Reaching Africa the Right Way!--Part 2

April 30, 2003

By MariaMaria #463 CM/FM 3217 10/98

Continued from GN 824.

Please read 824 first.

Excerpts from

Rwanda Logs

176. (Mama:) I'd like to share with you some more log excerpts from our African pioneers, specifically a team of five young people (aged 20-21) and one baby (nine months) who went to Rwanda for several weeks to visit a number of orphanages and children's homes. I'm sure these testimonies and the witnessing potential will inspire you and help you to catch the vision of why it is that the Lord wants to sharpen us, His scythes, a bit. It's because there is a tremendous harvest waiting to be reaped. As the following testimonies show, if you're striving to be all that the Lord wants you to be, then He can use you to accomplish wonderful things, and through you, can touch many with His love.

177. (From Rwanda pioneer team: ) (2/9/98) Representatives of the Ministry of Gender, Family, and Social Affairs greeted us at the airport at Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, helped us get through immigrations, and drove us to the hotel in town. We'll be working in some of the orphanages and children's centers here. This country is so ripe and ready for the Gospel. All the people are so broken and are crying out for the Word.

178. One night at a provisioned restaurant, we were talking with the owner. After praying with her, she began to cry as she told us that during the genocide she lost two of her children. She doesn't know if they're dead or still around. As we've found out from different folks, this has happened to thousands of families throughout the country.

179. The first weekday here we attended a meeting with all of the ministry department heads to put together a program and plan of what we're going to be doing here. We gave them a rundown on our organization and on our individual areas of experience. They were very turned on about this and asked, "Oh! When can you start? Can you start tomorrow?"

180. First we went to two large children's homes to assess their needs. The first home was run by the Sisters of Charity, Mother Teresa's order. We spent the morning playing with the children (ages newborn to seven)‚ teaching them the song "In-right, Out-right" and getting to know them and give them love. Although basic, the home is kept clean and has a beautiful Christian spirit. They are in need of nutritious food to feed the kids. The second home was more dirty and rundown. The staff had little motivation as they had not been paid for three months. They have to buy water from their neighbors.

181. (3/9/98) Today we went to see three new orphanages and centers for children. We returned to the same large orphanage we had gone to yesterday as they had gotten lots of boxes of shoes donated. They had no idea how to distribute them to the 150 kids, so we put shoes on all those dirty little feet until they all had nice-fitting shoes. We were also able to pray with a teenage girl who had a bad case of malaria.

182. (8/9/98) This morning we had a meeting with a British gentleman who is the Social Policy Advisor for the ministry, as well as J., a ministry overseer. They wanted to let us know how they need our help with the organization of logs in the children's centers.

183. In the afternoon we traveled out of Kigali to a town called Gitarama where we'll be working for a week. Our latest accommodations are keeping us thankful for home, as the rooms are stone floors with beds and four walls, with one communal bathroom for all the hotel's inhabitants. The water's so cold that it's nearly solid, ha! But it's got us all doing the "Hallelujahs!"

184. (9/9/98) This morning we left for our first day's work at the J.A.M. (Jesus Alive Ministries) center (a large children's home with 750 children). To our pleasant surprise, we found it to be very clean and well organized. The director is a young dedicated Christian man from South Africa. In the afternoon we gave a class to the house mothers (the caretakers of the kids) on hygiene‚ nutrition and safety, and got all 27 saved.

185. The director invited us to his house for dinner for a further witness. Afterwards we returned to J.A.M. to have a Bible class and skits with the kids. We were surprised that they had never heard any basic Bible stories before. The highlight of the night was that 320 of the children got saved.

186. There are at least two centers in Kigali that could really use The Family's help. The place we've been most inspired to work in has been the J.A.M. center. They've been very thankful for any help we have been able to give, and invited us or other Family volunteers to come and help out in the center for longer periods of time.

187. (12/9/98) We went to a Catholic center called CENA André Kaggua (further south) with 250 children (mostly aged four to five). We gave them classes and challenged them to take up the responsibility to make the center a better environment for the children, as well as on how to better pour into them. The children are so dirty, and most of them are covered in scabies, with pinkeye, coughs‚ and all kinds of things. It's heartbreaking to see the state of the children!

188. Tonight we are going to visit a sweet South African couple to say our last good-byes before we leave Gitarama tomorrow morning. They attend a Bible study group every week in Kigali, but they said it doesn't have a very on-fire spirit. We got into quite an in-depth conversation on prophecy and hearing from the Lord, and they were very encouraged and happy to find other Christians who believed strongly in this also.

189. (14/9/98) This morning Josh took off to Kigali to work on our paperwork and the rest of us met with the minister of the town. We went to one center called "Concern." They have a good system of searching for the lost relatives of the children, so the kids are slowly being reunited with their families. Most of these kids are not total orphans; that's why they call them "children without an address." During the genocide that took place with all the people fleeing to neighboring countries and moving around, many children got misplaced.

190. In the afternoon we sang songs and did skits for the kids. After they got saved‚ we talked to them about guardian angels, and they prayed for their own personal angels, praise the Lord!

191. (21/9/98) We headed back to Kigali after a week of projects in the South (Butare). We compiled our reports and surveys of the centers we visited as requested by those we're working with. Up to date 1,248 souls have been saved! (End of excerpts of Rwanda team logs.)

Young People Going to Africa

192. (Mama:) In the beginning of Dad's message about missionary requirements, he brought out a point which I'd like to repeat: "If you're going to be a missionary, you might as well go the distance and be all that the Lord knows you can be—otherwise, just stay home and live for yourself! If you're not planning on giving all, then don't bother."

193. As I was explaining earlier, apparently some of our young people who have gone to ­Africa—unlike the ones we talked about in the above log—didn't go with the mentality of giving it their all and being a sold-out missionary. Instead, they thought they'd go to Africa because it sounded like a cool place. They didn't realize what a spiritual warfare they were entering, nor that they would be required to fight! They figured they could travel around, see the sights‚ have some fun and adventure, and in the meantime, qualify as being a missionary to a far–flung pioneer field.

194. Sorry, folks‚ that's just not how it works! And sad to say, those who went there with that attitude—or even those who went sincerely wanting to do something for the Lord, but who weren't willing to give up their hang-ups, become one, or work together with and yield to those who were trying to help them become more fruitful—are now not being a blessing to the work there, and in some cases have even been a bad testimony, a bad sample‚ or a reproach to the cause of Christ! This isn't limited only to young people. No matter what your age, if you're not giving your whole heart, then you too can tear down God's work and what He's trying to accomplish.

195. Thank the Lord that we have wonderful Family members in Africa, including many solid young people who are doing a tremendous job. We're so thankful for you! Some of you really knew what you were getting into when you answered the Lord's call in your life and headed to Africa, and from the day you got there, you were in there with your whole heart. You're a wonderful sample to all of us!

196. Of course, there are also some who have gone to Africa without being fully prepared, but once they got there, they got on board and committed to becoming the 100% disciple the Lord was requiring of them. So just because you weren't fully prepared before you went to Africa, or your current mission field, and you hadn't already yielded and committed to the list of missionary requirements that Dad outlined earlier, that doesn't mean it's too late. You can still make these changes—and please do! But if you choose not to‚ or feel for whatever reason that you're unable to or don't want to make the needed sacrifices, then I'm pretty sure that ­Africa is not the field for you.

197. After Peter and I had received various reports about some young people who were rather unprepared for life in Africa, both physically and spiritually, we asked Dad for his counsel on this subject. Here's the message he gave specifically regarding young people going to Africa:

198. (Dad speaking: ) The field of Africa is not for the faint-hearted‚ the namby-pambys, the string–for-a-backbone, lukewarm, undecided and undetermined‚ the wishy-washy jellyfish in the spirit! When you walk into Africa, you're entering a danger zone in more ways than one. Yes, there's a great hunger for the Word, there's a huge vacuum for the truth and the things of the spirit‚ but the stakes are high, and you wouldn't want to be caught off guard. You wouldn't want to be caught with your pants hangin' down!

199. Honey, I think you need to make it clear to any young people that want clearance to Africa that they need to be on guard. When you walk into Africa, you're walking into the Enemy's territory. It's been a stronghold of ­Lucifer for so long, a haven for his demons‚ a resting place for evil departed spirits. Many within this land are plagued with spirits of times past and of the present. They need the Word so desperately, they need Jesus so desperately, they need His fresh Words from Heaven so desperately, but there's also a spiritual warfare raging there, and our kids need to be aware of that.

200. Open the door of this field to all the young people who really want to dedicate themselves to it. Open the door to those who are willing to forsake their own ideas, their own ways of doing things, their own views on issues, their own ways of operating‚ their own reasoning, their selfishness and their self-centeredness. It's a dangerous continent and we can't just have young people arriving there and doing their own thing.

201. Maybe you need to have some sort of bases where young people from other countries can land, with some kind of course that they go through in order to prepare them for reaching the land. A lot of the young people that are coming from the West have problems. They've been sucked into worldliness and they're used to doing their own thing, and ones coming in the future will have many of the same problems. But you've got to at least give them a chance to be missionaries. I want to help them all I can‚ and I know you do too.

202. You can't expect a young person who's been living in some rich Western or first-world country to auto­matically snap out of all of their bad habits and suddenly be all turned on to ­every new move of the Spirit‚ fluently using their gift of prophecy and being serious about their work for the Lord. They need training, and they need to be given some sort of period of grace, during which time they can grow and learn and cultivate good habits.

203. During their crash course in discipleship and missionary life, the Lord will be able to work in their lives, if they're yielded and willing. If they're not willing to forsake their hang-ups‚ if they're not willing to change, if they're not willing to make the sacrifices needed in order to remain in Africa‚ if they don't have the guts and conviction to give their lives for these lost, desperately searching people, then I'd just send them back home.

204. The Homes that receive these kids should have some sort of contract with them, like a gentleman's agreement, where they tell them, "Listen, we'll give you a few months to get in shape, a grace period." I think about three months is enough time to see whether someone is missionary material, whether they're discipleship material. It could even be up to six months in some cases. But once they've been given this time to shape up and get with the spirit, and they still don't show the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, longsuffering, humility and faith—then I wouldn't want to keep them around. The continental office doesn't have to withdraw their clearance; the Home can just vote them out, and if no other Home wants them, they'll have to leave.

205. This is a guideline for the Home shepherds and VSs and those personally overseeing and shepherding our young people in ­Africa. Home shepherds and incoming young people would make a "deal" to this effect. The young people would place themselves in the hands of their shepherds and be yielded to them from the start, or at least by the time this three to six months is up, or else they know they'll be voted out, because they didn't make the grade and live up to their part of the bargain, even after all this warning and admonition from Me and from the Lord and from Mama and their shepherds.

206. I'm not saying that after this three to six-month probationary period they have to be perfect, but they do need to have made significant progress, and they do need to be continuing to make progress. They need to be open to communicating with their overshepherds or their teammates; they need to be making progress in their walk with the Lord; they need to have a love for the lost; they need to have forsaken any trips or hang-ups; they need to be using their gift of prophecy, or at least making steps in that direction.

207. The Lord has said before that He'd pour out His Spirit upon all in these Last Days, and that our sons and daughters would prophesy. He's made His gifts available to all, and if you don't have the gift of prophecy yet, you probably have brothers and sisters nearby or on your team who do, who can hear from the Lord for you. It's vital that you have a good link with the Lord in the dangerous land of Africa‚ because you never know when you're going to be out on your own‚ with no means of communi­cation with shepherds or other Family members. A war could break out in any one of those countries, and folks are going to have to get their directions from the Lord—personally, specifically‚ individually. They've just got to be on guard, they've got to be militant, they've got to be willing to sacrifice to win these people.

208. If after your agreed-upon time limit, they're still not meeting the requirements for discipleship, then I wouldn't keep them around. Send them back home where they won't do anyone any harm. Don't let them hang around and be a drag to the Home that they're in, to the young people that they're with, to the entire work.

209. But we need to give these young people a chance, because most of them have got what it takes, and when presented with a challenge, they'll rise to the occasion and prove what they're made of. All of their training will come to the fore, and all of the Word that's been poured into them will bear fruit. They just have to know what's expected of them, and they just have to be willing and yielded to the Lord—willing to make the changes desperately needed. (End of message from Dad.)

210. (Mama: ) As you can see, both the Lord and Dad are quite serious about the need for folks interested in this field to be serious and committed to their service for the Lord. Now, that doesn't mean that you can't have fun or excitement. That doesn't mean that you can't be yourself or be a normal young person. All it means is that the Lord's work and His sheep come first. And believe me, if you're able to say yes to the Lord in those two things and put your own personal desires on the back burner, He'll give you more fun, excitement and challenge than you could ever imagine!

211. By the way, highlighting the need for our younger folk to be sold out and committed to forsaking the trips and trappings of the world that are holding them down does not mean that you FGAs can adhere to a lesser standard. It is just as important that each of you are dedicated and willing to also leave behind your hang-ups‚ weak­nesses and problems. We have also received reports of FGAs bringing fruitful works to a standstill due to their criticism, selfishness and disunity. Though you may not manifest obvious outward problems such as foul language, listening to System music‚ worldliness, etc., selfishness, unloving behavior, old-bottlism and other such spiritual weaknesses can be just as damaging to a work, if not more so.

212. Next I'd like to share with you some prophecies of encouragement given about our young people going to Africa—in particular, those who have lost the fire or who have be­come bogged down with the weights of the System.

213. As I mentioned earlier, you young people need to make a definite commitment when going to the mission field; however, we know you're not perfect and we don't expect you to be. Those who are receiving you, and the FGAs and teamworkers who will be working with you, also need to manifest faith and trust in the Lord and in you. The following messages give some good counsel and insight into how you young people may be feeling, and on how to shepherd you and let the Lord work in your lives to help you become fruitful‚ happy and challenged in your service for Him.

214. (Jesus speaking:) I have sent out My searchers, My spirit helpers‚ and My angels, to seek out those that I feel are worthy to come to these fields. Think it not a strange thing that so many young people wish to come to this continent, for I have put it in their hearts. Even the ones that are forlorn or are following afar off are searching for a closer walk with Me.

215. They've heard of the missionaries of the past, and I'm using many great mission­aries to talk to them, inspiring them with thoughts of laying down their lives for others on this very hard continent, Africa. I've used the saints of the past that have worked in these lands to inspire and show pictures and visions and even daydreams of what it could be like in these lands—the adventures they could experience, the scenes they could behold, the people they could meet, and the situations that they could be in that they've never been in before.

216. I use all this to call many types of young people to this continent—those who are serious and dedicated, and those who are not so dedicated and not so serious. But in bringing those who are not so dedicated, My goal is to change them. I hope all things. I am long-suffering. I'm looking at their heart and the possi­bilities of what they could become. I don't see as man sees. I see the possibilities of what each young person could become for Me. Therefore you must see the same.

217. Fear not the trouble spots, for are you not strong in the Word? Are you not strong in the Spirit? Can you not help guide these young people? Do you not have the Charter? You have guidelines that everyone must live by; therefore, live according to those guidelines and expect them of everyone. Those who cannot live with those guidelines will fall by the wayside and go back. But fret not or worry not as to who will come. Rather be encouraged that I am calling them. (End of message from Jesus)

218. (Jesus speaking:) There are many young people, especially in the West and North America, who are very discouraged, very disillusioned. They need a change. They seek a change. They are rough around the edges and have weaknesses and weights that slow them down‚ yet their hearts are right. They just need someone to show faith in them, to give them a chance, to challenge them‚ to take them by the hand and help them expand their horizons and see how much more there is for them if they will let go of those things and wholeheartedly jump into the life of a missionary—one who pours out his love for others.

219. These I desire to send to this needy, challenging field of Africa. For as they come face to face with the need, as they meet new challenges, new obstacles, as they're forced to make decisions, to exercise their faith, to seek Me desperately, to cry out to Me in time of need, to trust Me utterly with their lives—this will bring about great change, great maturity, and great fruit in their lives. So trust Me in these things. As My shepherds‚ make sure to shepherd them well. Pray for them. Give them the Word. Guide them and set a good example. Challenge them when they manifest wrong attitudes, for they want to be challenged. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

220. (Jesus speaking:) You must believe that I had these young ones born into the Family for a reason. I have a plan for each life. But even though I have wanted to give them the opportunity to follow the highest calling and receive the greatest blessings in My Kingdom, I still have given My young ones the same majesty of choice as any other person I have created. I have also designed that the time of youth be a time of decision-making.

221. You can be instrumental through your faith and openness to help these young ones make the right choices. What a responsibility! What a wonderful opportunity you have to help My young ones make the right choices for Me—not out of duty, not because it's what's expected of them, but because of love for Me and love for the lost. This I count the highest calling, but the choice is theirs.

222. But how can they choose and how can they know, unless they're given a chance? So open your hearts and your Homes to them. Be not fearful, but believing. With faith, prayer, and by following Me closely, those who take up the challenge will move on for Me and will be a blessing and strength to you‚ while the ones who are not serious for Me will fall by the wayside.

223. So call on Me in all these matters and be desperate for each individual one‚ and you will know what to do and what to say, and how to guide them along and help them not to be a distraction or slow you down. So be not fearful, only believing, and I will help and strengthen you.

224. As for the ones you might have now in your midst who have not made these choices and who cause problems and weigh down the Homes, take time to pray for each individual case‚ and sit down and talk with them. There might be many factors involved. Maybe their Home hasn't taken up the challenge, so how can they? Look at each situation. Seek Me for each one‚ and I will speak and make the path clear.

225. There is some work to do; there's some weeding to do, but that's part of a farmer's work. Don't let that get you down. No situation is ever perfect. But I am perfect, and I have the perfect answers and solutions. I can lead and guide every heart. So if you listen to Me, you won't go wrong. (End of message from Jesus.)

226. (Mama:) There's a lot of good counsel in the above messages, not only for our shepherds and young people already in Africa or heading there, but for all our folks all over the world. It will take both sides—the younger and the older—working together to enable our Homes to meld together in beautiful unity, but the Lord can do it.

227. And for those of you young people—and older ones too—who are pleasure seekers, who are yearning for adventure and excitement‚ here's a sweet message from Jesus for you:

228. (Jesus speaking: ) You don't have to be overly concerned about pleasure seekers. In some ways, My young people do seek pleasures. They want to have fun and excitement‚ and I want to provide these for them. I want to give them pleasure and excitement and fun and adventure.

229. Africa is the land of adventures! I have so many adventures I wish to take them on. So open the door for the children! He that cometh, I will in no wise cast out. If they pass the entrance exams I will put before them, they will find what they're looking for. And with your help, they will be able to experience the ecstasies of the Spirit, the adventures of the Spirit, the safaris of the Spirit in this land of Africa! (End of message from Jesus.)

How to Reach

The African Continent

230. (Mama: ) Now I'd like to share with you some messages that the Lord gave when we asked Him how we should go about reaching these millions of people. Since He emphasized that Africa is a unique field and the people are different, it seemed that He might show us some new ways to reach these people, or inspire us to produce some new tools for this part of the world.

231. The question I asked was: "What lit should be produced? What are the most import­ant tools, and what is the most important mess­age to get out for the countries of Africa?" As always, our wonderful Lover was more than willing to pour out His Words and answers. First He gives a stirring commission and challenge to pour out His Words in great abundance upon this land, and then gives another message which contains more specific counsel about what tools to use‚ and how they will be best received.

232. (Jesus speaking: ) My children of the African continent are deep. They are deep because they hunger with a great hunger and a great thirst for My light. Their spirits and souls are as deep wells which require much deep and plenteous infilling of My Word and truth. My missionaries who venture forth to these lands must go forth with a deep yearning in their hearts to pour forth My Word, shedding anything and everything that would hinder them in this commission.

233. My emissaries must have the call of Livingstone of old ringing in their hearts, and leave themselves behind in this great quest to bring many to Me—giving without measure, without thought of self, sacrifice, or personal cost. For this land does require this death to self, but from this death comes life abundant! Those who go forth weeping, bearing precious seed, shall bring forth much, much fruit.

234. There's a great‚ great vacuum in these lands to be filled‚ and you, My revolutionary children, have much to give! My Word in your hands and hearts is the key to unlock the hearts of My African children. Now the seed is being planted in the womb of this great continent and the soil is rich, fertile, and ready to bring forth great and im­measurable fruit!

235. You do well in sowing My Word bountifully in the form of tracts and posters. These are the bait which lure these ones to the light, and many have come to Me and will continue to come to Me through these tools. I use these tools to bring many to Me, but I wish to more tightly secure their hearts and spirits to Me, and truly feed and nurture their faith and souls. So your follow-up tools and other new materials and books are vital to the growth of My children in these lands.

236. Many souls have been brought to Me through the work of the churches in this land, but I wish for you, My revolutionary children, to nurture and feed these ones as only you can. For only the children of David have the strong Word‚ training‚ and nutrition which can succor, raise up and train a strong, indigenous church of called-out disciples in these lands—African children who can stand strong in the coming days of shadow and peril, strong in their desire toward Me and in hearing and receiving My living Words directly. These will in turn be as bright beacons directing many to Me.

237. So pour forth abundantly of the wealth of material in your hands! Pour into the ­parents and the little ones, for My heart goes out to these young tender ones whose searching eyes and spirits do yearn for Me. Pour into them all you can in the form of material to strengthen their link with Me‚ hearing from Me, and growing in their faith and knowledge of Me and My ways. Such a great vacuum you will not find in many others. Pour into them while the ground of their hearts is moist and supple and well able to receive Me and My seeds. I promise you, the fruit will be lush, full and strong, and well able to weather coming storms.

238. You must sow seed, plant, and diligently tend this fruit before the Polluter comes who seeks to blight and wither My fruit of this land. Into your hands, My revolutionary children, do I give this commission to pour forth abundantly! This is one of the lands of the Millennium, one of the lands I will use to teach and train you, My emissaries, My avant-garde, in the faithful and diligent care and follow-up of My new converts.

239. This land will teach you much, for it is the land of the patient and faithful farmer and shepherd who looks diligently to the state of his flock without thought of himself. You have need of learning the ways of patiently and diligently watering and nurturing My fruit. This takes faith, patience and desperation—and above all, a clear and open channel with Me in order to receive specific instruction from Me on each of My new converts and what they need. (End of message from Jesus.)

240. (Jesus speaking:) I have many children in this great continent—children who are poor, who know little in the way of reading or writing. The needy of the great continent of Africa are like unto the needy of Palestine in My day. And what did I feed them? How did I teach them? I spoke to them in parables, in ­stories. Everyone loves a story, and as you've al­ready witnessed, the children of Africa are no exception.

241. Lovest thou Me? Feed My sheep. This is My message to you for Africa: Feed My sheep. Feed My lambs. Feed them that which they delight to eat, in the form of pictures and in the form of stories.

242. They will not understand the preach­ments or the heady doctrinal treatises the church tries to give them. They need the milk of the Word, those things which they can easily grasp and comprehend, and which will turn their faces and hearts and minds towards Me. For this I have given you the posters. Tracts are great, when you have folks who can read them. But when so many of the needy cannot read, the only things they will remem­ber are the stories you tell and the pictures you leave them with.

243. Everyone can understand a picture, and everyone loves a story. For the young ones, these are the things they will cherish and remember and keep in their hearts. So give pictures and stories to the children, the poor, the needy and destitute‚ the meek of the Earth.

244. When it comes to the labor leaders, the educated, these are as the Ethiopian official to whom I sent My evangelist, Philip. Did not this man already have the Word? Was he not reading it in his chariot when I sent Philip to see him? But he didn't fully understand what he was reading. Therefore I sent Philip to see him, that the Word might be explained and revealed in a manner that he could grasp clearly. Then I was able to use him to preach this Gospel to those of his own country.

245. So to the local leaders you must give training, insight into My Word, and the more specific Words of David that I have given for these Last Days. These are the things that they must be instructed in‚ and for this purpose I send you to them. But even for these‚ the greatest lessons and truths they will come to learn are those which they read in you—their Bible in shoe leather. They must see the living sample of My Gospel and My Word being preached in all the world for a witness to all nations.

246. So the greatest need for My sheep and My lambs in this country will be the pictures and the stories which will speak to the hearts and appeal to the eyes of the young and old, the educated and the uneducated. It is My will that you preach to the simple that the wise may also understand, rather than that you preach to the wise and leave the simple out in the cold.

247. So preach the Gospel—the simple Gospel of My love. Follow the way which I took with the poor around Me. Tell them stories, paint word pictures and poster pictures for them‚ that they may come to see the spiritual truths in a manner which they can easily understand. (End of message from Jesus)

248. (Mama:) Isn't that helpful counsel? Thank You, wonderful Jesus, for speaking so clearly and giving us Your answers. You'll be happy to know that we've already begun working on creating some new tools for the African continent—some new posters depicting Africans and scenes more relatable to them, as opposed to our traditional Western or Asian poster pictures, which aren't as suitable for distribution there. Our pubs teams are also working on a book of simplified Mountain Streams and other publications that our veteran pioneers in Africa have requested. Please keep these projects in your prayers.

249. Following is one more message from the Lord containing a number of good points on how to reach the African people. If you're wondering what will turn their key, how to best relate to them and become one, and what will prove to these poor people that you sincerely love them and are there to give them a better life—in Jesus—read this message!

250. (Jesus speaking: ) You must learn how to reach the people of Africa, country by country. You must learn their ways and what turns the key to their hearts by listening‚ observing, and becoming one with them. You must listen and learn from those who have pioneered before you, even from past missionaries and those who have worked there for years. Learn all that you can from others so that you can be wise in your witness and stay as long as possible. Learning what turns their key is a very import­ant missionary lesson. Different things work in different people's hearts, and recognizing that and learning to seek Me for it is one of the greatest lessons you can learn in order to be an effec­tive missionary.

251. There is a key for their hearts—that you must find. I give you the key, the secret, to your own heart and victory—and that is to have no will of your own. The way to be the kind of missionary I have called you to be is to go in with no will of your own. Be open to learning and doing things a new way, with the spirit of ­Africa in order to reach the Africans. If you use the tools that they under­stand and present the mess­age in a way that they will receive, you will be able to minister to millions. They're not moved by the Western way; they're moved by My Spirit and by love shown to them on their level.

252. I'm opening the doors and it's the beginning of an important work, but it will take dedicated missionaries who are willing to stay there and prove My love for them. These are a poor people and it doesn't take much to touch their lives, but it does take sacrifice, patience, and wisdom. It takes the love of My Spirit and being able to see them with the eyes of My Spirit in order to reach their hearts and meet their needs. They do have physical needs, and when you minister to their physical needs of food, clothing‚ medicine, schools, and other things, you open the door to minister to their spirits as well.

253. There are many hungry sheep who will eagerly eat out of your hand and will bless you for bringing them My love. The doors will not remain open for a very long time. There's a limit to the time the doors will be open to much missionary work, so you must work while you can and while the doors are open to you. I will protect and keep My children who go there. I will give them a great anointing to reach the lost and a great love for the people. It will take a great love, for many are unlovely‚ but the rewards are great. (End of message from Jesus.)

254. (Mama:) Perhaps those of you who heed the call to Africa should receive prayer from your Home to receive, as the Lord put it‚ "the spirit of Africa in order to reach the Africans." Isn't it interesting to know that the Africans are not impressed by the American or Western way? Many other countries of the world look up to the Western way and the American dream‚ but not Africa. So that's one more good reason to "trash your trinkets" when you "head for the hills," amen?

French Translators Needed!

255. As you may know, many of the countries in Africa are French-speaking. When discussing and praying about what tools to print and new ones to create, we realized the need for a French translating team and for sufficient tools in French. When we asked the Lord how these French-speaking countries could be properly reached, He issued a call to all our French-speaking disciples. Here is His message:

256. (Jesus speaking:) My dear French disciples, I'm calling you! I'm calling those of you who are tired of the West to come and help in Africa. I'm calling those of you who have let your roots grow down, who have become settled down‚ in whom the fire needs to be stirred up again. I'm calling you. Won't you answer the cry of these needy ones? Please come and feed them. Help them understand My Words by translating them. Help to reach thousands, yea, millions with My Words, by your sacrifice of giving up the luxuries and pleasures of the West to come and feed these. All I need are open, yielded vessels who are willing to lay aside ­every weight and come feed the hungry.

257. I'm asking you to lay down that job, that unfulfilling existence, and come and feed the sheep. Don't bury your talent in some fruitless, unproductive venture for the System. Come bury yourself in My work. Come and give to these who have so little. Pour out your time and energy to these who are broken and hungry and long to be fed from the storehouses of David.

258. Pick up this new, fresh plow I have commissioned just for you! Pick up the torch of translation for these hungry ones of the French-speaking lands of Africa. This is what you were prepared for. This is what I've been gearing you up for all these years. Here is a moment of truth‚ a chance at a new salvation—a salvation to those of you who are struggling. Come to the mission field! Come and let your gifts and talents be used for the hungry. Cease from following hard after man, and follow Me. Lay down your nets and come and follow Me.

259. I'm calling out to My French Family everywhere. Even if you're on a mission field elsewhere, in My will, serving Me and giving your all, I ask that you come to Me and see if I'm laying this burden upon your heart. Those of you in Asia can help; those of you in Eastern Europe can help; those of you in North America and South America can help. Maybe you can only translate two Letters a month, but those two Letters could save someone's life‚ their service for Me, and their future. You could be responsible for thousands of souls saved and disciples won if you will pick up this torch!

260. Come and feed My hungry children of Ham. Come and walk the paths of the famous missionaries of old. Come and give your lives for Me in these lands. Come and give that they may live.

261. I'm calling to you young people who speak the language of these lands. What are you doing today? Do you have free time? Do you have a few extra hours a week you could pour into this project so that the hungry may be fed? Are you bored? Are you looking for something new? Here it is! Here's an offer I'm making to you, and you alone. I'm making this offer to all those of you who speak French.

262. Even if you aren't highly educated and you feel your French isn't all that great, so what? You can be anointed by My hand and I can put words in your mouth that you never knew before. I can work through you. I can use you to do the rough drafts so that others may polish and build upon them. This call is to you, My French Family. You are called and chosen for this ministry. This is a high calling and one that you've been trained for.

263. Search your heart and see if I'm calling you. Not all must go to these lands to be a help to those there. There are many of you who are fully involved in ministries on your mission fields‚ and to those I say, seek Me to see if you can help through translations.

264. Can you translate? Can you change My Words from one language to another? If you speak two languages, both French and English, you have probably already been translating for years! As you have read the Letters in English, you have had to translate them into your native French in your mind, so you have been a translator. Now you have only to expand your audience. Do short things first and I will bless your efforts, for I am desperate for those who will assist in this venture. Will you help Me? Will you come to My aid? The rewards are great. Every soul that is won and fed as a result of your sacrifice will be another star in your crown.

265. Think of those who translated the early Letters into your language. Think of the time they spent compared to the millions of people who heard the Word because of them. Is it not a small sacrifice to spend a few hours in service to the millions who will hear from Me and be saved? Is this not a small thing to give that others might be saved?

266. Give of your time, and you will be rewarded in great and wonderful ways that you have not dreamed of! Be responsible for reaching the needy of Africa. Be responsible for the thousands of souls that will be won. Do what you can, and I will bless your efforts and pour down My anointing upon you in so great a way that you will know that it was worth it.

267. Remember My sacri­fice for you? Are you willing to do the same that others might live? Are you willing to forsake those things that hold you back so that you may be able to pour out the Words in this tongue for all these that hunger after the Words of David?

268. Give that they may live! That's My slogan for you. Print it out and put it up on your desk or in your room: Give that others may live! That's the catch phrase for this venture. So give that others may live! (End of message from Jesus)

269. (Mama:) If that earnest plea pulled your heart toward Africa, or at least toward giving some of your time toward translating the Word into French, then please contact EURCRO as soon as possible and let them know about your burden. It may take a short while to get the translating process set up, but Lord willing, we'll have it rolling just as soon as we're able and you volunteer! Praise the Lord!

How to Train Outside Witnessers!

270. During the past few years that we've had teams in Africa, they've seen that there is a tremendous potential for training outside witnessers—meaning those who are not cut out for full-time CM service in the Family, but are nonethe­less saved, love the Lord, and can turn around and reach their own people. In discussing this together, we wondered what the Lord's plan for this is, and if He wants to lead our African Family in this direction and encourage them to invest more in training these outside wit­nessers to reach their own people back in their little villages and tribes.

271. We asked the Lord to explain to us how He sees this group of people, and how much we should invest in them. Here's His answer:

272. (Jesus speaking:) There are many who I have called to serve Me in this vast land of Africa, for there are so many to be reached who hunger and thirst for My truth and light. Yet the laborers are so few! I would that you train as many as you can to reach out to the vast multitudes. Though they are not able to live up to the standard of My Family, still‚ they are able to be messengers to the hungry and the lost. There are many that have no light. They live in despair and darkness, and this breaks My heart. I would that you send forth as many messengers as you can to reach the multitudes that sit in darkness waiting.

273. Time is short and the time is coming when you will not be able to operate openly and go about as The Family. Don't think that the AC will allow Christian groups to operate in Africa just because they're doing a good thing. He will use this land to also further his "good works" and to show that his economic plan is the right one for the whole world. He will say, "Look! If it will work even in the most desperate lands on this Earth, then surely it will work for the rest of the world." He will come in showing great signs and wonders, and one of them will be to stop wars and to feed the hungry. By doing this he will win the support of the nations.

274. This is why it's so important for you to get out My Word in this desperate and needy land. You must tell them about what's coming and what lies ahead. For just as they have received you, because you bring a message of peace and love, so too will many receive the lies and false peace of the AC.

275. Right now the forces of evil are trying to bring the world to its knees. They're not worried about Africa, for their work is done there for the time being. They've spread anarchy and chaos, and it's ripe for a savior. So teach, train and give the mess­age to as many as will hear! Send forth messengers to the far corners of this great continent—those who can speak the language and know the customs of the people and are able to reap the harvest.

276. Some might wonder, "What if the message gets distorted, or what if they bear the wrong message? What if these who have not had years or even months of training do not preach the full message‚ or if they misinterpret parts?" Worry not about this, for just as it is My will that the Gospel is preached, even so will I take care of ensuring that the correct mess­age is preached. Did not many of you win ­others to Me with only the simplest of verses, without having spent much time in your new Family? Multitudes have been won simply by the knowledge that I died to give them eternal life‚ and that they could have it just by accepting My sacrifice. Armed only with John 3:16, My children have gone forth to win thousands, even nations of old. So will I also allow these outside witnessers to bear fruit when they are sent forth with the Word burning in their hearts!

277. They will be as firebrands sent out that will ignite the land and set it ablaze with My truth and love, and nothing will be able to stop them! In this time of the End I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, and they will have a great anointing of My power from on high. This is also My work and I will lead it and guide it. Have faith that I will perfect that which concerns Me. (End of message from Jesus.)

278. (Jesus speaking:) This is a relatively new situation for you to handle‚ but an age-old question to many other religious groups, some of My other children such as the Mormons‚ Jehovah's Witnesses, or even other groups such as the Scientologists. They also have a core of their most dedicated and 100% full-time volunteers who are their leaders and organizers. They have their part-time following, and then those who are just more or less believers who get fed, but don't actually participate in their movement.

279. You are a tight-knit organization, the green berets. You are few in number, and your primary goal is to give the message to the millions, to get the Word out and take in new 100% forsake-all disciples and train them to do likewise. You've never really had to work a lot with many followers or flocks who were not a part of your 100% forsake-all core group and dropped-out following. But this tight structure will change a bit in the very End, as you will have people who will want to help you, yet they may not be able to join. In some war-torn and desperate countries, you may have those who in their desperation cry out to Me, get saved, and then want to do what they can, but who cannot join because of families or other obligations.

280. In areas such as Africa, the borders of your tents will have to be enlarged to include many more that are part-time disciples. They are hungry‚ they are saved, they want to do the best they can and the most they can, and you have to work with that. Your mentality may have to adapt somewhat to fit their conditions and circumstances, their culture and way of life. The goal is to keep your eyes and mind open as to how you can win the most souls and feed the most people‚ and to do that, you may have to use methods that you don't normally use.

281. The Panditas and the Sundar Singhs* are just waiting in many of these countries. I have used many throughout the ages who got saved by hearing a missionary preach for a brief period of time, or through reading or hearing only a passage of the Bible. They then became so impassioned that they reached their own people. Though they had only a few words to start with, My Spirit and anointing strengthened and encouraged them through the many obstacles, diffi­culties, hardships and perse­cution that they faced. Many of these examples are from these very lands—the countries of Africa‚ India, China. *(See Power and Protection, Part 4 [CLTP #5], and Good Thots 2, pg. 1828.)

282. You will have to look on the heart and not the outer wrapping of these people. I can take these earthen vessels and use them after they have spent only a short time with you, as they return to their villages and win many more than you could yourself. They will not all be able to live with you, for Africa is a different place, a different mentality, and requires a different outreach. It's different physically, so you have to change and adapt to the circum­stances.

283. You will have some that will live in your Homes that you can train to be disciples in the regular way—for example, if you're in a big city or a more modern area and you're witnessing to university students, and winning some of the upper class. But if you're not in the big cities, or are in the rural areas, then you'll have to operate differently. The potential ones can come to receive training and inspiration, sort of like a Bible school. You can give them the vision to preach the Gospel and win souls, which they can take back with them and spread My love heart to heart and native to native. They're a new group of disciples. They don't live in but they're on fire—they're mission disciples. They have a mission just like you, only they can't live with you. They are missionaries to their own, on the mission field. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

284. (Mama:) The Lord knows that in comparison to the millions of Africans, our few missionaries would never be able to get the job done and get the Gospel preached to everyone. So in His wisdom, He's opened up a great and effectual door through the outside witnessers that can be won and then turned around to reach their own.

285. In this next message, He explains how reaching outside witnessers should be our main goal, as well as walking through the open doors that He'll set before us‚ many of which will reach thousands and millions with the Gospel.

286. (Jesus speaking:) Though there may not be many who will join with you on a full-time basis, this is not the goal. The main goal is to teach others to teach others, even as you have done in Russia, where there are many who teach your doctrine and pass out your literature, even though they are not part of you and do not call themselves by your name. Your job is to light the fires, which will then burn on their own by the oil of My Spirit. Your job is to find and train the outside witnessers who can reach others.

287. You should also reach out to help and save those who you meet along the way, those who come to you for help. Walk through the open doors that I set before the Family there—the open doors for literature, for "consider the poor" programs, for educational materials, for spiritual feeding materials, for music‚ for radio, for the videos broadcast on television.

288. You are able to reach these people in a big way through these mediums, for their arms are outstretched and they are eager and receptive. They've been hurt and spurned by so many others‚ cast aside, and they're now hungry and desirous for that which you have to give them. (End of message from Jesus.)

Relating to Our African Disciples!

289. (Mama: ) Though the Lord has indicated that there will be many more who will become outside witnessers than will join our Family in full–time service, there will also be disciples. When thinking and praying about the various Western influences, baggage, and spirit that some of our folks have brought with them to Africa, we brought the following question before the Lord:

290. Should the live-in disciples—those who wish to join—be moved into a regular Family Home where they are surrounded by a great deal of Western influence? This would most likely be the case, since those in the Home have come from the West and have many Western attributes. Or should there be specialized African Homes and babes' ranches where these new disciples could receive their training‚ thereby not going into the Western mentality? Here is the Lord's answer:

291. (Jesus speaking:) To the Africans, I am not a Western Jesus—I am an African Jesus! I dress like them, think like them, and talk like them. I eat their food. I understand their customs and lifestyle. As My representatives to the people of Africa, I call you also to do as I do. I reign over a Heavenly Kingdom, a Kingdom of hearts. You, My ambassadors, have the privilege of calling Heaven your Home, and Heaven is the residence you should be representing—not America or any other nation. This world is not your home, you're just passing through. Your treasures are laid up Here, just waiting for you. They're not laid up in the United States.

292. I'm calling all of My missionaries to become one with the people they have committed themselves to help. I call you to eat what they eat, to live as they live‚ to dress simply as they do. I call you to learn their language, whether it's an African tongue, a European tongue, or even their own form of English. I call you to respect their customs, to respect them as people. I call you to resist the temptation to "modernize" those you bring in as disciples. Why would you burden them with the baggage of Western attitudes, Western rudeness‚ Western materialism, and Western speech, that you are trying so hard to unburden from your own hearts?

293. If My missionaries to Africa cannot find it in themselves to become one, then I will call up a New Church, My humble, simple, lovely African Bride, who will serve Me in meekness and humility and with great love.

294. My precious children—missionaries who have flown in from the West—do not risk being labeled as My old church through your fancy trappings and your old-bottle so-called cool Western ways. I call you to leave the old behind and to embrace the new! Seek to live as I lived when I was on Earth.

295. I know that deep in your heart you wish to be like Me, and I love you for it. I also love My newborn African children, and I desire to manifest My love and respect for them through you. The only way this can be done is if you pray to truly fall in love with the field you are in. Pray to leave behind your music, your designer-label clothing, your slang words, your gaudy and unnecessary jewelry, and most of all‚ your Western attitudes and mindsets. I will help you as you humble yourselves and make an effort to glorify Me in your lives and in your conversations before My African children.

296. Start now and make a push to become one. Each of you must make a commitment in your heart, and then manifest that commitment through your words and deeds. Have African disciples and friends among you assess your progress, and listen to their suggestions, whe­ther it be to dress more modestly or simply, to eat what they eat, or to discontinue using overly Western gadgets that place you above them. Ask them in all humility if there's anything you do or say, or anything in the way that you live from day to day, that makes them or might make their people feel uncomfortable, nervous or inferior. Then, after a month, examine yourselves again‚ to see what progress you have made—to encourage yourselves by how far you have come and to evaluate how far you still need to go to truly become one.

297. If the Homes in Africa want more ­laborers to help them to do the massive work that lies ahead, then they must make themselves fit and worthy to receive My precious African laborers. For those who do not earn the respect and the love of those they win to Me may find themselves on their own, unable to take in My impressionable new African children because of the overly Western example they might corrupt them with.

298. I can't have people who are not there to be true missionaries and give their lives for the lost. I can't have people who aren't willing to become one, to forsake their own ways and selfish trips, and to love the people there the way that I love them; to become one with them the way that I became one with humankind. This is the only kind of love that will reach their hearts.

299. There are many missionaries or Christians who say they love the Africans, but who are unwilling to become one with them. They come with their Western trappings and try to pour the Africans into their Western mold. This either engenders disappointment as the Africans see that they're not really interested in understanding them‚ or it engenders a corrupting desire for the materialism of the West.

300. My best is for each of My children in Africa to become one with the nations they are ministering to, that they might win some. This is My highest will, and you should promote those who are doing this, young and old alike. Encourage those who are living My "become one" vision to send their testimonies, their photos, and their successes in to be published, for this will motivate others to follow in their footsteps, and thus there will be a chain reaction. (End of message from Jesus)

301. (Mama:) Aren't the Lord's answers wonderful? He certainly becomes all things to all men, and wants us to do the same! It's import­ant that the new disciples we win in Africa—or in any country‚ for that matter—don't enter a Home in which Western attitudes, language, and style rules. Our Family Homes should‚ as much as possible‚ reflect the basic culture and simplicity of the country we're living in.

302. The Lord's suggestion to counsel with your new disciples about how you're doing in your progress to become one might be a bit humbling for some of you. But if anyone's going to know how you're truly doing at becoming one, it would be them‚ wouldn't it? So give it a go, and see what areas you're falling short in and how you can bridge the gap in becoming one with the sweet people of the land.

303. The Lord has said a great deal about "becoming one." This is a key to reaching the African field, and if you're going to be an effective missionary there, you will need to become one. So how do you do that? What does that mean? Are you supposed to move into a typical African hut and live like the Africans do? Maybe you're won­dering exactly how you can put this into practice, when it seems that in many cases the need is to pull the standard up and to give aid, food, clothing, medicine and other such basic necessities to these poor people, along with the Lord's love, of course. (See also "Rags to Riches," ML #211.)

304. Here is a message and explanation the Lord gave about what it means to "become one," and how you can do it.

305. (Jesus speaking: ) My faithful mission­aries, you have gone to many a field and have learned to adapt to many different cultures and people. Yet each is different, and in this new land you must again come to Me to find out how I would have you become one and relate to these precious people.

306. To become one with the African field and its people does not mean that you are to live as they live and put yourself in the same physical situation. For I have called you to be uplifters and helpers. You are there to help pull them out of the spiritual destruction that they are surrounded by. To the extent that you are able, I also give you the calling of ministering to their physical needs. Therefore in this also you are called to lift them up, to raise the standard, and to improve their situation.

307. The way in which you must become one with them is in simplicity and understanding. They are a simple people, and their hearts are hungry for love and understanding. It will take some adjusting and effort for you who have been used to dealing with those in first-world countries, or intellectually stimulated people from other cultures, as you learn to break down all that knowledge and those fancy words into simple‚ childlike truths.

308. This is how you must relate to them: You must approach them on their level and see things as they see them. The ultimate key to becoming one with these people‚ and to making them feel as if they are one with you, though you may have a different skin color, is to be able to close your eyes and picture things as they would picture them. It will take time and effort‚ yes, but when you have gotten to the point that you can understand how they would feel about things and know just how to explain something simply enough so that they will grasp the meaning and feel the love through your words, then you will have become one.

309. It takes a great deal of learning to come to this point, for you will not be able to see things through African eyes until you have gotten over any tendencies to compare with or to judge this people. You cannot harbor any feeling of superiority or condemnation in your heart or mind, or else you will run up against a mental block and you will not be able to put yourself in their shoes. Your heart must be broken and soft toward these people. You must have come to a point where you have felt their pain and their suffering, though perhaps you have not experienced it yourself. Yet you feel so close to these people that it is as if you have felt the pain yourself through the times that you have talked with them and heard their heartbreaking stories.

310. You must pray that I will give you a broken heart. You must pray that I will help you to peer into the ruins of their past and feel the heartache. This is what will motivate you to give them My love. And this broken spirit and humble heart will enable you to be the most effective transmitter of My love and Spirit.

311. So becoming one in the African way is essential to being a fruitful and effective witness. You must remember that some of these poor people will see you only once. If you have not become one and thus are not the all-around tool which I can use effectively in every situation, although you will still touch people with My love, it will lack the long-lasting effect that I wish for it to have. Though they will see and feel My Spirit, they will not have felt a strong connection with you‚ the transmitter. This is why it is imperative that not only My love be shown through you but that your love for the people be evident. And the way in which they will feel your love the strongest is if they feel that you are able to sympathize and understand their plight.

312. Pray for the gift of simplicity. Pray that you can see things through African eyes. Ask Me to supply you with an African spirit helper who can help you to understand and see things as their people do. If you desire this with your whole heart, and are willing to learn and be taught the ways of the field, then I will mold you into a new creature. I will help you to become one, and through this, I will cause you to work an effectual work and reap a mighty harvest. (End of message from Jesus.)

Interacting with Churches

313. (Mama:) The Lord has opened doors in Africa for our folks to work alongside some other sweet and dedicated Christians‚ including local religious leaders and native Christians. As we all know, when we get involved with churches or work closely with some of their members‚ inevitably our more radical doctrines or beliefs surface at some point, along with our con­tro­versial past. This often causes conflicts or even a falling out with the churches, although some­times they're able to continue to work with us.

314. Since the work in Africa is relatively new and still getting started, I wanted to ask the Lord for His counsel on this matter, so that we can be sure to head in the right direction from the start. If our Family in Africa working with church folks is going to end up turning sour in the long run‚ then it would seem wisest to avoid it from the start. On the other hand, maybe it's the Lord's will, since through some of these open doors, many will be reached with His message.

315. For those already interacting with the churches, I wanted to ask the Lord how the Family should interact with them. Since our doctrines are so different, it's apt to cause some controversy. Not only that, but in time they will probably even encounter some contention and jealousy due to the fact that we're coming in and being given positions of responsibility by the government, local aid organizations, etc., even above those who have been there for some time and are also trying to help.

316. The reason for this is simply because we have so much more to offer the African people, and those in charge recognize this. But it can be a very delicate matter to handle the other System folks that our people are now working with. It requires a tremendous amount of wisdom.

317. A related question is how much we should stand up for our convictions and doctrines when trying to work hand in hand with the churches there. Should we leave some of our more controversial ones in the background and try to tone them down? Or should we try to strengthen and feed these folks as well? Here are two messages from Jesus on the subject:

318. (Jesus speaking:) I have called you to be separate from the world and all of its systems, including the church system. Yet, while you are in the world, you need to work together with those of the world. This includes those who are Christians, who love Me, but who are still working within the world's church system. They have things that you can benefit from by working together, such as better organization in some cases, as well as supplies‚ financial backing, sponsors and supporters. So if and when they open their arms to you, and through them I open a door of service, I would have you walk through it. For the harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few; therefore I will use whoever and whatever is yielded to working for Me and for My sheep.

319. Yet in your dealings and inter­actions with such people and organizations, you must keep in mind that you are firstly Mine. Your first calling is to Me. You answer to Me before you answer to anyone else, and you also ­answer to the principles and teachings and truths of the Family foremost.

320. Though it is generally not necessary or expedient to feed babes—or even baby Christians in comparison to you—the strong and meaty Words of truth, you must remain on your guard and strong in your convictions. If and when the crunch comes, you must stand up for Me and for your Family and all that you represent. Therefore it's important that from the beginning you are honest as to who you are and who you are with, so that those you work with, whether in governments or churches‚ will not later be shocked and offended. For a brother or sister offended is harder to be won than a strong city.

321. But if, knowing who you are and knowing something about you, they still reach out to you and seek your help and assistance, then I say that these are open doors that you must walk through prayerfully. You must walk through them seeking My will and My guidance and listening to My voice step by step.

322. You might even be surprised how the Christians who are natives of these lands, or have been there for much time, are more open-minded and accepting of concepts of the Spirit, such as prophecy and hearing from the departed‚ than their "enlightened" counterparts of the Western world. Those of the West have become so materialistic, carnal-minded, glutted and full; therefore they are more self-righteous. Those in these poor lands, on the other hand, have seen such desperation‚ such depression‚ and such need, that they are not so particular or sensitive about relatively minor issues. Also, because of their ancestry and their traditional beliefs and their lack of materialism, spiritual things are more a part of them and more relatable to them.

323. I have gifted you greatly, and you have many talents and abilities and abundant good training that others see and take note of. They want to be able to benefit from and put to good use these skills and gifts that they see in you, My special children of light. Some will be happy for you, and simply happy to have your help and company; others will be envious. This can even be a good thing‚ for you can provoke ­others to Godly jealousy‚ as in seeing you they will desire to have what you have, and you can give it to them.

324. But then there are those who will be filled with ungodly jealousy‚ who will envy your followings and the treatment you will be given, and who will then try to hinder you, to put obstacles in your path, or even to slow down or shut down some of your ministries. Therefore you must beware. You must walk in love and in wisdom.

325. You must not enter into the spirit of competition which they of the world, they of the churches manifest—that of buildings, good works, numbers and quantity. You must not let yourselves take the credit for the work I do through you, or boast of your good works, or flaunt these things in their faces. You must walk humbly before Me‚ and before the kings and rulers and princes and lords of nations. You must take care to always give Me the glory and the credit for the things that I do through you, both in your own hearts and with your mouths to those you work with and work for.

326. The first and greatest command­ment I have given you as My mission­aries is to love Me with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself. Show plainly to all through your words and deeds that these are your goals, that this is your mission, that this is your principal doctrine. Yes, there will come times when there will be ruffled feathers and rocky rides in your relationships with other Christians and churches because you are so different, and the New Wine of the Spirit that you believe in is so unlike anything they have ever heard before. But if you have first won them through your sample of love, if you have proven that you are there for the sheep and the needy, there to help the African people and that that is your priority, they will learn to accept you for what you are and work with you as best they can.

327. You may even win them over through your sample of lovingly standing up for your convictions and beliefs. Most of all, emphasize what you have in common, which is the desire to reach the lost of Africa; to deliver them from the darkness of the evil spirits and strange gods which they worship, and to bring them light, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, learning‚ and growth.

328. Walk in wisdom toward them that are without and toward them that are within My Kingdom‚ but who have not been made part of My elite force and who do not have the training and spiritual riches that you have. Indeed, they do have much to envy when they look at you. Lord it not over them, but love them, help them and pray for them. I will need for you all to work together, for there is much to be done and you need one another. You need their support and infrastructure and organization‚ and they need your wisdom, your link with Me‚ and your superior spiritual training.

329. Freely you have received, so freely give! Give abundantly of the treasures that I have shared with you. Withhold not the milk and the meat of My Word from those who seek and hunger for it. Give of yourselves, and much shall be given unto you—including protection, provision of all your needs, and beyond.

330. As you obey greatly, I supply greatly. So as you obey and give of yourselves to the needy and to those who are desperate, I will give unto you. Then your light shall rise in the midst of the obscurity there. Then I will guide you continually and satisfy your souls in drought. Then you shall be like watered gardens and like springs of water, whose waters fail not.

331. You are My ambassadors, My emissaries, and those in these lands feel your spirit and your presence‚ and know it is something important. Let them know that it is because you have been with Me, because you are Mine, because I have filled your hearts with love for them and you are willing to do anything to help them. Love will conquer all! (End of message from Jesus)

332. (Jesus speaking:) My answer to this question is very simple. It's the same as My answers to many of your questions these days. You need to stay close to Me and in tune with the leadings of My Spirit and My voice speaking to you, because every situation is different. Of course‚ as you become more involved with the work in these nominally Christian countries, you will have more interaction with church people. Not all will be kind and accepting, but not all will be hostile either. But how are you going to know what's in their hearts and how to best relate to them unless you ask Me?

333. I can give you some general guide­lines, but please bear in mind that it is still My will that those involved come to Me about each situation that they find themselves in. They must get desperate before Me and ask for My specific leading and direction. As you have found, the very people whose beliefs are closest to yours are the ones who often hate you the most. So it is not enough to go by this general counsel and guidance that I'm giving. Each member interacting with the churches must seek Me desperately about their particular situation.

334. It is My will that you do not fear, but go forth in faith. Of course‚ you should avoid the devoid as I have taught you, but don't worry about it. Like I told My disciples when I first sent them out, when you come to a city or a town, decide who in it is worthy and there abide until you go hence. Well, when I open doors for you to work with the churches, you must decide who there is worthy of your time and effort and shepherding. You don't want to cast your pearls before swine lest they trample them ­under their feet and turn and rend you to pieces.

335. You only want to pour time and effort and energy into the ones who will be thankful and appreciative of your training, know-how, and knowledge of My Word. It's important that you do pour into those who are worthy and needy. I don't want you to avoid these church people al­together just for fear of persecution. That would be missing the point of My greater plan for My Family members in Africa. So you must decide who will profit, who will grow through the counsel that you give them‚ and who will cast it aside‚ and worse yet, turn against you and cause problems.

336. My Family comes and goes in and out of the different countries, but I wish for the fruit to remain. I wish to raise up outside wit­nessers—solid, strong believers and shepherds who can carry on your work after you leave. But how can they be strong enough unless you have taken the time to pour into them and daily feed them My Word? This is how they will grow and how they will become strengthened. They are but babes. They cannot grow and feed and be nourished unless you help them.

337. It's like the story I told about the talents. To the one who I knew could do a lot, I gave five talents, and he invested them wisely. To another, two was within his ability. So I gave two to him and he invested them wisely. Then there was the one who hid his talent. See, this is what I want you to avoid—the ones who will hide their talents, not using them to teach ­others, to teach others, to teach others. To pour into ones like these would be to drop your time and energy down black holes where no profit is gained. I wish you to be a wise investor like Me, training those who will turn around and train others.

338. Those around you will see your boldness and conviction, just like those who saw the boldness of Peter and John. They will see that you are generally unlearned and ignorant people compared to some of the seminary and theology graduates. But they will see the power and fire and love in your lives, and they will know that you could not have gotten this from head stuffing, even if you had spent those years in schooling. They will see that it's because you have been with Me that you have been empowered to be My leaders‚ and they will respect that.

339. Some, of course, will be jealous, but you can't help that. You can't let the jealousy and hatred of some stand in the way of helping the many who so desperately need you. I filled the hungry with good things, but the rich in themselves and their own ideas I sent empty away. This is what I wish for you to do. Don't get involved in church-type bickering and arguing doctrine with those who are full of themselves. Send them empty away! Don't be pulled into confrontations with them. Let all your things be done with love.

340. You may get angry in spirit when you see the hypocrisy of some of the church vipers you will come in contact with‚ but as I said in My Word, "Be angry and sin not." Don't let your­selves be pulled down to their self-right­eous level. Let them know that you don't wish to argue and fight. Send them empty away. It's not worth it. Concentrate on those who are hungry, and don't try to cram My Word down the throats of those who don't want it.

341. As far as your doctrines go and your convictions about them, remember that milk is for babes and meat is only for those who are strong in the faith. Don't bring them along faster than they can handle it. I'm patient with you in your growth, so be patient with them. Don't rush them. Of course, questions will come up and there will be times when your past history will come to the fore and you will need to explain it.

342. Though you may not usually voice these stronger doctrines voluntarily, if you have to‚ then yes, of course I wish for you to have conviction about them. You may speak the truth in love‚ all the while emphasizing that the most important thing is love for Me. The most important thing is getting the job done. It's not important that all My children agree on all the little minor doctrines. In this case of working with these church people, it's not even important that you agree on the more major doctrines, such as My Law of Love, at least as far as the sexual aspect goes.

343. If it comes up, you can just say, "The main thing is that we work together in love. The main thing is all these needy people out there who need Jesus. They need His love in their hearts, and we can't be blinded from that goal by arguing and bickering about doctrines that aren't crucial to saving others. The most important thing is that we love Jesus with all our hearts, and all our souls, and all our minds‚ and love our neighbors as ourselves." That's the kind of stance you can take when those questions come up. Again, don't be fearful, because I'll lead and guide you. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

344. (Mama:) There's tremendous counsel for all of us in there. The Lord gives some good tips that can benefit us all on how to know who to invest your witness and time into. If you find yourself in such a situation, or are working with local religious leaders, churches, or the like, please go over these messages carefully. Then, as the Lord says, ask Him for specifics on your situation.

More Leadership

Needed in Africa!

345. With the emphasis that the Lord is putting on the African field, and the tremendous amount of work that it's going to require to coordinate our Family teams there, produce new tools, organize translating teams, etc., the Lord has indicated that we'll need more Family leadership there. More shepherding is needed not only to coordinate things, but also to help shepherd our dear Family members there, even more closely than other fields.

346. The reason for this is that‚ as the Lord has brought out in earlier messages in this Letter, our folks there need to be upholding the standard and be fully on board in order to reach this vast continent in the way the Lord has planned. We can't afford to have disunity, div­ision or discord in our Homes. We can't allow folks who are "just here for the beer"—in other words, just to have a good time without too much work and sacrifice—to be pulling down a Home or other Family members who are trying to do their best.

347. So in order to ensure that things are progressing according to the Lord's timetable and master plan, we need to call in a few more shepherds and overseers who can help to coordinate the work there, and support and help you, our dear Family members‚ however they can.

348. If you're the type that isn't very fond of shepherding or much oversight, this may be a trial for you. Please know that they're not coming to quench your missionary spirit, to dampen your fire, or to stop your witnessing. They are there to help you. Their shepherding will help keep you on the straight and narrow and in the center of the Lord's will‚ where you will receive the greatest blessings. Their prayerful and Godly counsel will help you make the best decisions in your witness, so as to strengthen the solid work that you're building. Their checks and cautions will help to keep all the labors that you have invested into this field from crumbling or from being destroyed through an outside attack, or the unprayerfulness of another Home, Family member, or even yourself.

349. You should be thankful for this additional help. And if the thought of having closer oversight and a loving and concerned shepherd checking up on you and making sure your Home is doing well causes you trials, then ask the Lord to help you have the right attitude and to speak to you on this subject.

350. Here are some excerpts of a message that the Lord gave about the need for more leader­ship and closer oversight of the African countries:

351. (Jesus speaking:) The pioneering of Africa requires much wisdom and hearing from Me step by step. My Family there must be led of Me and be wise in their dealings. Being wise does not mean being overly cautious to where you're not doing anything or not walking through any doors for fear it will be the wrong one or that you'll make a mistake. On the contrary, boldness is needed, and courage, to go in where angels fear to tread.

352. Wisdom means seeking Me—not operating impulsively and running ahead of Me, but praying and hearing from Me. It also means being very loving and having a broken heart for the sheep; doing what will be best for the sheep and what will help them the most, without selfish motivations. It means working in unity with other Family teams to reach these people together. Each Home cannot operate entirely on their own, but they must work with others and cooperate together if the work is to succeed.

353. All of this requires good oversight and leadership to help people work together; to remind them to hear from Me; to hear from Me together with them to teach them to become one and to be loving and tender in their interactions; to help them discern which doors they should walk through and to inspire them with the courage to do so; to help them prepare materials that are needed to meet the need, and to help coordinate projects that are beyond the scope of a single Home. There are many needs, and good leadership is a must if this plan is going to succeed. (End of message from Jesus)

Messages to African Homes!

354. (Mama: ) To close this GN, I'd like to include two beautiful and stirring messages that the Lord gave for our precious African pioneers, and to those of you who He is calling to join them.

355. (Jesus speaking:) I am a simple God to these, My simple children of Africa. They've been afflicted and buffeted by the Evil One, and have suffered many things at his hand. But now I send them the truth, the light‚ the greatest blessing in My hand—you, My children of David.

356. At different times throughout history, I've persuaded others to go to these, My simple precious people‚ to give them the Words of light, to bring them My love. Many great men and women have come here and lived and died for these, My children, and their fruit has lived on. They have gone on before you to prepare the way. They lived in these conditions. They gave their very lives.—Not only to reach My children here, but accomplishing an even greater job—preparing the way for My Endtime children in the Last Days.

357. This is My time for Africa! This is My time to reach My poor lost and simple children of this continent. This is the time of harvest! I say that all the great lovers of the lost who came and gave their lives for these people did so but in preparation for you, My children, to bring the light in great abundance.

358. They are now your spirit helpers, who know so well the conditions and the battles you will face, the obstacles that threaten to block the road. They have kept their earthly experiences and also gained the Heavenly perspective. They have helped lay out the battle plan. They are now at your beck and call, ready to again give their lives as they live through you to help these precious children.

359. Oh‚ My precious, precious ones, My beloved missionaries, My servants of love. You took the first step. You went to the mission field, or you heeded My call to come unto these, My lost, hungry, dying children, despite the fact that all hell had broken loose to try and prevent you from coming to this hungry land to bring the waters of life. The Evil One is trying everything in his power to prevent, discourage, dissuade, distract‚ debilitate, and deter My children of David from heeding the call of this needy field! So congratulations! You've won the first battle. You've passed your entrance exams; now school is about to begin.

360. Can you hear it? Can you hear the beautiful song of My children here who are calling out? Can you hear them? They're crying, and yet it's so beautiful. It's the sound of hungry souls longing for My waters of life. It's the melody of thirsty children, longing for even a sip of My Spirit, My love, My freedom. Can you hear them? Can you feel their need? I can. That's why I've called each of you.

361. I've chosen you to be My hands, My lips, My eyes, My Words, My kisses for this, a dry desert in need of My water. These here need great healing, for so many have not had a chance to receive My deliverance. You are their chance, My precious ones. You are their hope of salvation.

362. Will you weep with them that weep? Will you give your life to save theirs? There are many dangers, and the Evil One will fight you hard. Some of you who give your all will give your life for these precious ones who have such need.

363. Are you willing to give your life if need be? Are you willing to tarry here in this great harvest field until I come again if that is My will for you? Those are the kind of missionaries I need—not those who are here to "try it out," or those who are seeking great fame or adventure. I'm calling those who seek to give their lives here in this great vacuum, who desire nothing more than to feed the hungry, even if it requires laying down their own life.

364. My children here have such need that for one to come and not give their all is a mockery. It's an insult, and it will damage their little faith. There are many other countries which are not as delicate, who do not look with such great expectancy, and who will not be disappointed if you choose not to give your all. Go to those nations if you're not sure you want to give all you have out of love for My children.

365. I understand, My dear ones, that the stakes are high and that I am asking a lot of you. I am asking you to lay down your lives—literally. I am asking you to have supernatural love—love above your own capabilities. But I can give you that love if you ask Me for it. I must have those go to these countries who are willing to be My representatives—who are willing to give their lives in love. I understand if you do not feel capable of that, and I grant you places of service in other fields, where there is also great need and where you will be a blessing. So make your calling and election sure, and know that as you step forward with a willing heart, I will give you all that you need.

366. But come here if you want to give all, for indeed‚ all is what it will take. You will be consumed on the altar of sacrifice here, as your Father David put it, but what greater honor is there? You will give your life—but what higher calling can a man have? What greater love can be manifested? This is My love for these lands—to give them you, My children of David.

367. You are My love for these, My darling little ones. You are My kisses, as you give them the Words of truth. You are My comfort, as you weep with them and understand them. You are My supply‚ as you do what you can to meet their needs. Can you see the picture? You are My hands—I need you!

368. This I promise you: As you give your lives for these hungry children, I will open the windows of Heaven and pour out abundantly all that you need. I will give you the love. I will put it in your hearts, for I know that you don't have it within you. I will give you the anointing, miraculous and supernatural; according to the need‚ you will receive. I will empower you and teach you. All that you need to know will be given to you.

369. I will provide for you‚ and not only for you, but for those whom you have committed to helping. I will protect you. There will not an hair of your head perish. I will give you unity with your brethren, and unity with those whom you need to work with. I will help you find favor in the eyes of the fathers and the keepers of the countries, so that you may do your work freely and unhindered. I will provide the housing you need, the transportation, the means of communication, the food and clothing. I will give you the inspiration, the strength‚ the stamina, the health—and yes‚ the times alone with Me to be refreshed.

370. The battle is much too big for you, My children, but once you've made the commitment of love, I will pour out in great abundance to help you fulfill it. I will put ground under your feet as you step out by faith.

371. This is a whole new battle! You're entering the days of the End, and the new weapons are the only way you will be able to win this war. Battle conditions are very different from what you've been used to. That's why I allowed so many to go on before you‚ and from this realm now be with you and in you—so that you might be wise and have the help that you need.

372. The success of each and every mission will depend on your cooperation, teamwork, and unity—not only with your dear fellow workers there, but also with your helpers from the other realm who are commissioned to be with you every moment. Learn to speak with them. Learn to commune with them in the same way as we commune heart to heart, in the same way as you counsel with your friends, teammates, and co-workers on Earth—for they are just as real and just as close, and much more knowledge­able and capable.

373. As you learn to work with your Heavenly teammates, they will lead and guide and show you which projects you must invest in‚ and which are only for the purpose of scattering seed. There will be a time and place for every­thing. Just as there is no limit to the amount of water a desert will soak up, because you are few, you must invest in the places where I know it will bring forth the greatest lasting fruit. The only way to do this is by keeping in touch with Me and your fellow missionaries.

374. In some places it will be My plan to scatter seed and release great amounts of My message. In other places I will ask you to train just a few, who I will then call to go and reach their own people for Me. In other places I will ask you to tread softly with the message—to first win the hearts of the people through your help with their physical needs, and then slowly bring in My message as they are won through your love. Each case will be different. Each person has a role to play. Each person you meet will have a role to play. I'm calling all, for the need is great.

375. Now is the hour! Now I am moving and working! I have sent great numbers of ministering spirits into this land, not only to help you, My children‚ but to prepare the way in the hearts of those I am calling to be leaders of their people. Be sensitive to My Spirit. Be in tune. Fight wisely. There is the good and there is the best. There is a need in every direction, but only I know which direction will bring lasting fruit.

376. As I have called you to give your lives, the other sacrifices will seem small by comparison. Any little things that I ask of you for the sake of My work will seem small when you keep before you the goal of laying down your life that these‚ My precious simple children, might find eternal life. I will call you to lay aside the weights.

377. In some cases, there will be unusual circumstances which require unusual methods and unconventional modes of operation. I will give exceptional grace in those cases, and will bless those who are willing to lay down their pride and take up the robe of humility in order to become what I need them to be to fill the great need.

378. Be warned‚ My children‚ that this is not an easy field. It will not be easy; it will not get easier. But this I promise you: The fruit will be very, very great, and the fruit will endure for­ever! It will not fade away; it will not be lost in the coming storm. It will endure into the coming of My Kingdom on Earth.

379. And oh, the great honor which is given for those who lay down their lives, willing not only to be martyrs once, but willing to die each day to their own desires and ways in order that they might win others to Me. For My love is winsome. My love is adaptable. My love takes on the form of the vessel which has the vacuum so that it is able to fill it completely. This is My love. It is not rigid or set, it does not have limits.

380. My precious children, the commission I lay before you is a weighty one. Take time to commune with Me and with your own heart, and make your calling and election sure. I will not judge you if you feel this is not for you. Indeed, there are many fields where I would use you greatly in whatever capacity you choose to be used. But if you choose to remain here‚ or heed the call to come, know and understand this contract. You should go prepared to stay there as long as it is My will for you—which could be for the rest of your life.

381. Thank you, My precious ones, for fulfilling My desires for these, My children of ­Africa. As you quench their thirst, you quench My thirst. As you feed them, you satisfy My hun­ger. As you cradle them in your arms, My heart is comforted. For inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these, My little ones, you have done it unto Me. (End of message from Jesus)

382. (Jesus speaking:) My elite, strong troopers, My cadre of missionaries, My precious disciples, My faithful soul-winners—thank you for going forth to this dark and impoverished continent. Thank you for taking the step of faith for Me to reach My children there. I honor you greatly for your sacrifice, for your faith, for your taking the steps to go, to help those in desperate need‚ those crying for My voice, for My Spirit, for My Words, for the ­water of life.

383. Thank you for going for Me. Thank you for being My mouth to speak My Words to those who desperately need them, to those who drink them in hungrily, to those who cherish them. Thank you for being My feet to go. Thank you for being My hands to hold those I wish to hold in My arms, to comfort and to console. Thank you for being My eyes to see the need, and My ears to hear the cries for help.

384. Thank you for bringing My salvation to these nations. Thank you for doing your part. Thank you for going beyond the call of duty, for sacrificing much, for sacrificing the pleasures of the flesh, the pleasures of the lowlands. Thank you for valuing the Heavenly riches and bringing them to these impoverished souls. Thank you for carrying My Spirit into this land. Thank you for holding My light and My torch high so that My sheep can see, so that they can have hope‚ and so that they can be led to Me.

385. I will reward you plentifully for any sacrifices you make. I will fill you with My joy and satisfaction. I will draw you near to Me and fill you with My Spirit. I will keep you full of My seeds as you seek Me. For there will be many challenges, many diffi­culties, and much testing of your faith. But My faithful ones will be able to stand the test, and they will come forth as pure gold. They will shine with pure radiance, and they will know that it has been worth it all to give their all to Me.

386. Trust in Me and let Me lead you‚ for there are many dangers, many perils, many hidden traps of the Enemy. I can reveal unto you the way. I can be a lamp unto your feet, if you will let Me‚ if you will listen to My whispers, and if you will heed My directions. I weep for these lost, desolate and desperate ones. I long to bring them and to give them My gifts, My true riches, My truths of the Spirit. For they call unto Me in desperation, and I desire to heed their pleas, to be near to them, to be their help in their times of trouble, to be their comfort, to bring them My peace and My grace when they need it.

387. I send you forth to teach and instruct them‚ and to share with them the wealth of spiritual riches I have laid upon you. Continue to go forth in the Name of your Lord. Go forth weeping, with arms of mercy, and I will help you bear much fruit. I will heap upon you untold riches of the Spirit, and you will grow strong in Me if you stay faithful to this calling, if you give it your all. Thank you, My dear ones‚ for being My help to these with such desperate needs. (End of message from Jesus.)

388. (Mama:) Don't those messages make you weep for the lost and lonely people who the Lord wants to reach with His love? They should. They should break your heart and cause you to pray desperately for them, and to seek the Lord as to whether He's calling you to give your life for this land.

389. Does the love of Christ constrain you? Or have you hardened yourself to His call in your heart? Have you felt the voice of His Spirit tugging at your heart, crying out to you—­asking you to shed the weights that have beset you, and to lay aside the sins that are holding you back from giving your all?

390. Whether the Lord is calling you to Africa, to another mission field‚ or to remain in your present field‚ please take the above words to heart. Diligently check your own heart and life to see whether or not you're being the best sample you can be. Are you being all of the missionary that God has asked of you? Or are you halfhearted and uncom­mitted? If you're going to give your life for the Lord, why not give all of it? Let your life burn out for Jesus—giving light and life to many! He'll more than repay you! Praise the Lord!

Love, Mama

391. P.S. When I had finished this GN, I asked the Lord if there was anything else that He wanted me to put in it. In answer, He gave a short message for you, dear Family, explaining further why it is that He is asking you to stretch and grow in these areas of yieldedness and commitment to a higher standard of discipleship.

392. (Jesus speaking:) The call has been sounded clearly. The standard has been set high. It is good for My children to have to reach high in order to stretch their faith and their vision. In the days of the approaching End‚ they will find themselves in great need of the faith that they have gained through having to stretch themselves in making an effort to be the yielded and dedicated disciples that I am asking of them. This is all a part of My training and My will—not only so the African people can be reached, but so that My children will be fit and strong to weather the Last Days which are nearing by the day. (End of message from Jesus.)

393. (Mama:) Our sweet Husband knows that making these changes will cost you something, but He also knows just what will give you the incentive to do so. And in this case, the incentive is your training and preparation for the Endtime—our final battle, after which we will go on to our eternal and glorious reward! Praise the Lord!

Missionary Word Study

394. Following are some Letters we suggest you read as part of your preparation for going to Africa. They contain some vital counsel on pioneering, commitment, dress and appear­ance, witnessing, nationals, cleanli­ness, Word time‚ using the new weapons, and other important aspects of our missionary lifestyle. (In fact, even those of you planning to go to fields other than Africa might benefit from reading these Letters.)

395. The Letters are arranged in groups of between 40 and 70 paragraphs, which might constitute half an hour to an hour's reading for most people. Sticking to this plan, you would probably be able to read this entire list within two to three weeks‚ even in the midst of your preparations to depart. (And if you've just arrived in Africa but haven't read these Letters, we recommend you take time to do so over the next few weeks.)

396. The Lord emphasized the importance of taking this Word time and studying some of these Letters in the following message:

397. (Jesus speaking:) I'm so thankful that you, My precious ones‚ are answering the call to go out and to seek and to save that which is lost. Great shall be your rewards in Heaven! But I know that it can be difficult to leave the lowlands behind and to go on to higher ground on the field. It can also be quite a strain raising support, making arrangements, getting papers and clearance and visas, as well as visiting contacts and supporters, not to mention the emotional pull of saying goodbye to friends and loved ones. There is so much to do, so many little details to take care of, and so little time to do it. This can put an extra strain on your spirits and emotions, and leave you without spiritual strength, making it more difficult to make the necessary changes that face you.

398. In order to counterbalance the some­times hectic and feverish last-minute activity, you should not neglect spending time with Me daily. How often I have told you that you should be as Martin Luther, who, when he had so much to do, took even more time in prayer and in communion with Me. Seek not to excuse yourselves from this time with Me, but prove Me and My Word by putting Me to the test and seeing if I will not do all that I have promised. Without a vision, the people perish. This Word is import­ant to help you keep the correct vision and to remind you what will be expected of you on your new field. (End of message from Jesus)

399. So please be sure to take time daily to study these Letters before you depart for your new field. They don't have to be read in the order below; the list is simply grouped this way to make it as easy as possible for you to find the time to study them. We love you!

Reading List:

?"Mountain Men!" (ML #B, Volume 1).

?"Reading, Pinups, Mistakes and World Conquest—Through Love!" (ML #151:44-56, Volume 2).

?"Brave Pioneers!" (ML #209‚ Volume 2).


?"Cleanliness Is Godliness!" (ML #1031, Volume 9).


?"Tips for the Tropix!" (ML #1314:1-68, Volume 13).


?"Tips for the Tropix!" (ML #1314:69-141, Volume 13).


?"Golden Opportunities!" (ML #951:14-57, Volume 8).


?"Quiet Time—Your Lifesaver!" (ML #3183:5-41, 98-117; GN 788).


?"The Way of Pioneers!" (ML #2448, Volume 18).

?"I am a Stranger Here!" (ML #1533:10–46‚ GN Book 12).


?"Become One!" (ML #208, Volume 2).

?"Learn the Language!" (ML #2033:18-47, Volume 16).


?"The Ugly Americans!" (ML #2349, Volume 17).

?"Citizens of the Kingdom!" (ML #3222‚ coming soon).


?"Trash Your Trinkets and Head for the Hills!" (ML #3186:1-73, GN 791).


?"Man Looketh on the Outward Appearance—Part 1" (ML #3124:49-121, GN 735).


?"Breaking Down the Walls!" (ML #2951, GN 611).

?"Growing Up Spiritually!" (ML #2952:1-22, GN 611).


?"Nationalization!" (ML #659:1–44, Volume 5).


?"Go to the High Schools, Colleges, and Uni­versities!" (ML #1418:1-38, 47-84; GN Book 1).


?"Endtime Prophecy Power!" (ML #3140, GN 756).


?"The Spiritual Health Revolution!" (ML #3184:70-83, 93-105, 132–143; GN 789).


?"Seeking His Voice of Counsel!" (ML #2998, GN 640).

?"Be a Missionary!" (ML #3135:1-12‚ 31-45; GN 744).


?"Be a Missionary!" (ML #3135:86-113, 144-156, 170–184; GN 744).

(Note: More information on Africa coming soon‚ God willing—thumbnail sketches of each ­country with facts and tips on visas, finances, witnessing, health, communications and more!)

(end of file.)