out in the end. (End of message from Dad.)

16. (Jesus speaking:) You've been looking at the hole in your life instead of the donut, and in the lives of others you've seen only the donut and not the hole. But all have both, My love. Look not at what others have. Or if you must look at what they have, then look deeply, and you'll also see that all hurt‚ all suffer, all have pain in one form or another.

17. You know others have it hard too and that nobody has a perfect life, so just keep reminding yourself of that. Maybe they have something you want, but maybe you have something they want. Maybe they have something very special‚ but maybe they had to go through a whole lot of waiting to get it—maybe longer than you'll have to wait!

18. People often want what someone else has, but they only see the silver lining, the benefits, the advantages. They don't see the sacrifices and hard decisions that made others what they are and prepared them for their place of service. With the crown comes the cross. I have made your cross, as I have everyone else's, ­tailored just for you, just what I know you can take and what will make you into what I need you to be. But often people envy the crown and the glory so much that they neglect to see the cross, which is the sacrifice that fitted the person for the crown.

19. Don't compare the way that I've supplied the need of one to the way that I've supplied the need of another, for I have a purpose in all that I do. You can come to Me, ask Me, and seek Me, and I will show you the purpose and the reason that I placed you where I did. (End of message from Jesus)

Want To Be Free?

20. (Jesus speaking:) No matter what you have or don't have, there's always going to be some­thing you wish you had or didn't have. That's life! But it doesn't have to be such a big part of life. Life can be beautiful, fulfilling‚ and satisfying, even if you don't have all you wish you had and aren't all you wish you were.

21. These negative thoughts about yourself and negative comparisons with others are chains and bonds, My love, and I seek to release you from them if you will let Me. I'm here now, waiting to remove them, to pull them off your body and spirit, and set you free.

22. I long to set you free, for I want you to be happy. I want you to partake of My full joy. But there are some things you need to do in order to receive this freedom—the main one being to simply accept that you are who and what I want you to be, and that you have the gifts, talents, blessings and attributes that I want and need you to have. You're doing the job I've called you to do and filling the need I've chosen you to fill.

23. If you don't like things about yourself, don't worry; I can remake them as you give yourself to Me. For I've made you as you are, a precious vessel that can be so wonderfully used, and is so wonderfully used. Just come to Me and lie with Me each day and love Me and give yourself to Me, and I will take all these anxieties, fears‚ doubts, and worries and wash them away‚ for I love you dearly. (End of message from Jesus.)

The Trust Factor

24. (Jesus speaking: ) Believe that I have formed you just as you ought to be and given you all that I want you to have at this time; that I love you perfectly just as you are, and that you bring great pleasure to Me.

25. Believe that I am in control and trust Me fully, without questioning, complaining‚ or wishing for things to be better or different. Let go of comparing. Accept the way I've made you, the talents I've given you, and everything about yourself, and make the best of it—instead of be­ing bitter or rebellious against Me because you think you'd be better off if I'd done differently.

26. These "old clothes" have been holding you back. It's excess baggage. And while you've tried to put on your armor and fight, in a way it's like you've been fighting under water, and your every move has been hampered or hindered to some extent, because you haven't been willing to fully let go, to really believe, trust, accept and yield.

27. When you are tempted to compare with others because you think they are more beautiful, more talented, have better personalities, or are farther along spiritually and other people seem to like them more or love them more, do not feel bad. Accept the gifts I have given ­others and be thankful for them‚ not envious‚ knowing that I have given you many gifts as well. As you thank Me and praise Me for the way I've made you and accept that I do all things well, then you will have victory.

28. What is it to you what I give to others, what I entrust them with, what I ask of them, or how I bless them and how I operate in their lives? It's not for you to compare or judge or come to conclusions in your own mind as to how My dealings with you should be‚ or how My dealings with others should be. You simply need to trust Me, because as I've told you over and over, I have a plan and a purpose, and I'm working in your life to make you stronger, better, and more useful.

29. Contentment comes from trusting and believing in Me—believing that I will make your way perfect; that I will do all things well for you; that I will reward you for all that you've sacrificed, given up, or gone without. (End of message from Jesus)


30. Q: Even though the Lord is perfect, we humans are very fallible. How can He make our way perfect?

31. A: The Bible promises in Psalm 18:32, "It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect." According to the concordance, the Hebrew word used here for "perfect" also means complete, full, without blemish, sound, undefiled, upright‚ whole—many of which are within the reach of us fallible humans!

32. We checked with the Lord to see if He would tell us more about making our way perfect, and He replied: "If I can do all things well and make all things work together for good in your life, deliver you from all your afflictions and forgive you for all your sins, can I not also make your way perfect, which has many meanings? This does not indicate that you yourself are perfect. Your way becomes perfect as you follow My perfect will."

Quit Struggling!

33. (Jesus speaking: ) I will bestow My blessings on you, and if you will receive and accept and enjoy them, you will find much satisfaction and great contentment. If you will take My gifts for what they are, without analyzing, scrutinizing‚ measuring and evaluating them, or comparing them with those of others, you will be able to appreciate and value their resplendent beauty, and they will bring you so much happiness.

34. Stop comparing yourself to others. I don't measure you according to others, for they have a different path and different challenges that I have given them‚ and I measure them by what I have meted out to them. You are not them, and they are not you. Each one of you is My individual, beloved child‚ fitted‚ equipped, and ordained by Me for a life of service to Me. Their choices are theirs; yours are yours. I don't ask the same of them as I do of you; I don't ask the same of you as I do of them. If you could only learn this lesson of contentment, of not comparing yourself to others, you would be much happier.

35. When you're always comparing yourself to others, belittling yourself or measuring yourself and other people against each other‚ it makes you into a very uptight and often unpleasant person. People can sense the struggle, the tension, and it makes it difficult for them to be around you. It's difficult for others to see you as attractive if you're always tearing yourself down. It's difficult for others to feel comfortable around you if you're so self-centered and feel so uncomfortable about yourself. If you'd lighten up and not worry about it so much‚ if you'd focus on other things and other people and stop worrying about how people perceive you, you'll probably find that they'll perceive that you're a great person and love you for being you.

36. Sometimes you try so hard to be a certain way because you think that's what people want to see or what will be more pleasing to Me. The truth is, though, that what I love about you most and what others love about you most is what you really are inside—not what you're trying to be or wishing you could be. When you drop any false fronts and just accept the way you are and decide you're happy with it, you really will become happy with it. Others will love you for it too. (End of message from Jesus)

Of Ministries and Positions…

37. (Jesus speaking:) In My eyes, the leader is not greater than the follower. Everyone is needed; everyone plays a part to complete the whole.

38. The things that you do, need to be done, and you're the perfect person to do them. You're wonderful the way I've made you. You fit into and fill a variety of roles‚ needs, and ministries.

39. The big things can't be done without the little things. Every big project is made up of many efforts, many people. As each little factor is prayed about, brought before Me, and counseled about, the full picture, program‚ or project comes into focus and comes out right.

40. It's like you're weaving a tapestry of your life and work. All you see at the moment is the one little thread you're working with, and sometimes it doesn't seem so special or significant. But whenever you step back to look at the big picture—and you can do this as often as you like and whenever you need to just by asking Me—then you realize what a beautiful work of art you are.

41. Sometimes it doesn't seem very artistic or beautiful, and sometimes there are little tangles along the way that you have to undo. Or sometimes you have to work with a color that isn't your favorite, or a type of thread or material that you find difficult‚ or in other cases boring. Nevertheless, if you keep the big picture in mind and you always remember that the little things you're doing are part of something very big and important, something that you'll be proud you contributed toward and will be able to rejoice about and give Me the glory for, it makes it all so much more worthwhile.

42. So keep that vision in all that you do. Yes, your part may be small and may not seem to make much of a difference—but it does. Without that thread that you're working, the tapestry of your Home, this Family, and the lives of many would not be complete.

43. Resist the temptation to compare. See through My eyes the beauty and the marvel of the makeup of My body. Each part of the body, each position, is important; none is higher than the other in My sight. All are vital; all are import­ant; all are needed and necessary. There's not one of you who can do without the other; not one on whom I do not depend; not one who I do not desperately need.

44. Don't look around and consider who is more important or needed or loved. Don't compare yourself to others and try to figure out whether they're more or less needed or import­ant than you. Each of you has your place‚ and each will be used to the full, to your greatest capacity‚ as long as you let yourself be used. As long as you surrender all to Me and are willing to do whatever I ask of you, you will be a truly useful‚ productive, contented vessel.

45. Don't compare your ministry to the ministry of others, for each of you is called with a special calling. I have called you to, gifted you in, and anointed you for your ministry. Each person's ministry, job and calling is of Me, and one is not exalted above another. All are needed to supply the needs of the Kingdom.

46. Find rest and peace in your special calling. Don't look to the right or the left or compare it with others and their jobs, because you're special; you're different. Rejoice in it! Yield to it like the waves of the ocean splash and flow and go here and there. Enjoy flowing with it! Sparkle and shine with your unique beauty! I made you thus! Please don't worry about it; please just shine the way I made you.

47. I want to teach you to value and esteem the gifts that I have given to others without comparing and thinking negatively about yourself because you don't have the same gifts or abilities. I ask you to live more in the spirit, so My Bride might be more unified and united. I can do much more through you if you don't mind who gets the credit.

48. There are many avenues and ways in which I work‚ and there are many ways I use people to fulfill My will. I am not in a rut. I cannot be put in a box, nor do I wish for others to be put in boxes, but rather to grow and blossom and be what I've designed them to be. (End of message from Jesus.)

Of Accomplishments…

49. (Jesus speaking:) Don't judge yourself by your accomplishments. Don't compare with others, wishing you could have done more. I don't judge you this way. The accomplishments that are immediately visible are not always the ones that bring about the most fruit. Sometimes you don't see the result until months or even years later. So be happy, knowing that I use you the way I want to use you.

50. My love, don't compare yourself to this one who you work side by side with. I have made you both so different, and you're both very gifted, capable, talented, needed, and depended on. Though it may seem to you that she is much more of all these things, I tell you now that this is not the truth, for one cannot do without the other. You are as two hands on a body. One might say that they need their right hand more than their left, and indeed it may seem somewhat that way. But truly, if the one were missing, the body would be incomplete and could not accomplish as much.

51. You may not be a whirling tornado of accomplishments, but you work faithfully, prayerfully, and lovingly‚ and this is what is most important. Always remember that—especially when you're tempted to compare with ­others, or to feel that no matter what you do, they'll always be better or do better. Don't worry about that! All you have to worry about is doing your best for Me. (End of message from Jesus.)

Try It In Reverse

52. (Jesus speaking: ) If it's hard to be thankful for what you have, be grateful for what you don't have, for what you escape, for the battles that you don't experience or won't experience. Think about that when you get hit with comparing battles. No matter how rough things might be, they could always be worse, couldn't they? That will always give you something to be thankful for.

53. If you find yourself comparing, don't make the mistake of comparing with those who appear to have more than you. If you compare, compare yourself with someone who has less than you. (End of message from Jesus.)

What Others Think

54. (Jesus speaking: ) When you're content with what you have, your spirit is at peace. You're happy, you're thankful, you're praiseful, and you're easy for others to be around.

55. You'll only hurt yourself, and hurt your friends and your relationships with them‚ if you become resentful or bitter toward them simply because I have made them different than you and given them different opportunities, different places, and different challenges. I love you for what you are, and your loved ones love you for what you are. Accept, believe, and receive My love and their love. Don't doubt it because you feel that they would love you more if you were better in some way, for you are you. You are a unique individual of My making and My love‚ and how I love you!

56. You are bound with pride regarding the opinions of your mates and co-workers. You think what they think of you is of utmost import­ance, more so than what I may have to say or think of you. You think of yourself as more lowly than them‚ and think you have to prove something or try to remain on a level they will respect. But there really is no reason for this. They think you're a wonderful vessel of usefulness to Me.

57. So your trying to attain to some level of respectability is really not a worthy goal. I see you doing this throughout the day. Every time someone acts in a way that you admire, you put yourself down, and thus aren't giving Me the glory for what I'm doing through them, neither for the vessel that I've made you and want you to be. Comparing so much with others is a great hindrance to letting My Spirit flow freely through you. (End of message from Jesus)

Of Circumstances and Situations…

58. (Dad speaking:) Until you can learn to be happy in any situation, you won't be able to be happy even in a situation that you think is just right. Happiness doesn't come because of the situation—it comes from inside, and from the Lord. So if you wonder why you go from one situation to another and all of them seem inherently flawed, it's because the Lord wants you to learn not to depend on circumstances. He wants to show you that you can be happy anywhere, if you accept His will for you and allow yourself to be content with what He's given you.

59. To feel discontent about something that you can and should change, like a bad habit or harmful weakness, is one thing, because sometimes it spurs you on to want to do better. But to feel discontent about something that is God–given, like your innermost nature or some physical characteristic which is unchangeable, or some situation which may be difficult but where the Lord placed you, well, that's not the Lord; that's the Enemy. Because all that the Lord has given you, He wants you to be happy with. A real key to life—to enjoying life and helping others to enjoy it with you—is contentment.

60. When you're stuck in a situation that's not to your liking, you'll be amazed sometimes at what a little positiveness can do. It's only natural to see all the things that are wrong with it, and to remember all the times you had it better‚ or to look at those who seem to have it better, but you're not going to be happy that way. I can promise you, though‚ that you will be happy if you decide that you're going to be happy and thankful for what you have rather than dwelling on what you don't have. It's a law of the spirit. Although it may not seem logical, it works.

61. You become what you speak, and when you look for what you can appreciate about a situation and praise it and extol the virtues of it, the things that you don't like about it fade into the background. It's not that things get perfect overnight if you focus on the good instead of the bad. The circumstances may not change a bit. But if you change, it will be as if the circumstances have too, because the way you perceive them will be different. So much comparing takes place because of people's perception—or should I say lack of perception—about a situation. Remember that the way you see something and the way it is could be two different things. If you try to see a situation differently, you can thus make it become different. (End of message from Dad.)

It's Between You and Me

62. (Jesus speaking: ) Because you're bound in the flesh, you have the comparisons of the flesh. But I am trying to teach you to live more in the spirit and give you the freedom and liberty to make choices within My will, without worrying about what others think and without comparing yourself with others.

63. Just look at it as you and Me. Don't compare your work or life with that of others. Look at it as a road I'm taking your life down and progress that you are making. Others are making progress, and each one is advanced in some ways and behind in others; and the more you get to know them‚ the more you'll see that in some ways you're ahead and in other ways you're behind. But as long as you're seeking Me and striving with all your heart to receive, believe and obey My Words, you're each going at the pace that I have for you, learning the things I have for you, and acquiring or using the gifts I have for you. (End of message from Jesus.)

64. (Spirit helper speaking:) The Lord doesn't compare you with anybody else, and you shouldn't either! You should only compare or measure yourself against your progress in fulfilling the Lord's plan for your life—the special place of service that He has called you to, which is different for everybody. That's the only thing you should measure yourself by—how you are as opposed to how the Lord wants you to be or what He wants you to do. (End of message from spirit helper.)

Of Beauty and Body…

65. (Jesus speaking:) When I look upon you, My creation, I see beauty. Take care of this temple of your body, for it is Mine. Don't abuse it. Don't put it down. When a man loves a woman, he sees only beauty. You are My bride and I see only beauty.

66. There's such a variety of tastes and preferences, and it's really different strokes for different folks when it comes to defining beauty. Some men like one type of shape on a girl, and others like something completely different. Others appreciate it all and enjoy the variety. Many a man will testify that while in his youth he may have had some standard of what he thought to be beautiful or perfect, as he grew and matured he came to realize that every woman has something beautiful and wonderful about her—different, but beautiful.

67. It's sad when you think you're not beautiful or handsome just because something about you is so different from someone else who you perceive to be good looking. Each person is attractive in some way, and you should not think of yourself as being more or less attractive than others. Everyone has something special about them, and everyone is going to, at some time in their life, find a person who appreciates them for their uniqueness‚ for something they have that no one else has in just the same way. (End of message from Jesus)

68. (Dad speaking:) Because beauty is seen so differently Here than it is viewed on Earth, many people will be surprised to see when they get Here that not everyone is thin or slender or has the "perfect" body shape. Just like there are different colors of eyes, hair‚ and skin, there are also different body shapes. There are some tall and some short. There are some thin, some medium, and some what you would call "perfect" proportions according to earthly standards. But you'd be surprised to see how many are just like you!

69. Heaven is perfect, but perfect doesn't mean that everyone has a he-man build or perfect female hourglass shape. Heaven is perfect because it has beauty of all kinds. Beauty in the Lord's eyes, and mine too, is to have variety and many shapes and sizes‚ because each has its own beauty, although that is hard for some people to understand. (End of message from Dad.)

70. (Jesus speaking:) You are special to Me—a very special flower in My garden. I made you just as you are. I love you just as you are. I beg you not to make the mistake of comparing yourself with the other flowers in the garden. In My garden I have roses, tulips, and various other kinds of flowers. I also have beautiful wild flowers that blow in the wind and give so much joy and pleasure to those around them.

71. Your yieldedness to your special calling and your special place in My garden is what makes you beautiful. Don't compare with the beauty of the other flowers in My garden, but know that I have made all things beautiful. You are beautiful as you shine with My light, as you yield to Me and let My Spirit shine through you. Some may have more natural beauty than others in the eyes of man, but without My Spirit, even those with natural beauty would fade and not have the attractiveness and drawing power of My Spirit and My light that shines through the eyes of one who is totally yielded to Me, one who shines with My love.

72. As you let the beauty of My Spirit enter more freely and fully into your heart and your life‚ this beauty will glow in the eyes of those that behold you. They will see My beauty and My love. (End of message from Jesus)

The Ol' J-O-Y Key

73. (Jesus speaking: ) I have given you the gifts of friendship, cheerfulness‚ and being a help and blessing to others. Thank Me for these gifts and allow Me to use them to the full. Don't let your usefulness, cheerfulness, thoughtfulness, or outgoing concern for others be depleted because of looking toward yourself, thinking about yourself, dwelling on your own problems and needs, or comparing yourself with others, for this takes away from your joy, your exuberance‚ and your bubbly nature.

74. Think on Me and on those around you. Look out for them and their needs, and see how you can be a blessing and how you can fill a need, and with this‚ I will fill yours—your need for challenge, fulfillment, excitement, growth, work that you enjoy, friendships and relationships. Seek Me and My Kingdom first, and seek to be a blessing to your Family. As you do these things, I will reward you and bless you with joy and peace‚ and I will greatly diminish these battles of comparing and envy, these feelings of inadequacy and being discouraged about yourself and the way I've made you and the way you are.

75. Learn to accept the way I've made you and the way you are—to be thankful and grateful for it. You should not only be thankful for how I've made you, the way I've brought you along, and the many blessings I've given you‚ but you should turn around and learn how to make these blessings a blessing to others as well. (End of message from Jesus.)

When Witnessing…

76. (Jesus speaking:) Each team should operate according to their own faith. Let there not be comparison‚ looking to what others have done‚ but simply walk in faith on the path along which you will bear much fruit. Some I will lead to many; others may only spend time with a ­select few. But who is anyone to judge which of you has done the greater service for Me? Follow as I lead each of you individually.

77. I look on your heart and see the love that is there for Me and for My sheep, for those who do not know Me yet. Lift up your eyes and look on the harvest—the sheep, the lost who need to hear of My love and My salvation. Keep your eyes on the mission and it will keep your eyes off comparing with others and what they do for Me. I do not judge you against each other‚ to see who can distribute more, who can speak more eloquently, or who can more easily speak to strangers. I look at your heart. What joy I find in seeing your love for Me manifest by your reaching out to the lost!

78. In your testifying, lift Me up and glorify Me. Each team and each person will have a testimony of My love being made manifest in their life, and of how My love and My Spirit and My voice have provided for them, have fulfilled their needs and the needs of those they minister to. Each will be able to testify, but each testimony will be different. One is not better than the other, whether he or she seems little or great. (End of message from Jesus)

He Happens to Want You That Way!

79. (Dad speaking:) I know that you think you're not anything special—not very smart, not very gifted, not very talented—and often­times you wonder what you're even doing being a shepherd. But this is a case where the Lord took the handmaiden of low degree and has raised her up, honored her‚ and anointed her. You're an example that the Lord can take weak things and make them strong; that He can take little girls and make them beautiful, powerful women of God, leaders‚ shepherdesses, and prophetesses for His Kingdom.

80. One of your strengths is the very fact that you feel so weak and you don't know what to do. You don't feel strong in yourself, so you look to the Lord, and you pray and you counsel with those around you. Because you don't feel self-confident and you don't feel like you know what to do‚ it makes you more desperate in the spirit. That makes you a more yielded vessel, and it makes you a better leader and shepherdess. It makes you a good sample to those around you—to your fellow leaders and to your flock. Then, of course, because you're looking so much to the Lord, and praying and seeking His face and His will‚ this gives all the glory to the Lord.

81. Don't worry, Honey, if you feel weak, or you don't feel as talented or as good a leader as others, or as strong as others, or as charismatic‚ or as gifted in some ways. Don't worry one bit, because the Lord made you exactly as you need to be, with gifts of sensitivity and humility, and the desire to call out to Him and look to Him. (End of message from Dad)

Of Favoritism …

82. (Jesus speaking:) You've made Me a proud Father, and you are My favorite child. Each of My children is My favorite, for I don't rate My children and My brides in a way that you could comprehend. You are each My rarest and most priceless jewel. You are all My most precious bride. I could find no one better than you, for in your own special way you are each My favorite and My dearest, and I love each of you the most. I love none less. I love you all differently, yet the most you could ever be loved.

83. There is no comparing of My love. I don't love one person more than another, and I don't care for one more than another. I plan each of your lives differently, and the things you go through are tailor-made for each of you, because I want you to have what's best.

84. Don't feel that you're being passed by, left behind‚ or brushed aside. This will never be the case. My hand is on each of your lives and I know each of you. My plan for you will be fulfilled. I will never pass you by, brush you aside, or leave you behind. Although you may feel that way at the moment, it's only because you don't see the whole picture; you don't see the future. (End of message from Jesus.)

Don't Get It Twisted

85. (Jesus speaking: ) In a way, comparing falls under your battles with negative thinking, but in another way it's a separate lesson. Honey, sometimes you believe that this is a good thing, because at least you're not lifting yourself up in pride. But it's not a good thing at all, because when you compare negatively with others, you're telling Me that you're not thankful for how I've made you, for the gifts and talents that I've given you, and the tokens of My love that I send you each day. Of course you can't be perfect in every way. Of course you can't measure up to every single person in the Home. That's because I made you to be you—not someone else.

86. Comparing is a device of the Enemy that hinders and squelches one's growth. When you com­pare yourself to other people, the Devil tries to make it seem useful or helpful, telling you that you're doing it in a noble cause, in an attempt to improve yourself. But this is a false notion, because he that compares himself amongst others is not wise. It wastes time and causes discomfort of the soul.

87. Instead‚ appreciate the good and talents in others. And when you're tempted to compare, rather pray for them that I may continue to use them and cause them to grow and be a blessing. But don't then turn to yourself and fall prey to the Devil's hopeless­ness that you can never be like them. It's true that you will never be like them‚ because you are you. I've made you like I have because I love you. I have wonderful things in store for you! (End of message from Jesus.)

Less Important? Think Again!

88. (Jesus speaking: ) Don't compare yourself with the next person and start thinking that they must be better than you, because it's not true! In My eyes, you're terrific! You're wonderful! I love you and I think you're just the greatest! You're My children, My missionaries on the field, and to Me there's no one better than My missionaries who are willing to lay down their lives to preach the Gospel no matter what the cost.

89. Don't look at the gifts and talents that I've given to others and compare, but thank Me for what I've given you, and do the important job that I've given you to do. Don't think that your gifts are small and unimportant compared to those around you. Don't fret or worry because your gifts are less showy. As you quietly go about your duties, busily and faithfully tending to your household, you will see the reward of your labors. You will see that that which you thought was small is great in My sight‚ for I see things differently than you do. Sometimes the smallest things are so valuable and important to Me.

90. I am a Father who loves each of My children just as much, and yet each in a different way. Each one of you is special in My eyes. Each one of you is precious to Me and has a special place in My Kingdom. Though My love for each of you is just as great, your jobs and ministries and callings are different.—Just as the body has many members, who accomplish many different jobs, yet they all work together in unity and coordination.

91. Does the hand feel bad that it is not the leg? Do the feet feel bad that they are not the head? No, I say to you that each member is needed and important. For without any one of these members‚ the body cannot work together in unity and coordination. Each of your different jobs and ministries are needed. Don't feel bad that one cannot be as another, or that one cannot do what another does.

92. You are My children, and I have a special plan for each of you. You're all a part of My Family, and you're all co-workers, fellow laborers. One plows the ground, another sows the seed, and another waters. But as you work together in love, unity, harmony‚ and cooperation, I will bless you. I will give the increase, and My blessings will abound and flow down on you. Therefore work together in love and unity. Be thankful one for another, and know that I love each and every one of you just as much. (End of message from Jesus.)